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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    The Ten Commandments of Healthy Weight Loss

    Cool. Thats all.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    Obama. Globally- I want out of this war we should have never got into. Obama has been against the war and McCain hasn't. Therefore I am against McCain. I don't put much stock in political parties just political stances. Selfish- I want to get married some day. Also, I don't think that the super rich deserve tax breaks for being super rich. So Obama- I'm your mama.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    It's funny. Paula Dean trys to speak with a southern accent and I try my best to control mine. It's not that I am embarrassed of the south, I'm not. It's that when you have a deep accent people assume your unintelligent. My partner has a PhD in bio chemistry and a southern accent. When we travel and people hear her talk they assume she is stupid. The problem is since I do not have a prominent southern accent (unless I am angry) I tend to speak faster and people, especially older people tell me to slow down they can't understand me. I forget to add those extra syllables in my words. I can't speak southern anymore.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Joe Horn cleared by grand jury

    I couldn't have shot them. I respect the right for someone to carry a gun, but I myself would never have one near me. Sometimes I wish I could, but I just can't. Those men should have known the risk when they decided to steal...but at the same time it sounds as if they were nonviolent, and I don't think that "things" are worth someones life, especially if you have insurance. It makes me sad that two men died for "stuff" that adds up to a sum of 2000 dollars. Maybe if they would have had a gun or knife. Shooting someone in the back? It seems vengeful to me. I have had my door pryed open with a crowbar and anything good stolen (not that it was much because I was 18 and fresh out of my parents house, still in college, and making a grand total of maybe 600 dollars a month. Replacing the door cost more than replacing my stuff) and when they came back the second time and since their was really nothing to steal they took a knife to my things...I thought about killing them. If I knew who they were. Instead I just sold my place and moved somewhere else with a roommate. I couldn't sleep in that house alone anymore. Well thats my 6 cents. I would say 2 but my post was way to long for 2 cents.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Hair Loss!

    Oh me too! It just started coming out and I have thick thick hair. So as of now my hair is like a normal persons, but if it wasn't as thick as it was to begin with I think I might have some bald spots now. Since it got bad, (about a week ago) I've been really trying to make sure to get my vitamens and Protein in.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Renewing my commitments

    Thanks bbk. I tend to BURN everything. I am easily distracted. :-)
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Tell me how you really f'in feel

    So. In kindergarten I meet this girl. Fast forward 20 years and we are best friends and room mates. I've struggled with my weight for 12 of those years and she always has supported me and been understanding. In fact the bigger I got the closer we got. She has been a size 2 at 4'11 for years. I'm not one of those big girls that have a problem with smaller ones. I love my woman all shapes and sizes as long as they are healthy. Her boyfriend had a pretty bad weight problem too. She always said she thought big was sexy and that big girls were beautiful and I never doubted her.... In the last year she has gained maybe 25 lbs. Which means that she is wearing a size 6 now and she is depressed. I've tried not to let it bother me that she is being all pissy about being a size 6...when I was a 28 and she told me she tought I was beautiful. I try to understand but then... We took a picture togethor and it is a beautiful picture and I said so and she made a horrible face. I asked her what was wrong and she said "Look at my gut. That is disgusting" I was really taken back. Really? Disgusting? In the last few months since shes gained a little weight the fact that she has some serious problem with fat has come out. Obviously she thinks it is disgusting and she admitted some crazy things that she has done so she wouldn't become fat...and she was tiny tiny tiny tiny to the point of being unhealthy. So i wonder- I really feel that she only accepts my weight because it makes her feel skinny. That she only dated big guys because it reminded her she wasn't fat. I feel kind of deceived. I love her at whatever size she would be, not because of it. I thought she felt the same way. We have been friends since kindergarten. I feel like she was my sister...now I kind of feel like her self esteem booster, the person she compared herself to to assure herself she was sexy...because she doesn't like to hang out with girls she thinks are prettier than her. Does that mean she thinks I'm ugly? I think I'm hot, and I think she is beautiful, but lately my opinion of her is really really dropping. It's so sad. So so so so sad.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    I think she's cute, but I am sure she is responsible for more than one heart attack. Once I saw an interview with Paula and the interviewer asked "Do you think there is a way to create your recipes with less fat?" to which Paula replies "I guess you could...but why'd you want to?"
  9. Hi. Thanks for the picture comments. Sometimes I need to hear that I'm doing something right. I appreciate you. Also I love reading your post. If I'm not laughing out loud at your wit then I enjoying the truthfulness that you bring.

  10. Hey Thanks Juli. Your message really made me happy. I feel better now.

  11. I wanted to tell you I appreciate your compassionate, mature post and I always enjoy reading them.

  12. ReadySteadyGo

    Tell me how you really f'in feel

    I'm always concerned about her well being and I'm not going to sit here and list off all the things I do and have done for her and will do for her. I love her, but That doesn't mean she doesn't get on my damn nerves sometimes.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    Me either. But maybe gaydar doesn't work through the television.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Tell me how you really f'in feel

    I just needed to vent the anger so It didn't come out on her. I'm still disturbed but if it continues I will just have to tell her how I feel. I have always promoted a Healthy body image. I loved myself at every weight I have ever been. I got WLS because my legs were swelling and already having strange feet I can't stand or walk for long peroids of time, and carrying around 160 lbs of extra flub I was scared that I wouldn't be able to even walk to my car if I gained anymore weight. I always thought I surrounded myself with body confident people. People who loved themselves, because that is important to me. I am not angry anymore but part of me thinks "who is this person" She is still in my heart. She is still the same person. But I honestly can't STAND those people who look in the mirror or at pictures whining about how fat they are whether they are a size 6 or 26. If your unhappy with something fix it or get over it. She has never been one of those people before and I just keep thinking "what happened?" Now that I have calmed down however, I am thinking the death of her mother last year has something to do with it. Her dad died years ago and she broke up with her boyfriend of seven years while her mom was dying because she didn't want to get married at that time. I think it is just her pain coming out. It's a lot to deal with and some Woman tend to take out their depression on their bodies. I just had a moment of frustration. I just have to remember to be there for her. I still think the obsession with her tiny tummy is kind of ridiculous, but it's her right. If it gets to the point that I can't take it I will just tell her to refrain from making those comments around me because they are driving me crazy.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Renewing my commitments

    Awww. Thanks Crystal. Maybe with better restriction it wouldn't be a big deal. But it makes a big difference on how much I eat. I think it washes the food down. At first it started as little sips when my mouth was dry or hot while eating, but I catch myself taking larger bites and washing them down with the drink...BUT I will just retrain myself with dry eating and when I learn to behave again I will take TINY sips when I need it.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Jsjs That sounds like a wonderful life you have made for yourself.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    No, I didn't catch that one I don't think. Was it the real world? I haven't been up to date on my MTV because when I moved out I didn't bother getting cable last year and I moved out (of my parents home) about eight years ago now (I'm 26 I think I forgot to mention that). I have visited Austin twice. It actually reminds me alot of shreveport, where I live the way the town is set up so thats good. I don't like crowding and it is so spread out...but it is so much more eclectic. We have tiny tiny art shows here in shreveport and I have even had a few things in art shows...but it's not where it needs to be. Austin also has a Woman's book store that I could just sit in for hours. I spent most of my money there last time I went.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    My First Time Here

    Welcome. The two months are the hardest hardest part. If you can get through those then I know you can do it. Try to listen to your Dr. There is a reason for the liquid diet. It's damn hard, for sure, and following the guidelines can be really really stressful (at least for me)...I'm not here to judge because I'm far from perfect...Just giving some advice. I think we have all worked too hard to get the lapband whether we are selfpay or jumped through all the insurance hoops, to risk the consequences of cheating. I'm glad your here and look forward to talking to you soon.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    IMHO The hardest part of being banded.

    Sounds like your having trouble hitting that "sweet spot" I keep hearing about, Julie. I say hearing because I haven't found it myself. I did eat less not eating and drinking yesterday, but I'm not "there" yet. I have a fill in 15 days so maybe we will get it then. I hope that your search for the perfect restriction comes to an end soon.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    I just don't like RR's voice. It might be a petty reason to not watch someone on tv...but with all the options and so little time nowadays it doesn't take much for me to flip the channel. Paula Dean on the other hand, I think she has to be the cutest woman alive. I really enjoy watching her show. I try not to too much though. Makes me insanely hungry for naughty things.:smile2::drool:
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Renewing my commitments

    I need to start working out again too. I've gotten really lazy in that dept.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hi Stacy and Harvest. Nice to meet you.
  23. Hi there. Nice to meet you.

  24. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    "Keep Austin Weird" is austin's slogan. They have a big music and art scene. The only thing I don't like about it is I want to move somewhere with LESS humidity not more.
  25. I'm socially stroooong liberal, but ecomomic I think that noone has it right so I don't know what you would call me. Gay maybe.

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