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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Going on Vacation!

    Plain I hope you enjoy yourself...but hurry back!
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    North Louisianians???

    Nazzy- I was banded by Dr. Merriman too.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    A Rant Against MYSELF!!!

    but Lil Miss. At 100 lbs down YOU DESERVE those clothes. I am so inspired and impressed with your progress and your attitude. Get you those 5 pairs, and next month get 5 more pairs because you rock!
  4. My goal (and wish) is to hit 50 lbs by my six month goal. To be in a size 22 (which I haven't been in for about four years) And to see my collar bone. I can feel it now...I want to see it! I've been depressed. Ashamed. The scale hasn't moved in so long it seems. I only lost 7 lbs in six weeks from this fill I just got and it was a big one. I was scheduled for a fill on the 17th, but my air went out and I am currently paying for that then I found out that I have a plumbing leak so I had to cancel my fill, I can't afford it right now and so that makes me really really sad. I had stopped working out, so it was my fault I just didn't have any...motivation I guess. Or my sadness weighed me down and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am motivated now, I hope. I swam laps in the pool yesterday and it was pretty enjoyable. My gym has a large swimming pool and I think that I have found my new favorite exercise. I may even be able to convince my self descructive side to go to the gym at least twice a week. Wish me luck. I have to get these 10 lbs off are I will scream.:thumbup:
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    :crying: Thats sweet thanks. I look forward to getting to know you too. We could keep each other motivated.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Happy Birthday Ready!

    awwwwww!!! You guys are the best. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I went to a comedy club for my actual birthday and the next day I drove to Dallas to see Avenue Q. It was a good birthday. You guys are the sweetest thing.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    I need...

    Thank you. I really needed that. (((hugs)))
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    I need...

    Some motivation Some inspiration Some words of courage and strength. Please.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    That will be great. It's good to have an interweb quit buddy because two real life friends should NEVER try to quit togethor in my opinion.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Your both wrong! Jesus was defintely involved in the independent party.
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    I quit a year before my surgery and I worked so hard on quitting, but recently I have started again. And I have set myself a quit date. August 17th. I got the lapband to be healthy and smoking would totally destroy everything I am doing, not to mention it makes me tired and I can't work out as easily. So, I'm quitting. Let's quit huh?
  12. ReadySteadyGo


    I agree. Do you know what I would do to my girlfriend if she brought a picture of me 7 years ago and said, Look at how good you used to look baby. ? Oh it wouldn't be pretty. Thankfully I am with a loving, caring, intelligent lady who values her life. That was a good reply neptune. I was just got so deeply offended when I read her original post.
  13. Plain- I just read your post and cracked up. Elenation- You anger strangely gives me hope for humanity. It is illegal in most states, but in louisiana we are at at will state which means that you can pretty much be fired for sneezing. Your employment is "at will" of the employer.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    People! Leave my stuff ALONE

    Grrrr That is just disrespectful.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Hello Hello!

    Hello Melissa. Nice to have you.
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Let's play a game!

    Dancing la da da da da la da da da da d a da
  17. ReadySteadyGo


    Here was my reply to HER What did you expect < ReadySteadyandGo > 07/16 05:12:25 If you have been with her for three years, then I would think your love would be strong enough to handle some butt jiggle. Of course she got insecure. Do you think that she is ecstatic to be gaining weight? Really? Maybe it really bothers her and here you go and tell her how fat she is and that she needs to lose weight. If you concerned about her health, thats one thing. It was a good idea to say that you both need to work out but it didn't work so you just called her fat? She will work out when she feels ready to change something. You can't humilate her into working out or losing weight, or you shouldn't because that would be cruel. If you love her as you say you do. Then you would love her fat, sick, healthy, skinny, or muscular. People get older, things happen. Maybe she is depressed. Maybe you should reach out to her. Or maybe her metobolism is slowing down...I don't know how old you guys are. If you can't love her for some extra weight, then maybe your not the girlfriend you thought (and she thought) you were. Then again, you know whats important to you, and if you have to have a lean girlfriend and you can't get over it and love her anyway, then maybe it's time to move on. I just feel really sorry for your girlfriend, who has given you "three good years" of her life and is being rejected for not being as hot as she used to be. But better for you to both find out now then in another 10 years.
  18. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hello little froggy and rockout! Welcome
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    Whatever plain. I'm counting on you to fix everything. Now.......Go! ....Hey I said GO!....start fixing it!!!!! heehee!
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    Unsent Letters

    Powerful letter Newhope.
  21. Thanks Heartfire. Obviously it wasn't a place I would want to have stayed at anyway. by the by, do you know what drives me even more crazy than upfront racism? Something like this. "Hey I'm not racist, I know this one black guy and he's really nice, I mean he acts white. Ugh. Saying that someone is a really nice man because they act like a certain race? There are good people and bad people not good race and bad race. Drives me crazy to listen to that crap. Thats a statement from someone not at work. He I was able to tell off, especially when he said that President Bush was doing a good job considering what he was dealing with. You know, the liars, the terriost, the lesbians...I don't know what he meant by that- but I had no idea the terroist, liars, and lesbians were in the same catagory. I don't fault someone for their political affiliation, but - I am not a terroist or a liar so what the hell was he talking about? Thanks for allowing me to vent and say all the things I want to say to those idiots that talk to me at work. It's not often, but it is about once a month I get a comment like that, obviously the day I started this post being one of them.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    I am going to stab someone

    So I got a new job right about the time I was scheduled for surgery. I told them about the surgery because well I needed time off and this was already scheduled before the surgery. I was supposed to work three months probation and them be hired on fulltime with benefits, vacation, sick pay, huge christmas bonus, a raise. Blah blah blah. It pays well, but it's been five months. I keep asking about it and they keep putting me off...telling me different bullshit reasons they haven't done it yet. Someone who is close with the stupid manager today told me it was because of my lapband they haven't technically hired me yet. They are scared something will happen and don't want to have the insurance premiums go up like they did when one of their employees had a brain tumor. I am pissed the fuck off. Pardon my laungauge, but I am NOT in a good mood already and I want to go up there and slap her. How ignorant is she? Calm me down, please, before I lose my job.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Forclosed homes

    Susan, I hope that you and your family are able to get through this difficult time. I wish you all the best and I am sorry for the struggles you are experiencing.
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    I am going to stab someone

    I'm calmer now. I have no weapons to speak of. Your right, Ezma it is a smaller company, not a chain or anything. I will go talk to her. I just get so annoyed at ignorant people sometimes.
  25. ReadySteadyGo

    Finally have restriction...but is it too much?

    That we have different opinions, different ideas, but I love this support group because we always express these different ideas in such a respectful manner. That being said. I didn't have a preop diet, and because of that I always forget that people who lost 75 lbs might not have lost it since Feb. and I think. Damn it, whats wrong with MY band. But at the same time, Good for them to be able to lose ANYTHING without being banded. Jaime, Crystal, and all my other VV you are doing amazing. I might be a slower loser, but that gives me the oppurtunity to be inspired by all of you. Thank you so much for continuing to come and post, to speak. I love you guys. I gotta stop typing. I want to cry. I must be about to start my peroid. TMI? I don't care.

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