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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    So because we can't have bread...we all want icecream. I was a breadoholic. Seriously. A glass of milk and a loaf of bread and I'm set for the day, thanks. Now when I need a fill I find myself buying bagels and things. Right now my greatest vices are mini bagel pizzas and of course...icecream. But I am going on a low carb diet with gipson, or following gipson into the low carb thing anyway. They have low carb icecream...did you know that?
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Hey Glou! Hows it going.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Have you been picking in my fridge, Ezma? :tongue2: Okay I have developed a coldstone addiction, and if they aren't open then I have discoverd the "Whirled Peace" from Ben and Jerry's is better than a shot of vodka for knocking out a bad day. OH and Cookies and cream taste really good for a combo chocolate craving/icecream craving. I make a promise to only eat icecream once a week, and not the whole pint once a week, but a SERVING of icecream once a week. Now stay away from the pickles, I am going to eat them, they don't have calories.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Thank-you, ReadySteadyGo

    yep sure do www.myspace.com/lifespelledout thats me. Just friend request me. My page is private but that is only because I grew up in a small town and people are nosy.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Can you tell?

    I should join you Gipson. Wanna low carb it togethor? You will have to walk me through it if you would. I am pretty low carb ignorant. Besides if you have to keep checking with me maybe it will help you not dissapear again. I will track you down. I have myspace and a car.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Why am I still holding on to those clothes?

    Well, let me give you some motivation. Most people, woman especially, that live in poverty tend to be overweight. I think this is because How cheap it is to eat completely unhealthy and since unhealthy foods have no real nutrients you get hungry quicker. The overweight woman thing is a fact, the rest of it my theory. Either way their are alot of bigger woman who can't afford lane bryant clothes EVER. So donate those clothes to the salvation army, or Goodwill so that some big girl who can never find clothes in their size so they are forced to wear clothes that don't fit can finally get a shirt that looks good on her. Maybe to wear to an interview or something. I know when I first moved out I was broke, and a size 22 and I had a lot of problems fining clothes at goodwill so I only had maybe 2 pair of pants and 2 or 3 shirts that I felt comfortable wearing out. I have two closets of clothes now, so I try to donate whenever I can. So get those clothes out of the closet, you will never be able to wear them again (yay!) and give them a new home with someone who would really really appreciate them. Love ya. :-)
  7. ReadySteadyGo


    I agree Cool Crystal, I think that tragedies like this can bring out either the best or the worst in people. I hope that if something like that happens to me I'm not the one complaining about the food and bitching that the pillows aren't fluffy enough. Then again, our crime increase was mostly isolated to the shelters. It was people attacking the people in the shelter they were sharing. I find that so sad, I mean your there just trying to survive and their is noone to protect you, you don't know where your family is and you are sharing shelters with dangerous people. When they did a check in one shelter they found that over 30 in 100 had outstanding warrants. (I'm talking about Katrina) Gustav they were better prepared, but still they didn't have everything they needed and when people are forced from their home or when bad things happend to them they become "Oh woe is me" sometimes. I get like that everytime I have a fill and can't eat for three days. Now a year after Katrina we still had people living rent free in FEMA trailers, and that is ridiculous. They were pretty nice too, but the thing is I'm willing to help, but not support someone. I see what your saying totally. Me and My GF actually argued about this yesterday. When is it time to say, Alright we've helped enough move along? At some point it stops becoming help and becomes enabling...but where is that point?
  8. ReadySteadyGo


    Well. The weather has been pretty rough here. We have 11,000 people here from new orleans so are schools are closed as they are being used for shelters. I couldn't get ANY sleep last night from debrie falling loudly on my roof and a freaked out lab barking at the wind and rain in my room and trying to sneak on the bed. But all is still great. When I get off work I'm going to go through my house and gather wash cloths, towels, and clothes to bring to the shelters. I feel so sorry for the people back in the shelters again. I am wishing a speedy recovery to poor New Orleans. Thank God people were better prepared this time. Some people are angry that we have evacs here. They are complaining about a possible crime rise, the length of lines at McDonald's, and saying that God is trying to wipe New Orleans off the map. Stupid people.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Thank-you, ReadySteadyGo

    awww, thanks Crystal. By the by I love the do, when did you dye your hair?
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    KD8888 that was a very thoughtful reply, hopefully she gets a chance to read it. I just wanted to tell you that sometimes it is so refreshing to compassion, it always makes me happy. Thanks for posting. I myself don't know much about her condition, my grandmother had it, but she got it under control. And she lost a lot of weight on weight watchers which got the weight off her chest and helped her sleep without the machine she had to use. I just wanted to say thanks.
  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Well, I'm glad. It would have been quite unfortunate if you did. Sometimes around 14 or 15 laps in that big pool at the gym I feel like I might die, but I don't. I'm glad about that too.
  12. ReadySteadyGo

    6 Month Progress Pics

    I will post my pics as soon as I find my dang camara! Gipson. My surgeon sucks too. I've lost 45 lbs. But it's been really hard. I have missed you by the way. Everyone looks freaking awesome. Hugs you guys.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Thank-you, ReadySteadyGo

    Sorry to hear about you health, but am glad you are feeling better. Oh a wii fit I'm jealous. I really want one but have to pay for other things right now. I have been swimming. And I just keep swimming. :-)
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Thanks Juli, You handled that well. Hi guys and gals. Just wanted to say hello. And to tell you that I have finally made exercise a priority. Swimming. My gym has a pool. I'm not a graceful swimmer, but it's fun. Though today I thought I was going to have to swim to work. We have 11,000 people in our schools here from New Orleans. So Shreveport is pretty crowded right now. Then of course he hear the grumbling about how crime is going to go up etc. It did rise slightly during Katrina, but for the most part the people from N.O just need a place to sleep and food, I can't believe how selfish people can be sometimes. when I get off work I'm headed to the shelter to donate wash clothes, towels, and old clothes. The weather here is scary but okay. We still have electricity and water which is awesome. Some trees are down, but the roads are clear. Last night I got NO NO NO sleep between my lab who was freaking out, the tin on my roof being slammed with debrie, and the thunder, but I'm alive safe and still have my home. You guys take care of yourself, and don't let ignorant people bring you down. Oh, and still smoke free! Go me!
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    101 gone!!!

    Ezma you must be floating right now! How are you going to celebrate? I'm so happy for you!
  16. Another one to get it shaking in here.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    Exercise is fun!....?......

    I obviously copied and pasted this. Just some ideas for us. When workouts or other activities are fun, you're more likely to stick with them, many studies show. To spark your creative imagination, here are a bunch of ways to get fit by acting like a kid, as well as resources to help you get started. 1. Play Twister. Flexibility and fun, all rolled into one retro game. 2. Twirl a Hula-Hoop. A great ab toner and heart-rate raiser (hula-hoops.com). 3. Play kickball. Join an existing adult league or start your own (worldkickball.com). 4. Skip to the beat. Substitute skipping for your usual jog or mix it into your walk/jog workout (iskip.com). 5. Get a dance qroove. Try "Techno Pop," "Urban Funk" or "Street Style" videos C$30-$40; active videos.com). 6. Jump a rope. A 145-pound woman can burn 570 calories per hour. Learn double Dutch style and start a team (800-225-8820, Angeles as well as other gyms. ----anyone live in New york? I am Louisiana myself. 10. Reach for the sky. It used to be called trampolining; now it's called urban rebounding (urbanrebounding .com). 11. Go-go golfing. Make the game less geriatric by playing Frisbee Golf (aka disc golf) or Xtreme Golf (disc golfassoc .com, 831-722-6037; extreme golf.com). 12. Lead a cheer. Rah, Rah, Sis Boom Bah just like a teenager at a cheerleading "camp" class (cheerleading .net). 13. Play HORSE. Take free throws, going around the arc in front of a basketball hoop. Every time you miss, you get a letter. The closer you come to spelling HORSE, the more you n eed to practice your shot. 14. Make Cookies from scratch. Instead of the Cuisinart, use a wooden spoon - it takes major arm strength. 15. Play Marco Polo. Get moving in the deep end instead of standing in the shallows like a won't-get-my-hair-wet girl.
  18. Thats my new exercise. Three time a week I'm swimming in the gyms pool. I'm not a graceful swimmer. And it is an olympic sized pool and I haven't figured out how to take a quick, effortless breathe and with a quick resubmergence in the woman. So I do laps looking like a drowning dog...but I don't care. It's fun, it makes me proud, and I can feel it when I am doing it. When my heart is beating too fast to swim then I grab those Water weights and fight to keep them under as I walk up and down the pool. I keep myself interested by playing this game with myself. See the lanes are marked and in the center of the lane there is a 8 in black stripe (I guess so that when your swimming you have a line to follow. I walk up and down the pool holding down the weights, which is harder than it sounds, and I also work my legs by fitting the waves of the other swimmers to keep my feet in the black line. I have really enjoyed it.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    Just keep swimming literally

    I really like it.
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    Lets find our friends again

    Lets send a private message to all the Victorious Valentines we haven't heard from telling them we miss them and would love for them to come visit us. Do you think that is rude. I having that large support group to lean on.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Let's talk Plateaus

    I hate plateaus! I spit on them. pteww pteww
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Lets find our friends again

    Wow, Sadie, way to go!

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