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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Some people, I swear...

    I just want to find a bathing suit that looks decent for less than 100 dollars. Jeez. I won't be able to even wear it all summer why do bathing suits gotta be so expensive.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    RNY vs. LapBand

    Me too plain. I guess I was thinking on a "considering" surgery which one? perspective. For me and my lifestyle it was the band hands down.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    RNY vs. LapBand

    There has been some discussion for and against the two. What do you think?
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Hi Hi everyone. WElcome. Sorry it took me so long to get back here. We need more action in here I guess. I'm a lazy glbt thread supporter apparently.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Signs when you are full ..I hiccup

    I wish I had "signs". I'm jealous. :-)
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

    True True.:thumbup:
  7. ooooooooooooooooooooooh plain I'm telling. Just wait. I am composing a VERY angry Email RIGHT NOW!:thumbup: BrandyII- Is that off the Brady Bunch movie?
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    Grr. Email etiquette.

    Well coming from the crap highschool that I did. I made straight A's but still knew nothing. You might not feel you should have to pass out just some tips, but it might really help some of your more lost students out. Like I was in college. :thumbup:
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

    No, I meant size 16. sorry if I wasn't clear on that. I don't think age is a factor in WLS but I would think BMI or weight would be unless you have severe weight related problems at a lower BMI.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

    Some people are the same no matter what section they are in. I am always about respecting my fellow woman and men in support, discussion, R&R or wherever I am. I think people should show some class. (Not that anyone has been trashy here, but I couldn't get my lbt fix this morning so I went to obesityhelp- talk about some namecalling non-supportive people) And SOMEONE might be content being the size they are. You can't really make that statement truthfully. I can honestly say that I am not happy being Obese, and you can truthfully say you were not happy being obese and that YOU were in denial. And whether someone is happy being larger isn't really the issue of being accepted, IT's about being treated like a person and being accepted even THOUGH one is bigger, larger, etc. Not to mention how personal of a choice it is to get the Lapband, or any other WLS, I am not important enough to tell someone they should get a surgery because It might not be right for them. Only the individual knows if they "need" any sort What if someone told a real chocoholic they needed RNY? Can you imagine constantly being sick because you couldn't stop yourself from eating chocolate. What a miserable existance. Or someone who was never ready for the lapband getting it anyway and hurting themselves because they throw up everymeal but cannot give up their overreating. How many people have had to have revision surgery because they were not ready the first time. (Thats not the only reason for revision surgery, but def. one of them) This whole speech is not directed at you. Just the one paragraph. Sorry about the length.
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Going into complete panic mode

    I was so panicked I think I went into shock and just let everything go. Totally normal. You'll be fine. After surgery you will be like "what was I worried about?" Good luck and best wishes Darling!:rolleyes2:
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    Breakfast on the go

    I have to be at work at 6:50am I can eat when I first wake so I have to have Breakfast about 6:30 before I leave for work. Last night my area had a "Dining for life" at specific restuarants which means that if you eat at participating restuarants then 25% of your meal tickets get dedicated to the philadelphia center (our Aids prevention and treatment center) I gathered about 9 people to go with me last night and for the first time had some alcohol since my surgery. One single delicious frozen strawberry swirl maggie. mmmmm. One enchilada, a few chips, and a few bites of Beans. Sounds like so little to me but in reality so much less than I used to eat. I tried to eat a tortilla covered in butter like I used too before my food got there because I was starving. One bite and my band said..."Are you crazy" and I put the tortilla down Anyway back to the main part of my story, and a Question. This moring I obviously woke up late bc if noone else has tried this alcohol effects you much more aggressively now. I usually wake up at 5 today I woke up at 6:11. So I had to get dressed, take a shower, and make myself pretty in 30 mins. I was going to grab breakfast to go...but dang it. What is breakfast to go now? Everything comes wrapped in a biscuit, a croissant, or atortilla ( which I can't eat unless it is soaked in sour cream sauce apparently) My Dr. told me to eat breakfast. Now I am up here hungry and confused. What do you guys have for take out breakfast?
  13. ReadySteadyGo


    Preach it! Loud and Proud Ms.Juli. I'm with ya.
  14. I will. I will totally tattle. This just isn't the forum for that.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Fat people in movies

    Well after the Gastric Bypass she won't be ABLE to jump around for awhile so maybe she should do it now:smile2: Tell her that this complete, but caring, stranger wishes her the best on her diffrent journey. My partner had The gastric Bypass 10 yrs ago and she is still 100 lbs lighter. It saved her life definately. I don't think I've seen Howard End's. What is that movie about? You should watch Sweeney Todd when you get a chance. Its very entertaining.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Which celebrity do YOU think needs the Lap Band?

    I have deliberately avoided this thread because I hated the premise of it. Discussing who I think is unattractive or unhealthy enough to get a surgery that is completely a personal choice? But...Boredom and curiousity got the best of me so here's my 1 1/2 cents anyway. The OP's writing style does have a familiar ring to it. I think that the post is kind of mean regardless. I think it feels gossipy girls sitting around goggling about people they feel better than. MHO. You have the right to say it, I have the right to think its mean and unneccessary. I would never push my decision to get the Lapband on someone else. I don't care for Oprah but I know that losing weight on your own is so hard and she does it over and over and she does maintain for a while. I applaud her efforts if not her personality. And she probablee thinks she is helping people. I think she does help people so I like her, I just can't watch her. Queen Latifah is gorgeous and perfectly porportioned, Rosie O'Donnel accepts herself so I accept her. And do they give alot of Lapbands to people who are only a 16? Maybe a 16 at 4'5 would warrant one or maybe I am just really fat and 16 seems ok to me.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    I'm going through puberty again.

    Update for anyone else going through the emotional thing. I feel so much better. I feel like I have settled into a new routine. I promised myself if it happens again before my next fill I will call my Dr and if it doesn't then I will wait until my next fill and tell him what happened after this one. I do find myself craving ciggerettes again and I quit so effortlessly. I guess my body is reaching out for old addictions now that I can't be a bread junkie anymore. Besides, that I've stopped crying everyday. The extreme up and downs have pretty much ceased, and I feel like myself again. I will just wait and see how it goes after my next fill when I get my intake even more.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    RNY vs. LapBand

    thanks. You have done fantastic. I can't wait to be where your at. Hows your daughter doing?
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    Band friendly fast food...

    Sonic Jr. Grilled wrap for a 1.49!
  20. Yeah gatarade, water, chicken broth, popsicles. They let me have my protein shakes on clears. I really looked forward to them because it filled me up. Just follow whatever your Dr. in particular said and you will be fine.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    RNY vs. LapBand

    I love my band too, but I am still new to this so time will tell. My friend had Gastric Bypass and she (who was 330 in tenth grade) lost 150 lbs in prob a little less than a year. You would never know now (10 years later) she has had surgery. She has probley gained back 50 lbs I think but she is still 100 lbs lighter than she used to be. She can't have anything with cream or she gets really sick, and if something has dairy and sugar togethor she is sick all night. She is happy. But she has gained weight back and RNY is unadjustable.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    Feb Social Group

    Yeah. Any is Awesome. He is the one who taught me that their is a befriend button.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on plan today because I have been going up and down and up and down and up and down but never down more than before for about two or three weeks and I am just about sick of it. Stop it, I said stop it.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Preventing Loose Skin???

    I think it depends on age, how your shaped, how much weight you lose, how active you were during the weight loss, and how fast you lost it, and your own elasticity in your skin. Though I have heard that it is almost impossible not to have the loose belly skin because the skin on the belly is less elastic than other parts of your body. (That is what a lady who had lost 75 lbs told me...she was also the Patient Care coordinatoor at my Dr.'s office)
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    Irrational fears

    If they ever wanted to go I might go. But if you mention vacation my moms eyes get real big and she changes the subject:lol:

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