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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh Gross! Hide the chicken from your pets.

    My mom used to keep grease in a metal folgers can too! Have you noticed that they only come in plastic now? So sad. Your dog sounds hilarious. I just called my partner in to read it outloud to her
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh Gross! Hide the chicken from your pets.

    Shes a thief and a begger but I love her. Oh smart dog. She had time to get away with the meat. If she had taken the whole sandwich you would have noticed sooner.
  3. I hear that. I hate cancer. F*%k Cancer! I don't know how to be articulate when I even hear the word, Cancer. I just feel rage, I guess. Like somone talking about an actual person who shot their parents or children. Rage and sadness. This has nothing to do with the subject, I suppose, but I felt a need to say it. Sorry.
  4. me too. thats all-just too short.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Some people, I swear...

    oops sorry I missed this one before I posted. I agree MOSt people I met here are supportive. If they were not I wouldn't be on it. I totally agree with this post. I would just like to add that you can be a complete a-hole and not realize it, it doesn't mean you don't need support as well. I really feel people should lay off. I am sure they had a reason to be mad, but it's getting pretty violent in here (internetacly speaking I mean)
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Some people, I swear...

    I have to kind of agree with you. He has made some fishy comments, but if his story is true (which I have no way of knowing) then maybe he feels justified in saying and doing the things he has. Some of the things he has described sound so horrible, I couldn't imagine the emotional or mental state he is in. Or maybe he is just a troll and a liar...but if there is a chance he is not then I do not want to be the one making light of his greivances.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Where are you, Karen?

    I don't have a pattern. Its all guess work here.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm in a blue funk

    aww thanks! You've made my day, seriously. I feel all floaty now. Yay for the scale! I had to throw mine away - we were fighting too much.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Dr Merremen

    I know I am pretty late. I was banded 2/27/08. I couldn't have asked for a better dr so far. He is such a funny, down to earth, talented man. I just had my first fill. He was so professional and made it so comfortable for me. Tara
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Believe it or not I rushed into this

    I'm sorry for your trouble.
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I need to see results even if they aren't as fast as I want them to be. Trying to teach myself how not to be an instant gratification kid.
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm in a blue funk

    Well, we are learning. Think about it. You had a bad day and you STILL had less than 900 calories. Thats great. You had a rough, weak day and you still ate 1100 calories less than the "reccommended" maintain a certain weight. Dude. Before my surgery, on a really bad day, I could probablee take in 6000 calories. Seriously. I am emotional eater. It was like I couldn't stop. Now I have to stop. My Doctor asked me thursday- So how do you compare your meals now to your meals then? I look at him confused and he clarified- Anyway we found out togethor that I have reduced my size of meals 60% on most days...not to mention my food choices. I know you are doing that too...sometimes it is hard to notice the positives, esp. when the scale is acting like a fickle jerk. Your doing great. We are all still on that uncomfortable learning curve.
  13. Dear Jerk, You tease me. I thought the conversation we had the last time I came to visit would make a diffrence. I pleaded with you to move , to change. I can't keep coming back to the same old unsatisfactory circumstances. I bargained with you, rationalized with you, pleaded with you. I thought we understood one another afterwards. And, oh, you changed. I will give you that. You moved and I appreciate that. I think you must have misunderstood me, however. I wanted you to move DOWN not UP. I am offended that you didn't listen to me. I can talk and talk til I am blue in the face, but yet nothing seems to work with you. Don't be confused. I will move on. There are a lot of scales that would want me. Don't take me or my bathroom floor for granted or I will be done with you. Toss you in the trash with my empty cartons of soy milk and old cans of tuna. Don't think I won't. I deserve better. I am worthy of a scale that listens. Shape up or ship out. This is your FINAL warning. Thanks for your time. Tara (ReadySteadyGo)
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    apples did you mean like chasing the rainbow coming out?
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    My own rant 'n rave

    Hmmm....I wish I were in your boats, but I sitting pretty in my yacht at 299. But we are all traveling togethor. Some of us just have a little bit more to travel. Congratulations everyone! I am so glad that you are all traveling with me.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Has anyone been told by friends they to thin

    I wish. Maybe next year...or the year after.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    Discouraged and need help

    Your visit to your Doctor will really ease your mind. I wish you the best. Just keep your head up.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    Can I hear from the self pays please?

    I am self pay. It took me almost as long to raise the money to pay for it as it does for some to go through insurance. With all the test and everything I spent 14,000. I haven't been banded that long, but I want to lose 150 lbs (super goal) So the way I figure it it is like 80 dollars a lb...Which seems so pricey...but when you look at my health it seems like nothing.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    NSV - Great Sex

    This is funniest thread. It contains the some of the subjects are dearest to my heart- weight loss, Significant others, and most importantly- Great SEX!
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    An Open Letter to my Bathroom Scale-

    It wasn't bad. I had some Fluid around my port but they said that it was fine. It DID hurt when he was pushing my stomach. ouch. And the numbing shot felt weird afterwards. My port has moved a little with my weight loss to right under my scar so he had a little trouble with that. I have 2cc in a 14cc band. Nothing to worry about. I am glad we did it on the same day. I thought of you when I got my fill. I was super nervous though. The Dr told me to calm down that everything was fine. I am a worrier. Yay for us and our first fills!
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Is there room for one more?

    Your a trip Gibson!
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    Where are you, Karen?

    wow look at that waist! Super Hottie alert!
  23. I finally had that fill! It is about freaking time dude. I finally feel like a REAL bandster. I had some Fluid around my port that he had to drain. Did anyone else experience this? If not I am going to check the general discussion area. My Doctor said it wasn't a big deal, but I want to know what it was. Back to Clear liquids for two days. :-) Yay
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    About freaking time!!!---first fill

    Next fill in five weeks, Karen. Supposedly. Unless I call the Dr. and schedule another appt. Jeanie that sounds rough. I would do as Karen suggested and call my Dr. You are too important to us to not be taken care of. Thank you all. I am super excited.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I don't have a choice. Just had my fill and its liquids for three more days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
