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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Unsent Letters

  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    Plain, My girlfriend would look at your post and turn to me all wide eyed and scream "SEE! I told you" or "Ha! The smart guy agrees with me!" We obviously have different views on the issue. At first I was for it, but from listening to her and reading, I am not sure how I feel anymore... On the other hand, I do think that insurance companies should have some sort of monitering system. My roommate (who I have known for 20 years- since kindgarton) had to fight the insurance every step for basic medical treatment when her mom was dying of cancer. Watching what she went through and knowing that her mom paid her insurance payments everyday for years and years and years...well. They need to be held accountable. Not just civilly. Fighting the insurance takes time they you don't have when your sick, and if you sue after the death you may or may not get some money, but what is money- You can now afford the procedure that your loved one needed and it's too late. I know they are a business, They want to make money, but the last thing you need when you are trying to help feed and bathe your mother is to fight with the insurance company about admitting her to the hospital when she has a bladder infection and her body is too weak to fight it off anymore or paying for the hospice she so desperately needs. I don't know how to fix this problem. I don't want the goverment to take over healthcare...they seem to mess anything they take over up. Yet, how could we force the insurance to stop making false promises and collecting your payments to deny coverage when you need it?
  3. When people say negative thinks about homosexuality it's weird, because I can just blow it off and laugh at their ignorance. My best friends however get so mad if someone does this, and adamently defends homosexuality. It does kind of warm your heart. I have the sweetest friends, and you sound like a good one too. I mean I've been fired for being gay, I have had people find out at work (not this one another job) and suddenly become icy and cruel. We need people like you. Thanks.
  4. It is 7 am yet I was still able to laugh at your post. I was just picturing someone doing that. Over the top wide eyed shock concept. I think I will have to try that atleast once...I might start laughing though. :thumbup:
  5. That sounds good plain. lately I have been handling confrontation by not saying anything and bitching about them on lapbandtalk.com I am good at solving situations with people I spend more than three minutes with...but these random people that say these random disagreeable things I can't seem to bring myself to handle. I feel like I could either ignore it or jump up on my soap box and preach and yell for twenty minutes...then get fired.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Feb Social Group

    I am nowhere near that point yet.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Let's play a game!

    Happiness Hey Everyone! This is fun.
  8. Not drinking while you eat. This is so hard for me. It's something I've really been struggling with since the beginning. Right now I am successful at giving up the drink about half the time, and fighting really hard with my self descruction thirst to not drink while eating all the time. uh. Oh well. I'm trying. Just keep swimming, Tara.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Joe Horn cleared by grand jury

    My dad owns a few rifles bc he hunts. Something that holds no interest to me, but to each their own. Anyway he keeps the bullets hidden in a seperate room from the guns. My grandma and granddad also hunt. Like I said. Don't really fit in with them. They are all gungho republican hunters and I am...something else. :-) Oh and my Mom doesn't have a problem with the rifles, but she always said you should never keep a loaded gun in the house if your married regardless if you have kids or not. Because there are just too many times in a marriage that if people had a gun in their hand ready to go, they might just go ahead and shot their spouses. she was joking of course....I hope. I have no problem with people who own guns. In fact I do believe that we, as Americans, have a right to own a gun. I just don't want one nor do I want one near me. Ohjuli- I couldn't agree more.
  10. What bothers me is that they talk to me about this stuff like they just assume I share their opinion.
  11. Hey your looking great. How's it going? Thanks about my avatar. I get bored and take pics of myself. By the by- you are doing fantastic!

  12. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Self pay here. Insurance considered it completely cosmetic. So officially, according to my insurance I have had cosmetic surgery...isn't that funny. Well, you guys don't know me, but it's funny - I promise. Hi Jason. I hope you get it worked out. My best friend hopes to move to New York. Do you like living up there?
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Joe Horn cleared by grand jury

    Bj- Good points. The criminal has no guilt for stealing other peoples things that they have worked hard to acquire...but if someone were to try and take these things (that he stole from somone else) he would retaliate. What a mixed up world. Speaking of owning a gun. I want to tell you my own personal reason for not owning a gun. This might be too personal, but it's easy to be honest on the internet, isn't it? My aunt and uncle were going through some problems and my uncle was staying at a seedy hotel. My aunt gathered up my 12 yr old cousin and they drove the long distance to the hotel. Of course they tried to talk and ended up arguing and my aunt took off distraught. My uncle thought that she had taken my cousin with her when she left. He was actually in the bathroom. When my uncle heard someone in the bathroom he grabbed his gun and demanded that whoever it was come out of the bathroom or he would shoot. I don't know why he didn't come out of the bathroom but he didn't and my uncle shot through the bathroom door killing my cousin. It was tragic. I was ten. For safety reasons, especially when I lived alone, I thought I needed a gun..but I couldn't bring myself to get one.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Another good magazine and website

    cool. Thanks Ezma
  15. Hi Jaunderwood. Congrats on the 27lbs. I get my third fill July 17th
  16. Gibson. This is your body and you know how much you eat and the Dr. doesn't come to dinner with you so he needs to just be quiet. Kick him in his shins continously until he agrees to give you a fill. Good luck. I'm sorry you have to put up with that. Don't get depressed - get mad and find yourself another Dr. Tara
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    Renewing my commitments

    Some things I need to work on. I am making a promise to myself not to do these things. 1. - No eating while drinking. This is so hard for me. It makes such a difference when I don't, but I keep telling myself. Just this meal, next one I won't drink. From now on all my meals will be dry. 2. - No more eating out. I will eat my own prepared meals, or lean cruisine meals. No more eating out even if I think I'm making healthier choices it is still to much fat and calories that wouldn't be there if I made it at home....It just might not taste as good. But I will teach myself how to cook. Does anyone have any recipe suggestions because I am hopeless in the kitchen.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    My new bestfriend

    98% cafffiene free which means about 15 mg of caffiene per "on the go" serving. In each packet there are two servings.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    I thought that was weird too. I know what your saying. I'm not going to make a post and put my bf or try to go around it by saying "the person I'm dating" It was too hard to come out, I'm not going back in now. That closet was cramped and I'm a big girl. Besides Rachel ray what other threads are you paving the way for gay bandsters? :-)
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    My new bestfriend

    mmmm that looks good
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    My new bestfriend

    Thanks Marathinner.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    How, How, When?

    oh I think I have a 14cc band.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    How, How, When?

    First fill 2cc- restriction lasted three weeks Second fill 4cc- Restriction lasted four weeks...unless I drink when eating. Total of 6cc- And need a little more.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi *waves* where are you guys? Hello? *hears echo* hello hello

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