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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    Do you remember the movie with jack black? The one where he saw the big girl as gwenneth paltrow. She said everyday she wore the fat suit she wanted to cry because of the way people looked at her. Anyway, in that movie every chair she sat in she broke and she would just get right back up, get a bigger chair and keep eating. Like THAT would ever happen. That movie actually sickened me. Fat prejudice and jokes are one of the last form of accepted prejudice. Hopefully one day it will be elimanated too.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    If I were thinner I'd.....

    Go play at a beach, Dance (in front of people), and get involved with theatre. I missed it since I got too fat to face an audience. Oh and run. I used to looove to run.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Irrational fears

    Yeah the apple shaped Angel running down the street being chased by the 10 year old zombie on the news...that will be me.
  4. I was 10. I also went to a school with no doors on the bathroom stalls and I felt like a monster bc noone I knew had theres yet. I was insanely modest back then.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Interesting/Motivating facts

    Great Thread!
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    I know you will win, you want it too much to lose.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on plan today because I am not giving myself a choice.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    Check in Febsters!

    Well my weight is slowly dropping, my clothes are getting looser, my workouts are getting more frequent and even a little fun...but my emotions are like a thirteen year olds. I am a raging lunatic.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    List your lapband confessions here.

    Yesterday I had an icecream sandwich. And I tried to get a dipped cone from dairy queen but they were out of icecream thank god. Maybe that next fill tskelli will hit that sweet spot
  10. You have to be one of my favorite internet people of all time.

  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Rant:Expedia Sucks!

    I have a special love affair with priceline. They have never done me wrong...but I have never booked a flight, just hotel and rent a cars.
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    Irrational fears

    oh sorry about the music tapshoes. I like to follow lone people around in dark garages with a boombox playing creepy music. Its just a hobby.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    Juli, thank you. I think I am going to write those six things down and put it on the wall for a while. Screaming is so cathartic I think I will have to try it. I am sure the neighbors think I am crazy anyway because I like to sing broadway tunes loudly so they won't have anything new to talk about. I have a vision in my head of you laying on the floor kicking and screaming with your child wide eyed staring at you. Made my day. Thank you for your response, better late than never. I love the idea of a cut off date.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    I wish I could hug you, thank you so much.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Moody as hell

    Well I hope it sorts itself out. I never knew I was a psycho, and I think that this fact is surprising others as well. I feeling good at the moment though
  16. Hi. If you need to talk pm me. I love talking to new people.

  17. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    Thank you all so much. When I went to get my fill they asked me how I was mentally and emotionally. I said fine because I was at the time. When I go back I will tell him what happened and see if he thinks I should be on a mild form of medication. I appreciate your input so much and will ask my Doctor also about the hormones, but I don't go back for a while so if you guys find out before me let me know what Your Dr. says if you don't mind. Thanks again everyone. I feel so much better. Hopefully it will stay that way for a while.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh Gross! Hide the chicken from your pets.

    Dogs have short memories when it comes to food. It seems like you feed them then five minutes later they have forgotten they have eaten and are starving they think....kind of like me six months ago.
  19. So I invited some people over to cook them a healthy meal. I was going to make baked chicken breast, aspargus with fat free swiss cheese, and squash.... Yeah. I WAS. As I was taking my chicken out of the fridge where it was thawing the phone rang. I went and answered it and it was one of the dinner guest calling to confirm the time. I left the five large chicken breast on the counter for exactly two minutes not within my sight. When I got back to the kitchen they were gone. I called my girlfriend from the bedroom and asked her "wadda ya do with my chicken?" "huh" she replied and we both looked at her 78 lb black lab maggie. 5 chicken breast she ate in two minutes. She freaks out and called the vet who told her to make the dog swallow hydrogene proxide to throw it up or she would have horrible diarrea for a week. So here I am forcing oxegenated Water down a 80 lb dog to make her vomit my dinner. She did. 5 peices of chicken completely whole. I had to cancel my dinner. Not that Marcie and I could have eaten after that anyway. Freaking Gross.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    Hunger pangs and nicotine cravings

    I quit smoking before my surgery. I didn't gain to much weight thanks to the patch, and because if I had an intense urge to smoke I would drink Water through a straw, or if it was really bad sometimes I would cut the straw into the shape of a ciggerette and suck through it like I was smoking. That helped. I only smoked for seven years though. I never heard of a prescription or maybe I would have tried that. Congrats on cutting back.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    Thank you all so much for your replies. I am tearing up reading them. I really appreciate your sharing and that I am not going crazy. I really thought since I went through the long healing diet I would be fine afterwards. I am going to see my mom today I think that will help. Keep sharing please, if you want. It helps.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    How do you get (and keep) a friend?

    You have to leave the house. You have to get involved in something where you can meet someone with interest like yours. You take that first step by extending an invitation. Then you support them, you keep in touch, you build a friendship. Kind of like any other relationship. The hardest part is showing up and getting started. Its hard to break out of the shell.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh Gross! Hide the chicken from your pets.

    Laughed out loud, jack! tapshoes- Thats great. Its so funny.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Irrational fears

    Zombies. Absolutely terrified that zombies are going to attack. I talk about it so much that I actually received a "zombie attack survival guide" book for christmas. But I don't know if that would qualify as irrational. Fearing zombies seems pretty rational to me.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    wondering if others have noticed this?

    Its been kind of the opposite for me. My thin friends are super supportive but my heavier friends make comments like. "I'm doing it the hard way" or "I wouldn't want to do that to myself"

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