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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    I've joined this century

    Thanks you guys. That was so freeing. I had been there for three years at the time. It was fun. When I quit I heard a customer burst out laughing. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write. I never understood the point of a blog but I decided I wanted one anyway. I just joined facebook, peek. It is confusing. I'm trying to learn it.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Yay for you Ezma. I broke down and had Cookies and cream last night. No cigarette though. I do think cell phones, blue tooths, just all the chemicals and waves in the air have something to do with it. But I don't know. Stay strong Ezma.
  3. ReadySteadyGo

    Just wanted to share this NSV

    That is way awesome :biggrin: By the way, "melissa's hopefuls" sounds like a band name.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Ezma, How is the hubby doing today?
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Hi SicknTired! :-) I haven't had icecream in a week and a half. But I could kill for a cigarette right now. I haven't had one of those in three weeks, but my gym just really aggravated me. I joined the gym through the hospital I worked at. I didn't realize I got a discount. I paid 30 apparently the fee was 55. So it's been almost a year and I have been 30 when apparently I was supposed to pay 55. Well I guess they just caught me and they have sent the left over to a collection agency. I found out called them, I was confused and angry. Now they are saying that they will take me out of collections but I have to pay everything, I am no longer a member because they cancelled my membership, and if I want to rejoin I have to pay 6 months of membership fees upfront. Which adds up to 350 dollars. Plus a 25 dollar installation fee. It is showing up as I am late with fees instead that I didn't pay the whole amount each month and they won't listen to me. It has a pool which is why I love that gym so much. Now I'm angry, and have to find another gym that isn't full of size 2 blondes. Dang it. I could eat a whole gallon of icecream and smoke a whole carton of cigarettes right now. Thankfully I am at work and have neither.
  6. ReadySteadyGo


    Thanks Ezma. I was hoping if I was brave that other people would join in. Still hoping. :biggrin:
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Creative Minds

    Crafts are art. Kind of like sculpture, I think. Post us some pics :-)
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    "I think I am stronger than my cravings on most days" OOps I mean I am stronger than my cravings.
  9. ReadySteadyGo


    I think that sounds good to me. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for a few MONTHS now. So I'm getting pretty depressed, I am hoping this helps me stay motivated because I am close to saying that this is as much weight as the lap band is giving me. I exercise, I do, I have limited my intake, taken in more, taken in less, I just need something to change and I am trying to find a way to change it. I am hungry all the freaking time, I don't have real restriction. I keep getting fills. It's seven months and I am getting depressed, really. I know 45 lbs is a lot, but I started at a really high weight. Damn it.
  10. You need to post something in the creative minds group you started. I want to see it :-)

  11. ReadySteadyGo

    Creative Minds

    I know in the LGBT community we have tons of creative people. You guys check this social group out if you can find the time. Creative Minds. - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  12. ReadySteadyGo


  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Short Stories/ Essays

    Once there was a beautiful girl who loved the smell of flowers, but she lived in a world where all the gardens were covered with concrete. There was no grass, no trees, only gray, solid rocks and grout. There were no clouds in the sky because their was no Water to evaporate, therefore no clouds, thus no rain to fall down on the hot, hot, grey world. Her people had used all the lakes, rivers, and oceans to mix with the grey sand to make the concrete. The only water that existed was kept in giant metal enclosed canisters way up above the ground to keep people from breaking into them. The evil leader , Gush, rationed the water sparingly, but only to those who swore their lives to his name. Every day his followers must renew their vows of allegience to Gush, and praise the beautiful grey world he created to cover the vulgar greens of the grass, the immoral reds of the apples, the unnatural blues of the insects , the ungodly voilets of the azaleas, the misguided oranges of the tangerines, and the uncoventional yellows of the daisies. They thanked him pleadingly as he swung the small ration of water teasingly above them. "Thank you, oh great Gush, for destroying the indulgent and sinful fruits and vegtables that grew in the gardens and orchards. Thank you for covering the unashamed flowers. How unnatural and against God they were! Thank you for bringing us this, clean, Godly world of Grey!" Gush would then reward their servitude by a small sip of water to last them until he was ready to hear his praises again. Poor, poor girl. She missed the trees, and the nourishing fruits, and the oceans, rivers, and lakes...but most of all she missed the smell of flowers. Her heart hurt in this grey, dead land so much that she always wanted to cry, but she was so dehydrated that she had no tears. Her throat was too dry to scream so the poor girl was forced to face her suffering in dry silence. One day as she sat hugging herself crying tearlessly a small little pixie landed on her shoulder and asked her what troubled her heart. "I'm parched and dry" the girl answered. "My senses are deprived and my heart aches for the taste of an apple, the coolness of dew, and the smell of a flower. I lie about who I am and what I want every day just for a small sip of water to continue my meager, miserable existance. Why wouldn't I cry?" "What if I can show you a world full of color and taste?" pixie said moving closer to whisper these temptations in the ear of the girl. The pixie's breathe tickled the small hairs in the girls earlobes causing a chill of pleasure. The pixie whispered of hidden gardens, of running brooks, of leaning vines of grapes, and burdened trees full of fruit, and of flowers. Of every color and smell of flowers imaginable. She only had to follow the pixie to see and experience these wonders. The girl stood up, but she was so weak from dehydration that she fell right back down. She rested for a few moments then gathered her strength and pulled herself upwards. Step by step she followed the pixie. She followed the pixie to a small hole in the ground. The girl peeked down the hole but could see nothing but blackness. The hole was so small that the only reason the girl could fit in it is becuase she had nothing to eat in so long and her body was so dehydrated. The girl followed the pixie into the hole and she fell down and down and down for longer than the girl had the ability to remember. She thought that perhaps she had never been doing anything but falling. She fell for so long that she forgot the grey of the concrete or the red of the apples...but not the smell of flowers. She finally landed with a swoosh into a cool, crystal clear lake. She water aborsed into her skin and by the time she floated to the top her body was swollen and fat with water. She pulled herself laborously out of the lake and waddled through the thick fragrant soft grass. Her foot squished in the rich, black mud. The green was almost painful to her once too deprived eyes. All these sensations where deeply delectable...but they were nothing compared to the scents of the flowers. The girl picked the first flowr next to her feet. She inhaled deeply, she picked the next flower and inhaled deeply, then the next and the next. she snatched up beautiful roses and delicate lilies and shoved them to her nose like a junkie. Indeed she was intoxicated. She sniffed and sniffed and snatched and sniffed. The ran through the garden grabbing flowers and to smell. This continued for ages, in a state of elation and intoxication she snatched up flowers until she couldn't remember anything but the smell of flowers, the feel of the snap in her hand as she ripped them from the land, and the tickle of the petals against her face. Finally she fell, after picking flowers until she exhausted herself. She fell and slept and slept. When she woke the world was barren and sparse. "Pixie! My pixie what happened?" the girl called in despair. The pixie flew too her and landed exhausted on her shoulder. The pixie looked unhealthy and it's tiny thin face held an expression of accusation. "You picked all the flowers in the garden, so the insects had no pollen and no place to rest their tired wings. You then threw the flowers on the ground, covering the earth so the sunshine couldn't get to the grass. The rain could not get into the ground to water the trees. The fruit died and fell of the trees, which withered and died. You have killed the garden. All the pixies are dying. The girl cried and apologized but she couldn't undo what she had done. So she gathered all the dry twigs from the dead trees and built a box around herself. She was never seen or heard from again.
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Short Stories/ Essays

    A thread to share short stories and Essays.
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    2 years post op, gaining, HELP!

    Brandy, Nanook, friend. I am so sorry that you have had so many problems with the lap band. Especially, the health problems. I haven't lost weight nearly like I thought I would, so even though we aren't in the same situation, I feel just a small amount of your frustration. Either way I hate the things that have happened to you. And the things certain people have said to you. Just know that I have nothing but well wishes for your health, and hope that the next step you take is much more productive. Tara
  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Let's play a game!

    Bones I missed this thread.
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    In front of Chicago

    From the album: Friends and Me

  18. ReadySteadyGo


    Way to go!
  19. Ezma? I just read this. Are you ok, my friend? I will be thinking of you. HIt us back and let us know what happened before I go insane with worry. Healthy feel good wishes your way, doll. Tara
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    Let's talk booze!

    I think I will have some wine tonight. It's the weekend right? I'm gonna drink it. If some of you get really random pm's from me just ignore then. I like to drink and type.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    It's a mystery SnT. Icecream was totally innocent, I swear. Don't listen to me at all.
  22. ReadySteadyGo

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Brandy, I believe you. I'm just noting that when my grandma lost 50 lbs her sleep apnea was no longer a problem and she was able to sleep with out a machine. How are you?
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Obesity Help Lawsuit filed by Gary Viscio

    When my family went to the beach my little brother was stung by a jellyfish which I believe is a direct result from the salt in the water. If their was no salt in the ocean then the jellyfish would not have stung my brother. I would like just compensation for the medical bills we would have had if we had taken him to the hospital and of course at least 200,000 for emotional distress.

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