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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Breakfast on the go

    Great suggestions. I didn't know Mcdonalds had a Happy Meal breakfast?!? I usually eat at home, but we had nothing except eggs, which I didn't have time to make. I will invest in some atkins shakes they sound yummy and there is a starbucks on the way to my house so I could make a stop there if I needed to also. Thanks guys!
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Quality family time AKA vacation from hell

    Oh taps that sounds miserable.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Technical Difficulties with LBT website!!

    I was yesterday. I couldn't get on it really all day. I felt lost. I am truely addicted to this place.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    I have seen crybaby. Thats the cutest. Have you had a chance to see Sweeney Todd then. It was interesting. Helena Bohem Carter was amazing and Johnny Depp has a really cool voice. Oh and its ok. I was young enough when I watched the original to have no idea what I was watching. I had never heard of it. It was on some cable network one day when I was home sick from school.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    Gloucoster (sorry spelling) I see what your saying. I gues I find that defiant look in her eye beautiful because I idenify with it. I have had to fight for acceptance for so long for being bigger, for being gay, for being different in a town full of cowboys and gossips that I guess it's become a way of thinking. Being Healthy is very important or I wouldn't be here on this website because I wouldn't have ever considered WLS. BrandyII- thanks for your comments. I appreciate you. I did see the original Hairspray when I was much younger before I ever knew who John Waters or Ricki Lake were. I love musicals. I was in Minnie Faye in Hello Dolly once. hehe.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    Should you hate yourself and be ashamed if you do not look like Amy whinehouse. I feel that hollywood encourages you too, and sadly people take their cues from that. I have never seen anyone perform in Louisiana or TExas and not look like they are going to die. I don't know where that was taken at but it looks like every other performer that has been running and dancing on a muggy stage in the summer. (Minus the belly) This humidy kills. I think we should be promoting healthiness...but not self-hate. I should be able to feel beautiful at size 18 as size 8 as long as I am healthy. At size 18 I wasn't unhealthy I could keep up with with all my size 5-14 friends. I am not healthy at the size I am now, but if I looked like her at size 18 and never lost another pound then I would be ok. I wouldn't hate myself or cry and whine because I was still fat. I feel beautiful now and I am much larger than she is.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    The Gossip has a lead singer who is a about a size 18 and is gorgeous. And its a younger band and for a woman not to be heroin skinny is almost unheard of. I just discovered her on the cover of a rock magazine. Shes naked with her belly and rolls hanging out. (Its a profile and its not pornographic you cants see anything its just proud) She has big lips on her butt and on the side it says. I'm beautiful and you can kiss my ass. I love her, and would love to look like her some day...but mostly I just want her confidence. Infact she is the only kind of celebrity that are on my myspace page. That picture of her infact. Oh and P.s- Hairspray is the cutest movie of all time.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    I have to disagree with you. Woman, especially big woman, need to love themselves and feel sexy and beautiful. With society the way it is with almost impossible standards these woman need to love themselves. If you cannot love yourself then noone can love you. If a woman hates herself so much and the way she looks that she can't even disrobe in front of her husband then their is a problem. Woman like this need encouragement to love themselves. Mo'nique is an example of someone who is does not fit into societies views of beauty but loves herself anyway and encourages other woman to love themselves. And she is Not unhealthy. Have you ever seen her dance. That woman can get down as long and hard as any skinny minnie. Some people will never be skinny no matter what they do. I want them to know that it is ok. That they are beautiful. I feel beautiful and I am faaar from skinny. I don't that you should encourage people to eat a million hotdogs covered in cheese sauce, but I do embrace the big woman of the world. You can be healthy and big. You can be big and beautiful. I think that is what she and other woman (like beth ditto from the gossip my personal rolemodel) like her encourage and promote.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Grr. Email etiquette.

    Email seems so unformal, I think the email guidelines would do well for them. For you and for the future.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Elated before the big letdown... :(

    Thats the spirit blessed!:tt2:
  11. I'm so glad you got all that Fluid out of you. I bet you feel better. Yeah the lady at the top is boobookitty. Her pics were gorgeous and she posted them on the sit and it seemed the next day we have this beautiful red headed woman on the top of the page. I couldn't stand the lady we did have with the tape measure and the apple so it kind of makes me happy
  12. You look great. I think this is such a common problem because people like to compare themselves to people they are close to. They shape their ideas of themselves by how they compare to others esp, friends and family. Is a 200 lb person fat in a room full of 300 lb people? Is the chubby sister really chubby if she can call her sister the "fat" one. If the "fat" one gets skinny...does that make her the "fat sister" Oh sh*t Panic time. Why does their have to be a "fat sister" Why can't their just be sisters? It comes from their own self esteem issues. People can be really self centered. Don't let it get you down.
  13. Hey we have all lost our minds
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Some people, I swear...

    And fish makes me gag.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Irrational fears

    I woud have to nail that closet shut.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Some people, I swear...

    Well I guess it would be nice If I could touch ya body I know not everybody has gotta body like meeeee butta gotta think TWICE before I give my heart away and I know all the games you play cause I play them toooooo Oh but I need some time off from that e-mo-tion time to get my heart off of the floor Oh when love goes down With-out Devotion Well its been a long one baby but I'm showing you that door You gotta have faith faith faith you gotta have faith. Oops wrong thread.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    Moody as hell

    So I posted a whine in general support but I want to ask all of you... Has anyone else been kind of crazy emotional lately? I have been since I got my fill. Crying, and then crazy happy, and then sobbing over everyday occurances. Please tell me I am not the only one going through second puberty over here. Share?
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    Moody as hell

    I love you guys.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on plan today because I am tired of people asking if I have lost weight. I want them to see I have lost weight.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    List your lapband confessions here.

    yeah they even had a sign on their menu that read We Is OUT of Icecream
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Elated before the big letdown... :(

    Your probablee retaining Water...Your probabablee going to go down dramatically in the next few days. But I have some advice to you. Stay off the scales for a week. Just one week. Fight that urge to jump on it. Keep doing what your doing because it sounds fantastic. Drink your water, eat healthy, continue your great habits...but stay off the scale. Thats what I had to do and I really think it is working. I feel good. I feel like I am losing. And on Friday I will see how much I have actually lost this week, but as good as I feel right now I might be retaining water or just having a heavy day hormonoly or something and that scale is not ruining my day today. Try it. I think you will agree.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    I'm glad my experiences can help with yours. Your post got me thinking though...I haven't meet too many uptight fat people. Maybe because they found a way to deal with stress (even if it wasn't that healthy). I wonder even after I get over this rough adjustment peroid if I will be a more uptight like person.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Irrational fears

    About 9 years ago my family went on our last family vacation. It was the last because...well we refer to this trip as the vacation from hell. It started off with all five of us in an RV. (Not a good idea) We pick up the borrowed RV and before we can even get to the interstate a yellow jacket flew in the window into my moms shirt who was driving and stung her three times. Sadly, that wasn't close to the worst part of the trip. My dad gets stressed out easily so he was a monster in that RV, the RV park that we were at had a messed up sewer line or something so when they went to dump the full sewer tank in the unknown messed up line it shot back up covering my dad. We went to six flags and it was 100,000,000 degrees, I got whiplash on the first ride I rode, my little brother got sick from the heat and threw up... I find it hard to be in a house with less than five rooms to this day because of that trip. I'm not sure if the five of us have been in the same vehicle since.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    I worked out this morning and I have not shed a single tear yet...so maybe I should just wear myself down everyday. Thanks hungry. Speaking of hungry. Atleast my fill did stop the hunger pains.

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