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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    You don't have the same rights with a civil union, this is not about California, this is about step backwards. Besides, most of the Prop 8 commercials were lies. Churches were not and would not be forced to marry gay couples, Teachers would not be forced to teach gay marriage in schools. And the "rights" are flawed because that ammendment in California is flawed. It's not the word I care about. It's certain churches sticking their big nose in government business and disrupting peoples lives.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    I agree. Do you know what I think would be good. If the government only recognized civil unions. Peroid. The church's could still have their marriages, and could be married in the eyes of whatever religious diety they chose, but our government only recognize civil unions, not marriages. For the GLBT community and all straight couples. Seperate but equal just doesn't work.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    I never said you were a demon, you are allowed your own beliefs. What I said is I don't care what you believe, but if someone was trying to take your rights away whether I agreed with you or not I would fight for you. If everyone was straight (before birth control) maybe the world would have overpopulated ourselves out of extinction years ago. But all that is silly, and I won't discuss biology with you. You feel this, I feel that. What matters is you don't let your beliefs hurt someone else. By taking away civil liberties from a group of people simply because of your own beliefs (be they personal, religious, or other) is cruel. They, I, am asking not for your approval, but for your tolerance. If I choose to get married, how does that affect your belief? How does my marriage invalidate yours? I don't think you are either demon or saint, I just ask that noone take away my rights as a human being because I will not lie to myself or those around me.
  4. ReadySteadyGo


    A thread to share poetry
  5. The more I read, the more I want to cry. It's such a giant step backward, and it's getting so ugly in california. People are wearing their prejudice loudly. Posting it in their yards. They have collected millions and millions of dollars. I am so depressed about this whole situation. The really frustrating part is I can't vote for it, since I don't live there. The part that really upsets me is that they want to change California's constitution. BECAUSE IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO TELL PEOPLE THEY CAN'T GET MARRIED SO THEY WANT TO CHANGE IT! And they are winning. My heart is hurting. It's halfway across the country, but it will feel like it is happening to me. I have told myself that when I get out of Louisiana to more cultured and varied places, that the prejudice will be gone, that it is just because I live deep in the south that people make comments and stare...but it's there. All the prejudice, they were just hiding it. Is anyone else as upset about this as I am?
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    What she say? I missed it.
  7. ReadySteadyGo


    From the album: Friends and Me

  8. ReadySteadyGo


    Thanks. I liked it too. I didn't buy it though.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    I believe that is how it should be. Noone should be denied rights. I don't think that any church should be forced to marry anyone they do not believe should be married.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    I am a christian. I just don't believe in the literal translation of the bible. You have some kind of block in your head that can't grasp that someone can be gay, and religious. One does not mean you can't be Christian.
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    In california, from my understanding, you just need a majority. It's a very easy constitution to change, and I am sure that if it passes again, they will revote in five years with different results...or the same. But 8 years ago it was a much larger quanity against, and this year it was really close. We, as a country, are learning tolerance. Some people are just slow learners.
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    It was overruled because it was unconstitutional, according to the california constitution to ban anyone from marriage. That is why is was overturned. It isn't the vote that bothers anyone. Voting is fine. It's that the proposition was started out of state, funded primarily out of state, and has used extremely misleading, and sometimes out right lies in their commericals, ads, and signs. Keep shouting to the roof tops. I really don't care what you believe, but you know what...If someone was trying to take your rights away, I would be standing in the street fighting against it whether I agreed with you or not. I certainly wouldn't support something that did that. And I certainly wouldn't vote for it. Ten years ago people were saying the same thing about interracial marriage. That it was against God, that They races should only marry their own. The thing is that didn't feel the need to make a law BANNING it. I don't have a problem with not marrying in a church, I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE TAKING MY RIGHTS AS A HUMAN BEING AWAY!!! I don't even want to get married, but I don't want someone telling me I can't because of their own out dated beliefs. I think that it is cruel. But the thing is if you are going to spread the discrimination, at least be honest about it. The people who started this proposition (from out of state in the mormon church) could care less about free speech, justice, or voting. They just wanted to force their beliefs on others. They have done this with lies and propaganda. Vote, by all means, but let the people know what they are really voting for.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Old doesn't mean right. My grandmother still throws around the "N" word and won't watch movies with interracial couples. The lady who raised my mom. My Mom is better and more open minded, but she is clouded by the way she was raised. I am smart enough to know that I can love them, respect them, and know that they are 100 percent wrong.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    I haven't read your post yet, but what you said just reminded me of the things I've been hearing around here, not that you said them, it just had the same ring. I was talking about the issues not you directly this time. Sorry if it came out wrong. Now let me read the rest of your post. I said "down here" about anti christ. I meant where I live, in louisiana. Get me? "Down here" means louisiana, it's a common term here. I forgot that some people who haven't grown up here wouldn't know that. The things you said reminded me of the things I've heard. Ok. So I will give you that some people voted for Obama because of skin color....but some people voted against Obama because of skin color. I do not think he won because of race, but I think that celebrating that he won despite his race is understandable. I hope the issue dies because of this election too, look, something we can halfway agree on. Imagine that. Maybe next time someone that isn't republican wins we won't say it's because he was black, we will say he had the better campaign. And Obama did, whether you were Republican or Democrat, or neither like me, Obama's campaign was tighter and ran better. I've said many times, I like McCain, but his campaign just didn't go well. I'm not going to touch the comments on segregation.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Jodi- My mom was one of those too. She is an smart, wonderful lady...but we don't agree on anything.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    WHOO HOO! I'm normal!!

    It will take me awhile, but I think your right. I am just still on that learning curve...apparently I'm a slow learner.
  17. ReadySteadyGo


    I'm up today. Two lbs. :-( Oh well, I'll just keep swimming. It's my own fault. I didn't make the right choices this week, and I know that. So I am not discouraged, I am determined. Determined to stop being a dumb &*#
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    It's so easy to eat in front of the TV, shoes. It's really hard to watch your fullness and what your putting in your mouth. For sure. I stayed up waaaaaaaaaaaay too late to watch Obama's speech. I woke up five hours later for work cursing myself.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    9 Month Status

    I am a sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow loser...but I think I am still on the learning curve. I'm kinda losing.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries...and we are still here. I'm sure there will be many people with their sandwich boards wondering around dazed yelling "The end is near!" I just don't understand people who are arrogant enough to assume they can predict the end of the world, or translate verses written thousand of years ago and say they know exactly what God meant. I have heard the word "anti christ" thrown around down here. I heard that about Bill Clinton too, when I was 11. In fact. My southern baptist preacher of a principal made the entire school get down on their knees so he could pray over the intercom that Clinton wouldn't win. Guess what. He did. Guess what? The world didn't end. I think, once again, it is arrogant even if you DO believe that their is an anti christ to assume he comes from America. I for one am excited that Obama won, because he was the closer canidate to my own beliefs. I do like McCain, and if he would have won, you wouldn't have seen me predicting the end of it all. Then again I would never assume I was qualified to do that. Eight years ago I would have voted for McCain, but he let his campaign managers ruin him, and then he picked Palin *shudder* You do have to admit that the first Non white president is a big deal, whether you like him or not. I think if you can't celebrate the president, I'm glad people can celebrate that one hurdle has been passed for America and now doors will be opened. There are many more hurdles in the way. But I am happy I am alive, old enough to vote, and able to witness this historic moment. I don't think that McCain would have won no matter what color he was, I think too many people were angry at the Republican party. I think McCain could have been a good president, especially eight years ago. I wish that he would have won that primary, not Bush...then again you can't blame that on me, I wasn't allowed to vote in that primary. Go America!
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hi Micah, welcome. And I love roller derby!
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    Is anyone else freaking out about prop 8

    It's passing. It's not official, but it looks really bad. It's tragic. Honestly, it won in Florida...I expected it too, really. But In california? I don't mind the voting, I really don't. It's the lies and propaganda that the prop hate people used. I am a little heart broken today. I'm sitting at work, trying to be positive, but losing CA like that is a big blow for equality. I have been watching the prop 8 commercials yes and no for a month now everyday. My gf kept telling to just stop watching them but I couldn't. I knew that Prop 8's commercials using logic and equality, were not a match for the tactics the Prop 8 people were using. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcMPaH21d2w]YouTube - Vote Yes On Prop 8...that's a rap![/ame] Using there children to spread this nonsense. It just makes me sick, and all their lies, it's worked prop 8 is going to pass and I have to stop typing now or I'm going to cry.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Gadgetlady, The Watcher, and all in between...

    Re: I'll check my calender, but.....my new one-man show, The Plain train is pretty booked up Let me know when your available. I would totally pay to see that.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    So.....if the sociologists use the terms pansexual / bisexual synonymously, what group of people favor the term "pansexual"? Well...There are two genders, and some don't fit in either. It's complicated. So pretty much I just accept whatever someone wants to call themselves (if they feel the need to label at all) Some people are really neither male or female, and sometimes that extends to people that beyond transgenders...it's actually a really big spectrum. And really hard to explain if you haven't seen it. I don't even know where to begin. A bisexual goes usually would go for a man or a woman...a pansexual goes for a maybe a man, maybe a woman, maybe all the things in between. Patty, I appreciate the apology. The thing is I don't believe it is a sin. So while I appreciate your tolerance. Saying God would hate the sin and not the sinner still bothers me. But, I would rather have a dissaproving tolerance than someone throwing stones at me and calling me a pervert, so for now I'll take it. I don't personally believe in the literal translation of the bible. I believe many things were put inside that book to encourage population growth to make a stronger country. I have had too many history classes to believe that men have had no control over what was placed in the bible. I am who I am. Being gay is not a choice, but for whoever thinks that, well...You have never had to come out, you have never had to struggle with the choice of living miserable and dishonest, or coming to terms and accepting yourself then struggling to get your family and friends to accept you too. ...and your not gay. How would you really know what it's like? You can't. So I don't expect you to understand and I forgive you. Your wrong...but I forgive you, and God does too. It's okay to be wrong. I guess that's my own version of dissaproving tolerance. Once again, thanks for apologizing that you offended. I know that people don't know the harm they cause with statements like that.

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