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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    DD to a C

    :cry_smile: Your gonna be so hot shoes.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    How long should I wait for an unfill?

    good point Karen.
  3. BrandyII Thanks for the persceptive. Oh we eat in Louisiana. Life is focused around food, and the Food is really awesome. When I go up north I will order something and the food is bland and dry to me. But here, we eat at church we eat after church we have group Breakfast at work, we Celebrate by eating out, we celebrate with homemade mashed potatoes, souffles, cassaroles. Not to mention, that being so close to TX they want to TEXAS size everything. Texas toast, Texas steaks, Texas chicken friend everything. Then their are the Desserts. Don't even get me started on desserts. I HAVE cut my portion sizes at least 60 percent so that is something. And I really shouldn't complain, but I have been bitchy since I got my first fill. I have been trying to work out and paint, substitute life for food and all that, but I am STILL pissed off. Food has been my comfort for so long that now everything just makes me A N G R Y. Maybe I should move up north, but I would miss my crawfish too much I think. Oh and Peek, thanks for the group hug. You made me smile today. We should start a challenge exercise thread here. I was determined to go to the gym three times this week...and Monday was great, but it was been raining, and I mean flash floods, so on my way Tuesday I had to pull over and wait for three hours on the side of the road. Cars were flipped on the interstate. Some dummies tried to drive through the flood and their cars were randomly broken down in the middle of roads, so needless to say I spent three hours trapped in my car, angry and needing to pee. So I was going to go yesterday...and the news said they expected more flash floods that day so I stayed at home and didn't go to the gym...and it never rained. and I was like GRRRRRRR
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    How long should I wait for an unfill?

    I totally agree. The band is not a liquid diet. I would get some taken out. I think the amount of fill is VERY individual and from what I see fluctuoates greatly from person to person, from fill to fill. So don't worry about how much you have in, but only how well it is working. Maybe you should try to stay away from tortillas because they ARE a bread product. I tried that (more than once because I am a slow learner sometimes) I have only had one fill, but I can't eat them really because they expand and get stuck PAINFULLY in my chest. I think you should call your Doctor and tell him/her what is going on. Take care of yourself.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Danger. (Reposted from Nukechick)

    Chili's chicken crispers were defintely a favorite of mine.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    I need help

    Okay.... I'm going to tell you what I told myself when I messed up. I cheated, damn it, but I can't go back and uncheat. I have to own that I cheated, owned that I was weak, and then be stronger. I will get back on track and do right starting now.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Backyard woes

    Buy two cheap lawn lounges and put them on the slabs, then put a plant in between. People will think its like a far away patio maybe, and I'm not sure how expensive to bring sod is, but it sounds like you could use it on the big brown spot. I don't know...I hate yard work so much I am kind of useless, but I wanted to try anyway.
  8. I am proud of your attitude, green. We should be band buddies :-)
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Tomorrow is my day too!

    How exciting! Good luck and good wishes.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Who has kept it a secret?

    I was too excited to keep my mouth shut, everyone and their mama knows, I'm not ashamed!
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Blah, blah

    I know how that is... What if you found a dayjob and took four night classes? That would be 12 hours, which would qualify you and buy you some time. Its a tough situation. I hope you get it figured out. I am trying to get back to school myself so I understand where your at.
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    My inner Victory- Bravery.

    Juli- thanks. I appreciate you.... I waaaas a really bad babysitter. Kids hate me.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Blah, blah

    Are you in school? Some insurance companies will allow you to stay on your parents insurance if you have proof you are a full time student. Community College, University, just a school.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Help!! Eating to much

    You have lost 80 lbs since january.wow!!!! Sorry I just had to say that.
  15. WOW!!!! Todays the day, huh? I wonder if you have had surgery yet. If your doped up yet. If you have started walking yet. If you are asleep yet. Either way hope your doing well!
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    New Jersey - Step One

    Good for you. I am sure you will do great. I am so excited for you.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    New Jersey - Step One

    supersize2bbw- I have had the lapband at 329. I am pretty happy with it, but sometimes I think. I wish I would have the gastric bypass and I would have lost 60 lbs by now...but really, I am happy with my choice. I am healthier and can see a diffrence in just two months, plus I am proud of MYSELF, not just my band. Though I love my band. I cannot drink while I eat, which makes me sad, and it IS just a tool, I have to work at it too. I have to fight with myself, not my band to stay away from icecream and candy. Bread, which I love, I can't really have bc the band won't let me. My partner had gastric bypass 8 years ago at 335. She got down to 140, but is back up to 210. She is still more than a hundred lbs from where she started however. She still can't eat much bread, and if she can have a small amount of candy but anymore than a small amount ( a very small amount) and she gets sick. She can't have icecream or she will be sick for three days. This is ok with her because it was the only way she could make herself not eat it. IF SHE had the band it probabley wouldn't work for her because she likes Candy and sweets too much. She CAN eat and drink at the same time however, which I really envy. She can have beer, coke whereas I have to stay away from carbonation. Figure out what will work for you rather it be lapband, RNY (gastric bypass), DS (Duedanol Switch -not sure of spelling), or any other choice available to you. Good luck with your decision. Tara
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    jolaw1 fm Sierra Vista Arizona

    18! thats awesome. Your doing freakin fantastic. I was so nervous for my first fill, but it turned out to be a peice of cake. good luck with yours.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    hunger pains?

    Yes, my Dr did not require such a strict diet, but you should always follow your particular surgeons orders. My diet consisted of no carbs, veggies, lower salt, etc. I was only on it for 5 days, but again that is MY Dr. Yours might have different guidelines.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    hello from new jersey

    Jani, Hi from Louisiana. The dizziness might be after effects from anesthesia. Some people handle it better than others. You should def. check with your Dr., however. Also he hasn't eaten in a while that might account for some of the dizziness. Hope all goes well. Tara.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Texas Noob ready to go

    Hi. Welcome. Your surgery is coming up soon. Yay!
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    Hi..New to forum

    Hi! Welcome. Unfortunately my insurance was a no-go so I am selfpay, but I wish you better luck.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Hello Newbie Here

    Hi Bamagal How are you. Welcome!
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    New member

    I think you will do great. Keep that motivation going. I am so happy and proud for you that you are taking this life changing, somewhat scary, step for your health Good luck in your weight loss journey.

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