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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    Just my size Yoga

    No I haven't. Thanks for the suggestion, I will amazon it :-)
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Ezma- You inspire me. How is the Hubby? Tapshoes- Hidden calories suck. Is it the crunch and the salt that you crave you think? My fill is at 3:30, so I am skipping lunch so I can leave at 2:45 so I have time to cash my check before going up there. Crossing my fingers that I haven't gained since last time I was there....please please please. I hate the way they look at me when I haven't lost enough weight...then again it might all be in my head. Glou- Everytime you fall off the wagon you realize how much stronger you have to hold on. Don't fret it.
  3. ReadySteadyGo


    Today is my official weigh day, but I can't weigh in the morning cause it's my fill day too (yay) hopefully this one will give me that magic restriction you guys keep talking about. So it will probably be up since it won't be in the morning and I have all my clothes on...I wonder if they will let me strip to weigh? But either way maybe the fill will put me down. I really really hope so.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Need help... What would you do????

    This is your decision and your alone and only you know what's best for you. I am so sorry for the situation your in and having been through something like this myself can feel your pain. That being said, I want to tell you that the liquid diet was a very emotional time for me, and I felt a little crazy during this time. You are greiving for food, you are hungry, you are living off nothing but Protein drinks and Clear liquids...It hits some harder than others and I had a hard time with it, physically and emotionally. I want you to know this because I want you to consider if you can handle the stress from the upcoming divorce, not being able to eat, and staying strong for you children. I am NOT telling you to cancel it, I just want you to be prepared. After the liquid diet it is much much easier. I want you to be ready. Once again I am so sorry that your soon to be ex husband is an inconsiderate jerk wad who needs his voliating member cut off.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hi shelly nice to have you.
  6. I vote Yes. I started coming here preband and before I had decided between gastric and lapband, and I made real connections. OH was horrible. This website did not effect my decision in the slightest but I am glad I am able to post here? Would I not be welcome if I had decided on the bypass? Or if I had to lose my band I would only be allowed to post in the "Life after Lap band" section? I know it's called Lapbandtalk.com, but saying someone shouldn't post here because of their weight loss choice seems elitist to me. I am glad to hear from people with different experiences than mine, I think hearing diffrent stories that are not my own are beneficial and interesting. If someone starts the "My surgery is better" crap well we have moderators to delete their post and if they continue then they can be banned. Thankfully our mods rock. Hopefully we are too mature for that poo. I say Welcome and glad to have you. We all, no matter what WLS we choose, have a common goal- to be healthy, happy, and smaller.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    Does anyone know...?

    The rants and raves section of any forum is not the most peaceful of places. I have read some of the rants and raves at OH and decided never to go there again. I have a found that I have about four or five places on this forum that I feel very accepted and get a lot of feedback and support. I haven't seen any of these post your speaking of, but I know that if you do look somewhere besides rants and Raves for your support you will usually get it. The group that hangs in r&r are pretty nice for the most part, they will debate you but most try to attack ideas and not people. Welcome to lapbandtalk, I'm glad to have you. I hope that you will find the support you are looking for.
  8. ReadySteadyGo


    Your son is a talented guy new hope. Wow.
  9. Hi I really liked your art, thanks for contributing

  10. ReadySteadyGo


    Do you like to read? You could go to the lesbian/gay bookstores? Or is the a LGBT community center in your city? I don't care for bars anymore, or the people I have met in them. Try events or such. I'm glad you are gaining confidence, that will help.
  11. Hi. You are doing great.

  12. ReadySteadyGo

    Should I feel guilty

    I'm glad you think so. I mean, I am trying to eat better, but I think the smart ones give me a good meal and can help in teaching me what a good portion is, and I think that I am going to start bringing them for lunch EVERY DAY! Thanks guys. I mean if it was something that was a risk to my health, I would listen, but I get plenty plenty plenty of calories. I have a hard time staying under 2000 honestly. I think I'm eating healthy but when I put it in fitday but I'm nowhere near where I want to be. And like I said I really have to fight my hunger. I just wish I could keep restriction.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Thanks Taps. I am proud of the icecream shortage...I wish the scale would go down. I want to lose at least three lbs before my fill at least. Oh well. I am concentrating on icecream and then I will concentrate on niccotine. Afterwards, the WORLD :-)
  14. ReadySteadyGo

    I've joined this century

    Hey guys add me on facebook look for me under Tara Renee
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    Add me to the 100 lb club WOOHOO!!!

    :party:WAY TO GO!!!!
  16. ReadySteadyGo


    Good luck Joanie!
  17. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Not so good on the cigarettes, really really really good on the icecream. None for almost two weeks now I think. I lost count, but I think as long as it's not around me I'm fine. Now if someone brought some home I don't think I could resist. I'm glad it seems you have kicked the habit Ezma. Tapshoes- Your awesome.
  18. ReadySteadyGo


    :biggrin: I'm happy for you ms. Tapshoes.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hiiiii Dave :tongue2:
  20. ReadySteadyGo


    Tapshoes, according to my scale I am two lbs up this week, but these paints are fitting my better than last month (which by the way, You know I've been the same weight for like two months) and someone asked me how much weight I've lost lately because I look way smaller today.... Maybe I'm losing some compressed air? I don't know. Anyway. Maybe we are losing the fat that doesn't weigh that much right now? Wishful thinking?
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    100 pounds!!

    What a difference lady! I am so proud of you. You look so happy and so comfortable with yourself.
  22. ReadySteadyGo


    Cool Bella. I really like it.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Put your Right hand in.......
  24. ReadySteadyGo

    Hi Everyone!

    Nice to meet you. I'm sorry your lapband isn't working for you the way you had hoped? I am struggling now too, so if you ever need a soul to talk to, pm me. I hope that this site helps, it helps me. It keeps me motivated and goal directed. Glad to have you here.
  25. ReadySteadyGo


    :girl_hug: I was never a strong swimmer

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
