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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by okitsme

  1. okitsme

    3 days Post-op pain

    My shoulder pain hit me a week after surgery, it just came out of no where and was TERRIBLE, I ended up having to go to ER for pain shot. And was sent home with a couple of pain pills for later.
  2. Ogie, I am two weeks post op. I was told to expect some "minor shoulder discomfort" HA! I honestly thought I was having a heart attack!! I ended up having to go to the ER after 2 hours of non-stop pain. I guess I am a wimp, but they ended up giving me a pain shot and a few pain pills to take home. I only had to take a couple of the pills, and has been much better. Still minor pains occasionally, but nothing like the first time. So good luck to ya, and don't suffer if you don't have to, be a wimp like me and hit up your doctor for some help!
  3. My surgery was on March 17th and I didn't start having the gas pains until nearly a week later. But the pains got so bad I ended up in the ER, thinking I was having a heart attack! They gave me a pain shot and I was good for 2 days. I had to take some pain meds for a couple more days, but I think I've finally gotten past it. No pain in 2 days. So hopefully it will pass quickly for you also
  4. My doctor told me to expect to lose about 1 pound a week, has anyone else been told/experienced this? That sure doesn't sound like much. I was hoping for more than that. Am I expecting too much too soon? I know losing slowly is more healthy, but...
  5. Thanks for the replys, I guess I am just in too big of a hurry. Any weight loss at this point is fabulous! congrats new image--keep it up and keep it off LOL and good luck on the 17th k pod, hope it's a lucky day for us both!
  6. okitsme

    Things to have on hand Post Sx

    I read somewhere that a heating pad is also a good thing to have. May help with gas. How? I don't know. But I will try anything
  7. Good luck to ya Jessyca!! We can all do this, if we don't lose our minds from the pre-op diet, we'll all be great! I can't wait to get to compare our weight loss after surgery! Woohoo!!
  8. My sugar levels are usually so high and my body has gotten used to the higher levels. Now that I am doing the pre-op diet my sugar levels are dropping (to what is normal for most people) and I get really shaky, weak and nauseous. But hopefully my body will eventually adjust to these lower sugar levels and it will stop. This could be your problem too. Check your sugar levels often while on this diet and let your PCP know. You may need to lower your metformin or insulin.
  9. okitsme

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Vacation from the kids does sound good too. But I still think they'll be havin' more fun than me. I probably enjoy Disney more than the kids do! Too bad they can't stay and do my job while I go to Disney!:drool: Yea, the job-- I am really worried about going in that soon. I will be an adult case manager, social work. So I think it will be a lot of desk work, but I'll also be going to meet with my clients in their homes, but still nothing strenous I don't guess. I am more worried about the job than the surgery. I sure hope I will be able to do it. And I am nervous about meeting new people and such. And they all know I am having the surgery due to my start date being moved back. So I am afraid I will be a bit vulnerable emotionally.
  10. okitsme

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I don't get to go to Disney World with the family because I am starting a new job on March 24 (exactly a week after surgery) and I doubt I will be able to get off for 2 weeks that soon after starting. Especially after they put off my start date for a month so I can have this surgery. Didn't I pick a heck of a time to finally find a job?! LOL But maybe the next time we go see Mickey I will not be worried about fitting in the seats for the rides!
  11. okitsme

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Oh thomas, I could eat a slab of meat the size of my house right now! LOL
  12. okitsme

    Meet the March Bandsters!

    Beautiful pictures everyone! It's great to meet you all. Below is me and my 9 year old son Trey last year. He is the reason I am doing this surgery. I am a single Mom and don't have a lot of family, mainly just my mom. And neither one of us are in great health. If something were to happen to us my son would have no one, and I just can't bear that thought. So please pray for me and I'll be praying for you all.
  13. okitsme

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Whole corn?! Not a pretty picture! LOL Makes me think of chittlins!!!
  14. okitsme

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My surgery is scheduled for March 17th, I have been on this dreadful pre-op diet for 10 days. I sure would like to have a nice meal the night before surgery. Wonder if this would be okay? The doctor did say nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before.
  15. March 17th for me also! I am so excited I don't know what to do with myself! My surgery is in Nashville, TN at Baptist Hospital with Dr. Charles Morton. I have to be at the hospital at 6:30am, I guess that means I will be his first that day. I hope he will be good and awake! I imagine I won't sleep much the night before. We will be staying in a hotel near by because we are a 2 hour drive from the hospital. I would really like to have a nice meal the night before, wonder if that will be okay? I've been on the pre-op diet for 10 days now, something good to eat would be real nice. The doc did say nothing to eat or drink after midnight before surgery.
  16. okitsme

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hello everyone! A new shrinking shamrock here--band date on St. Pat's Day! Woohoo! Going crazy on pre-op diet--protein shake for breakfast and lunch and Smart Ones Meal for dinner for 2 weeks before surgery. And all the broth and sugar free pops I can eat. I've eatten so many pops I am building a new house from pop sticks!!! But I only have a few days left to go. Prayers and good wishes to all the Marchers!
  17. okitsme

    So Scared

    It's nice to see someone else from TN here! Do you have other co-morbities to go along with the weight? My surgery is scheduled for March 17 with Dr. Charles Morton at Baptist Hospital. Good luck on your journey.
  18. okitsme

    I cheated!!!!!

    I am so glad I found this thread. I am on day 5 of my pre-op liquid diet. I cheated yesterday with a small side salad from McDonald's and today with a bowl of cereal. Considering what I usually eat, those things aren't that big of a deal, but I am still feeling really bummed out about it. And I still have 10 more days of this pre-op diet!!! I went to my PCP today though, and I have lost 5 pounds since Monday. That makes me happy, but I am still struggling with this! I would kill for a big bowl of macaroni and cheese!
  19. :biggrin: Greetings from Tennessee! This is my first post to the site, I hope I am doing it right!!:smile2: My lap band journey started almost a year ago. In April of 2007 I finally got up the courage for the 2 hour drive to consult with Dr. Charles Morton in Nashville, TN. I cried when the nurse told me I would first have to visit with my PCP for 6 months in a row. I guess I was expecting this thing would happen over night. But just like the doctor said, I didn't gain this weight over night and it's not going to drop off over night. But I finished my visits with my PCP, and waited a couple of months to get back in for my pre-op consultation. I went that day expecting surgery to be several months away also, but BAM! he said March 17th!!! I couldn't believe my ears! Boy did I start getting nervous then, you know you hear some horror stories. Then I went back for lab work and all that good stuff, and he gave me my pre-op diet! Now the surgery no longer scares me--am I going to survive this DIET:eek: But I think the diet will get me in the right frame of mind for this life changing event. And to top it off, I start a new job the very next week after my surgery. I hope I can manage it. Please everyone pray for me and wish me luck. This is going to be the start of a whole new life for me, as I am sure it has been for you all too.
  20. I am doing a modified version of my pre-op diet to get my body and mind prepared for this crazy diet. I dont officially have to start until Monday, but I need to work my way into it! I have also tried the Muscle Milk and I love it, but I got the wrong one. I didn't get the "Lite". I am devastated! I thought I might be able to survive this pre-op diet with this Muscle Milk. Usually the Lite version of stuff is never as good as the original. Is the lite version good?
  21. Bandlady, you and I have about the same measurements, and I have also heard the same thing. And that surgery is so risky. "Why don't you just diet?" Well, why in the world didn't I think about that? Duh. I just wanted to stay fat for the fun of it! LOL. My problem is not just the weight, but I also have diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  22. Only 12 days out and already down 27 pounds, that's awesome. Thanks for the support and great advice. And God be with you on your journey!
  23. okitsme

    new from Houston..pros?cons?

    Hello Rose! Good luck on your lap band journey. I too am new here, and have read so many sweet, inspiring posts. I think this site will be a great support during this challenge. My surgery is scheduled for March 17, not too far away. I hope it will be a major life change for me. I am only 38 years old, but already have to take 2 insulin shots a day, along with diabetes pills. And I have high blood pressure and cholesterol. I am doing this for my 9 year old son. I am a single mom, and his dad rarely involved. Myself and my mom are the only family my son has. And my mom's diabetes is even worse than mine. If something happens to me, I don't know what my son would do. So I HAVE to be here for him. People talk about how risky this procedure is, but at the rate I am going my diabetes and other health problems are a lot riskier than this surgery. And like you there is so much I would like to be doing with my son. I would love to go for a hike, ride a bicycle or even roller skate with my son.
  24. okitsme

    Staying in Hospital

    Hi all! I have had a lot of nausea with previous anesthesia, so thanks for the advice to tell them ahead of time. I will sure remember to do that. And as for the pain, I say "The more drugs, the better!!" I am a terrible sissy when it comes to pain. LOL So I am glad my insurance requires me to stay over night! Wonder if they would let me stay the whole week and wait on me hand and foot?!
  25. Hi Lois. My diabetes is one of the main reasons I want to have the lap band. People keep asking me how much weight I want to lose, and I have no answer for that, because I don't care about the numbers--I want to get off all these meds! I have to take 2 insulin shots a day, and pills. I also have high blood pressure and cholesterol. And I am only 38 years old. I carry around a big bag of meds like a 90 year old woman! LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
