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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    SO NOW I am anorexic?? I hate people...

    I know I'm a little late but I wanted to share something with you from one of the most brilliant men ever. I have it taped on my desk. "Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulities arising which temp you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to and end requires courage" Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    slipped band??

    Ouch. Sounds rough. I would call your Dr, if nothing but for peace of mind. Maybe go to mushies for a day or two.
  3. Your new pic is so pretty.

  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Just for Fun

    Thank you all.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    WATER ... It's sposed to be good for ya!

    It is possible to drink too much water. But it is a MASIVE amount, seriously. The only people I have ever heard of having problems are kids who were on XTC and didn't eat for over 24 hours and drank the masive amount that the extreme dry mouth induced. I don't think you really need to worry too much.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    3 days post.I need to eat..Help!

    The best advice I can give is to ask your Doctor. It seems that most have diffrent guidelines to go by. Mine asked for two weeks of clear liquids (broth, jello), two weeks of full liquids, two weeks of mushies, and two weeks soft solids. But only your Dr. can tell you his particular guidelines. Give him a call.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Do any of you feel like your band is:

    OMG I am STARVING after a workout.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    I joined a Gym and Accountability!

    Some days I can't make myself go. I really want the wii fit for those "I refuse to leave the house" days. Or when the temp is like it has been for the last few days it literally makes me weak to walk outside...well it's not the heat it's the humidity. IT's HORRIBLE
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Dang I used to be able to finish that!

    WE have whataburger here in Louisiana. I liked their Breakfast.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    OMG! WTH! OUCH-sorry long

    Oh Crap! That severely blows. I am glad the ultrasound lady found it, but Gallstones are so pain and are usually so much smaller than that. Thank god they found it before your gallbladder ruptured. Glad you are feeling better but so so so sorry that happened. What a scary situation. I have heard many times that loosing weight,especially quickly, can cause gallstones. When my partner had her RNY they went ahead and just took her gallbladder out. Oh I wish I could come by and give you ballons and flowers and glasses of Water. I hope you have someone there to help you. TAra
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Putting a face to a name

    Aw Queen you just made my day.
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    More progress pics

    Best description ever!
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Checking in

    From my research 13,000 is extremely low....though it still hurts my heart to think about coughing it up at this point. I still owe like 4500 on my surgery. But I'm a slow loser. Maybe I won't need it....I'm gonna just keep thinking that. That way when the scale says I've lost 40 instead of 100 lbs I can think "ahhh my body is trying to save me money" Congrats on the extra 10 lbs gone Karen. That is awesome news. Seriously. You are an inspiration to all the VV!
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Dang I used to be able to finish that!

    WEll M, if you can eat as much as before but are still losing, you must be making much healthier choices. Oh and I am not going to contribute until I finally get my second fill tomorrow. But good thread. You will hear from me in three or four days after my mushies k?
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    In Honor of Yesterday

    That made me choke up so much. I am really fighting tears at work
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Hey Ladies!!

    How about "Everyone with Estrogen" :thumbup: I like "Powder room" or "Ladies Lounge"
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    I'm surprised when they don't.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    When I received my ABO card in Louisiana they made it very clear to me that you shouldn't serve someone who was obviously drunk. I was more speaking of people who serve or purchase alcohol for someone under 21. But now that you bring it up, bars should do more to encourage designated drivers. Like free cokes, Water, juice whatever. Being the DD sucks so bars that don't should really consider at least doing that for them.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    I think first offense a minimum year suspension of driver's license. And fines, and classes that give up your entire saturday...for months. I don't think jail time though for first offense. After that though lock them up if they continue that behavior. Most of the time they are young and stupid. That's not an excuse, but I think it's a cause. Get them off the road until they have grown up enough to handle the responsibility of driving. I had a friend when I was growing up that had some drinks and drove. He had a wreck and the passanger was killed. This is tragic for everyone involved. In prison, before his trial he hung himself. I couldn't imagine the pain he was in. He was young, never been in trouble, and made a stupid mistake, and someone died. Was he a bad person? Did he belong in prison. No. He had never had a dwi or anything like that before. He thought he was invincible and turned out he wasn't, and two mothers lost their sons. Where did he get the alcohol? Who served it? Who bought it? I think if you buy underage people liquor, especially if you let them drive afterwards then YOU should be CHARGED.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    More progress pics

    You are so pretty. I love your stripped shirt. And you tummy is gone! That is so exciting. You look so happy. Thanks for sharing, you look wonderful.:thumbup::laugh::frown::biggrin2::wink2:
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Has anyone seen my missing mojo?

    I think your too hard on yourself. Your 37 lbs lighter than 3 months ago. That's like getting almost four bowling bowls off your ass. .5 lbs? Shoot, os, I fluctuate 7 lbs up and down for weeks at a time. You know how I fixed wanting to kill myself? I killed the scale. Get off of it, I think you will feel better. I am 39 lbs down. Sometimes I want to be 65 lbs down at this point. But I'm not, but I am smaller and it is working. I've only P'b once, never slimed. I get stuck, but really on nothing but bready things. You are not supposed to PB all the time, too much of it is a bad thing. And there are many long time banders (and losers) that say they have never Pb'd. We are doing fine, honey.:thumbup:
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    Feb Social Group

    I've had one fill...one silly fill. I need more fills. I finally have one scheduled on June 5th.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because its 4:33 and I am doing so far, so I'm not gonna mess it up now.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Diet Pills

    Hey BrandyII- My partner had lapband surgery almost 10 years ago. she was 5'6" and 350. She said the first six months with gastric was really really rough, but of course that long ago it wasn't offered laprosochically. I think she got down to 140, which her frame was really weird looking, now she is up to 210 I think, but she is very happy with herself. I wish your daughter as much luck as she has had.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    Victorious Valentine Exercise Challenge?

    We can do this, we will make it guys!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
