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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    books, magazines, TV. Her voice kinda grates on my nerves.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Thanks Glou. I've missed you. I tried guys and it was a big mess. I was so not interested. But It was hard for me to accept myself...but I did and I couldn't be happier.
  3. I've been having trouble following the guidelines. It's my fault...which is why I'm sad. I just wanted to wallow in my own self descruction for a while apparently But I will do better.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Dang my mouth is dry

    Thank everything for antibiotics.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Lap band lifestyle at women's festivals

    Sounds wonderful. We will have to keep in touch. I have never had the oppurtunity to go but I have read so much about it. I read the book "Girls like us" about the woman who started the festivals and the progression of them since. I have always always wanted to go.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Lap band lifestyle at women's festivals

    I know what your saying Harvest. I have always preached love yourself at anysize and get so pissed off myself when normal healthy woman hate themselves because of the impossible image we are supposed to keep up with that the media and the cosmetic industry expose us too, and I (and I might get web slapped for saying this) feel uncomfortable with people who get the lap band for purely cosmetic reasons and am afraid that people will think that I did, but I was huge and unhealthy and I had to do something drastic or I would never be ABLE to go to a festival because I wouldn't be able to walk any kind of distance. My legs were swelling horribly and the Dr.'s just kept prescribing Fluid pills and telling me to get exercise, that I needed to lose weight, but my legs were so thick and swollen and painful that I couldn't even barely walk to my care from work, much less walk around the block. So far I've lost about 30 lbs and I can work out (not as much as I want to but I can at least do 30 minutes on a tread mill if I feel motivated too) I am a feminist lesbian..and I have the lapband. Now I can continue to be a feminist lesbian in 10 years rather than a sad depressed person who can't drive herself because she couldn't fit in her own car.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Feb Social Group

    Do you smoke Pot? thats hilarious...and true. Talk about not being able to watch what you eat. In my wilder days I once (before I was fat) smoked some then got a ride home. Found a pizza in the fridge. My parents woke me up with an empty pizza hut box on my lap that used to contain 6 (count them 6) peices of DEEP PAN pizza. I don't know how I did it.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    IMHO The hardest part of being banded.

    No, no pain or it might be easier to stop. I eat SO much more if I drink with my meals. I don't get hungry faster, I can just eat alot more...but maybe I don't get hungry faster because I ate so much more. Either way IT STOPS today. I have made a promise to myself and I am going to keep it DAMN IT! OHJuli- I feel like people who know I'm banded watch what I'm eating, made apparant when people say (before I've even taken one bite) Don't make yourself sick. People who don't know I'm banded seem confused that I'm so thick and eat so little. I don't care though. I think it's funny.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Hello halfway!

    Good for you and congrats!
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Holy Tightness!!

    OMG me too!
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Dang my mouth is dry

    What did the nurse say Ezma?
  12. I've been struggling. I don't seem to be losing and it is, quite frankly, pissing me off. I couldn't be positive so I thought it best to keep to myself for a while.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Victory times four !!!!

    Yay for you. All that swimming has really paid off.
  14. I've lost 39 lbs. give or take two or three that go up and down. I'm not up to par with most of you. But atleast I'm in the race not sitting on the sidelines.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    My four month progess pics

    Looking great Jaime
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    New to Board

    Hi Sherri Nice to meet you.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    Dang my mouth is dry

    How are you? I'm always thirsty and not having anything to drink is always really hard when I was going to have surgery.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    Revision Date

    Sorry I haven't been around. I will send you all my best wishes, thoughts, and love.
  19. Ezma. Your a gorgeous inspiration. A lovely breeze of hope, not to mention a sassy haired siren. In short, to quote Juno- You are the cheese to my macaroni.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    spf 85 my ass!

    So I am was a little tired of working out in a gym. I wanted some sunshine but I live in the south. Far south actually where you do not see people outside past the middle of May. My partner had a pool so I covered myself with spf 85 from neutrogena. I slathered that crap on too. I swam hard for about 30 minutes then got out put MORE on all over. Read about 15 minutes of a book I had. PUT MORE ON and went swimming again, not too much for the exercise I was just splashing around because some friends had gotten there (WHO DID NOT PUT ON SUNBLOCK EVEN THOUGH I TOLD THEM TOO) I got out PUT MORE ON Read until I dried off then left. I am burned all over. Even the bottom of my legs are burned. My feet are burned. My armpits are burned. I have blisters on my shoulders and back. My inner thighs are burned. Even my forearms are red. The people who didn't put on sunblock are burnt too...but they are stupid (though I love them) and didn't wear sunblock and they are not nearly as red and miserable as I am. I am severely pissed off. I know I burn easy, which is why I apply and reapply the STRONGEST sunblock I could find. Whats worse is the burn is splochy because the only part of my skin that was protected were the two inch circles where I squirted the sunblock on before I rubbed it in. Now that sunblock was 9 dollars for not a large bottle, and I used it like it was 3 dollars because I am so sensitive to the sun. They are liars and I am blistered and miserable. I've done everything I could think of to relieve the pain, and it has helped, but my shoulders and back is so bad I'm actually considered going to the Dr. Does anyone know what to do for actual blisters? I've tried milk and oatmeal baths, which really helped my forearms, legs, and boobs...but not where the blisters are on my shoulders and back. I've tried vinegar-which if your sunburn is not as severe as mine can take the sting out- I am spraying a numbing spray on the blisters which helps but I can't put it on myself because the skin is so tight and painful I can barely lift my arms. I am going to write the makers of that sunblock a very nasty letter. Those assholes.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Good News, Bad news!

    I love sushi...but Hate rice. I like sashimi mostly. Or I will pick the insides out of the rolls. I love the dragon rolls with eel. mmmm. I think the fish and avacodo go well togethor too.
  22. I challenge myself to do 2.0 hours of exercise this week. That is 180 minutes of exercise. Anyone else want to challenge themselves here?
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    OMG! WTH! OUCH-sorry long

    Take care of yourself and get well soon. I will be thinking of you.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Oh....excuse me!

    I get the hiccups, but I always have. If I get really happy, I get the hiccups. it's embarrasing. I worked at this really crappy job and every day on the walk to the back to clock out I would get the hiccups.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    Ouch! Stuck, Stuck, Stuck!

    Maybe it's because aspirin and such aggravate the stomach? Tylenol is easier on the gut, isn't it? Just speculation.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
