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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Sharing celebration

    Happy Birthday. Jasper looks like the friendlist dog ever. Jasper the friendly Dog.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh yeah, me too...

    Just for giggles.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Why Do People Have to be So Mean...

    First of all I would like to say- What a bitch! Second I would kill her with kindness, as Littlemiss says. Record every instance with dates. Report her derogatory remarks, after you make an effort to speak with her about them. Tell her how they are effecting you. Even if she obviously won't improve (Because I can!) but atleast you can say that you made the effort to approach her. Good luck. I think we have all worked with an evil bitch at one time or another. Right now I work with almost all men, because the woman are upstairs. I hear the men gossiping about each other too, but it's nothing compared to the woman upstairs. Woman can just be vicious to other woman they work with, I don't get it myself.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Concern with my lower legs

    I had this problem also. It's gotten a lot better, but it was really really scary for a while. Swimming seems to help alot. bouncing around the pool. It seems to work the best to me, when I get out of the pool, even before I lost some weight, my legs would be much less swollen. Also my Dr. prescribed a Water pill...but that only worked for a few weeks, and I didn't like taking it. My Dr. also suggested the medical hose, the kind that go to the knees. She said the ones that go to the hip are miserable. I can't tell you how these worked I didn't try them. The best thing I did was go to my Local "Relax the back" and bought a leg wedge. It is made to prop your legs up to let the Fluid drain out of them. IT was about 50 bucks, but you can sleep with it (if your not a fussy sleeper like me) , prop up your legs while watching tv, etc. Also, do you work sitting down? IF so Your chair might be contributing. I changed from a cheap chair to one that is cushier and more supportive and my legs swell much less dramatically now. Also, make sure that when you are sitting for a extended peroid of time that both feet are on the ground to take some of the pressure off so the legs can get some circulation. This is my experience. We might not have the same problem, but these things helped me alot. I actually have legs that are recognizable as legs now.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Inexpensive Bras, A Simple Tip

    I have a mama boob and a baby boob. People tell me they can't notice but I can. When you lost weight did they even out at all? I need to go get fitted for a bra. The underwire always pokes my underarms. I think the bra extenders is a great idea, since my cups are small compared to my width.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh yeah, me too...

  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Victorious Valentine Exercise Challenge?

    Tuesday I did 45 minutes of cardio.... I am going today to do weights again and I will have surpassed my goal this week. It will also be the first week that I have worked at three times! Go me.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    My awesome NSV!!

    I bet that was just the best feeling!:confused_smile:
  9. Okay! Why haven't I lost 50 lbs? I eat okay, I workout (not all the time, but doens't even joining the gym prove something?) And all these people banded when I was have lost 50 lbs...and they are taller than me, and smaller than me and you can really really tell, but me ME!!!! I have struggled so much with my 35 Damn it! Not saying I'm not happy for my fellow fitness travelers but DAMN IT!!! DAMN IT!!! DAMN IT!!! I want to be three sizes down. My hips and belly haven't moved one size down it seems, my pants might be looser but the smaller pants still didn't fit when I went shopping. I know that my band is working, but my body is not freaking coroporating and I'm just DAMN IT!! I want to post pretty pictures of my accomplishments. I want to bask in friends saying WOW you have really lost weight, instead I feel their glances on my body and I want to yell "I've lost 35 lbs I am just really really fat so you can't tell!" Freaking Freak Freak Freak. I want to be supportive, I want to be happy for you guys. I am I really am. I just wish I was taller. If I was taller it would be more obvious. I wish I was taller and had long legs. I wish I was taller with long legs and a waist you could see. I wish I was taller with long legs, a waist, and those long graceful arms. I mean. Could a girl just at least be 5'5? Please? AHHHHHHH! I am just so ANGRY! ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY DAMN IT! And to top it off, I have lost restriction, so I called my Dr. to bump up my appointment and they could only get me in 5 days sooner. So I still have almost a month to fight with this. I am 329 when I started this and just above 5 ft, and I am still kinda young...I was expecting the weight to fall off, just FALL OFF and it instead it's kinda trickling slowly down, with maybe lazy stops along the way. THe band is working, just I want it to go FASTER FASTER FASTER. Damn it! Then there is bread. Did you know that bread is freaking everywhere and when I see someone eating bread I want to rip it from their hands and slap them in the face with it because my band doesn't let me have it (thank god) and I am seriously addicted to bread. And I want to yell at everyone eating bread around me. Then their is my skinny minnie 95 lb workmate who eats EVERYTHING EVERYTHING. Shes sweet supportive and cannot gain weight, which I know is just as tragic as not being able to keep it off, but my dark side that has emerged since I got this band wants to kill her. And I Think she is the sweetest, kindest thing...and I want to strangle her. I'm such a bitch. O and the salesmen who bring donuts and cakes and Cookies and sausage biscuits and put them by my desk for everyone. If you read about the psycho receptionist who blugened a co-worker to death with a box of donuts that is me. Maybe I will lose weight in jail. I hear they have a great gym, come visit me whenever you can. I suck.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Holy Crap! It's me in a swimsuit!

    You are freaking gorgeous, and blue is def. your color. You look better in the brights, not to mention you have a wonderful shape. Beautiful and brave.
  11. When is your fill scheduled?
  12. I try not to drink with my meals but sometimes I do and at work I drink with a straw because I always need Water around me and I am clumsy, so I don't need an open glass in front of me. Carbonation is bad, but sometimes I fudge. I need to stop though. My Dr. said no carbonation and I should listen. I need to listen. Why can't I listen? Anyway it's a work in progress.
  13. Thanks Kjeter. Yeah, the fills are hard to come by with my Dr. He is always booked up. He seems to schedule them at least 8 weeks apart....it kind of sucks.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I am STRONG
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Panic Attacks and the Lap Band

    I have them, mostly when my life becomes to scheduled. I used to have them driving. Not anymore. Mine are pretty sporatic. I don't take medication. I am extremely sensitive to medicine, esp. narcodics so my Dr. said as long as I don't have them often I am fine. Working out helps reduce their frequency too. Though I don't know how well I would be able to on xanax. It's a good tool for some people, but all it does it make me sleep and eat and eat and sleep.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Have I told you lately...

    Glad your here lovable.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    List your lapband confessions here.

    Totally Ezma. Operagal- You were weak. Your owning it. Don't do it again. Your human and you will fall down and thats okay, just get back up and keep going. Noone is perfect here obviously because we have a 14 pages of confessions.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    Banded May 15th

    Yay! Congrats on the banding.
  19. My roommate and Best friend whom I have known for twenty years is 120 lbs, Atleast Twenty of the pounds she has gained in the year and a half she has lived with me. We both are a little quirky and she says that people get married and get bigger because she is comfortable, she was with her last boyfriend for seven years but didn't get comfortable apparently until she moved in with me. She's my hetero lifemate. She tells people she is 5'0. Shes not, she is 4'11, but I will give her an inch if it makes her feel better. When she was younger her mother used to tell her how she was "98 lbs when I got married, not 99, not 100, 98" She, my BFF, LOVES biscuits, and Cookies, and bread. And the skinny thing can eat too. We laughed about it all the time, because people would see her, then how much was on her plate and freak out. Her mother would follow her around and tell her it was gonna catch up to her. Her mom made these bomb ass biscuits, which my BFF LOVED. If she could she would have eaten 100 biscuits a day, but her mother would put her on Biscuit Restriction. She could only have two biscuits at Breakfast unless she ate a peice of sausage and then she could have three (My BFF was a self proclaimed vegetarian at the time which drove her mother crazy) She would also put her on other restrictions and talk about the way her tummy poked out after she ate and how she needed to be careful. So if my BFF snuck another biscuit she would go to her room and exercise and exercise, then get up and go to the scale and go exercise some more. Then she started to do it everytime she ate because her mom would make fun of fat people. And talk about "fatties". At the time she was probabley close to 85 lbs at 16/17 years old. She had no boobs, and she wanted them so bad, but she didn't have the fat to make them. People thought she was a little kid. Finally she threw away the scale. Talked about her compulsive exercising, told her mom to stop making it so obvious that "she didn't want a fattie", and always ate a third biscuit whether she ate the sausage or not. Now we work out togethor, but she stays off the scale except once a month, and if she has the extra biscuit then we just laugh togethor. She doesn't own a scale and I threw mine away so the only time we can weigh is at the gym. I'm so proud of her. So being skinny, doesn't solve all your problems, which is something that I will have to work on remembering. You can still feel fat, or you can still hate your body, or you can still be a little bit insane like my dear BFF. Oh and since her weight gain she grew some boobs. They are a pretty solid A. Doesn't sound like much, but she's tiny. Life is good for both of us I guess. I'm losing the Big C cup and shes getting closer to her goal of a B cup and we are both happy about that. Go figure.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I like the plan, it's my plan, and the plan works.:thumbup:
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Wii Fit

    I would still go to the gym, but it looks like a lot of freaking fun. It would be good for those days that the gym closes early or if it's raining or snowing and you don't want to go out of the house. OR night time when you can't sleep, plus it's a game. I want one I want one!
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    back fat

    I'm sorry, what are bat wings? Whatever they are I'm sure I have them, but what exactly is the bat wings? The first place my mind went was the "batwing" in the movie "Waiting", but I KNOW that can't be it.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Come out of the band failure closet!

    I'm sorry if it came across like that. I should have said more. I think what you said, even if it was harsh, could be true for alot of people. I should have wrote himself not HIMself I apologize for being lazy. I didn't have anything to say about what you said, I could see what you were trying to say, that's why I didn't respond to it. I used you as an example, but I didn't mean it to come across like that. I just had a problem with "tell it like it is", which had your name in it. Really, no judgement here, just a problem with a phrase I don't feel like you are uncompassionate. I don't think you should "zip it". I think you have alot to say, and I believe you were trying to help. I am pretty satisfied with my band, it goes slower than I want, but it works for me, but I could see someone not making any real attempts then throwing there hands in the air and making claims that it just isn't working. So I'm not being defensive, I was just arguing against a phrase that someone else said, not you. It's one of those things like "Always" or "Never". I tend to focus almost entirely on the micro, not the macro. I was making comments on individual situations, not you in particular, but I did use your name, and it's print not the spoken word (which can always be misinterpreted). Sorry if that wasn't clear. I also understand that you received a good bit of slack about what you said, so I understand your assumption that I was being scornful. I hope that this clears that up and there will be no hard feelings.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    List your lapband confessions here.

    This isn't the right forum. We don't judge here, we advise and support. You don't know what you will be doing in four days (or four weeks), but I hope that you do well, but don't bring that here please. Jamie wasn't looking for a "fight" she was responding to your judgement and what could be perceived as self-rightousness. If you were a year out I would still think you are too harsh, but atleast you would have the experience to stand behind. I don't think your intentions at first were to be rude, but please don't call people stupid on this particular section of lbt. This is a support group, the Victorious Valentines, this is not the main board. Everyone here treats are fellow VV's with an open ear, supportive words, and carefully worded advice. Anyone is welcome to respond as long as they keep it civil and supportive. Thanks.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    Low Blood Pressure

    I'm so so so so glad. :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
