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Everything posted by ReadySteadyGo

  1. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    I am for abortion being legal, but I am for other options. Abortion isn't the only choice. But for some people it might feel like the only choice. Abortion should be legal, but adoption should be easier. I do not think a thirteen year old rape victim should be forced to carry a child. I do not think that I should be forced to carry a child I do not want. I would not think that was fair to me or the child, but if I didn't want an abortion then I want adoption to be painfree. I believe that abortion shouldn't be used in place of birth control, but then my personal morals are mine. I would not force them on others. I am pro choice. I would never say that a citizen could not own a gun and I HATE HATE HATE guns. A family member of mine died in a tragic accident with a gun and I would NEVER have one in my house, but I WOULD NOT take away someones right to have them, as long as they have not committed a violent crime. I am prochoice. And if someone has a terminal disease, is in pain all the time, has no life, and wants to die then their should be counseling, counseling, counseling and then a waiting peroid,because sometimes it is just depression and they will change their mind. After all that, then if they still feel the same, who am I to force them to live in pain and wait to die. I would not, could not take a life but I would not stand in their way. Assisted suicide for terminally ill patients is completely different then someone who is just a little depressed. Watching my best friends mom die, as much pain as she was in she never mentioned or wanted to die. I didn't feel this way before I see what she went through. I also did a lot of reading on this in college because I wanted to understand more about it. I am pro choice So it was not a play on words, it was my beliefs that I stated, that are sprung from my personal experiences and the things (issues) that I have researched. I don't have enough understanding of the oil regulations to answer your question, but drilling for oil isn't something I will have a chance to decide on, but having an abortion, having a gun, and assisted suicide are things that I might possibly run into in my lifetime. Drilling for oil effects the planet, but I don't know how much, or what the regulations are. But really in ANYTHING I am in favor of someone Choosing what they do with their own life as long as it doesn't negatively affect the rest of the world. So like I said, Pro-choice.
  2. ReadySteadyGo

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hey Juli, I did. I wasn't totally happy with either answer...but I know that we have to do these things in steps. Right now my concern is for the country surviving after all the abuse Bush put it through. So constitutuional rights is a start and as soon as I get that I will be on the front lines of the fight to have the right to marry. I think that Bidden doesn't care if we get married, I honestly don't think that McCain or Obama does either. Saying that they believe in the term "gay marriage" I do think would cost them the election, as much as it pains me to say. But the younger generations are coming up there. I think in the next 10 years, if we keep fighting we will have federally recognized gay marriage. The old prejudice farts can't live forever. There will always be the Palins of the world, but we are going to outnumber them. Thats my two cents.
  3. ReadySteadyGo


    Tapshoes! You inspire me.
  4. ReadySteadyGo

    Poll: The lapband

    Nanook I hope your surgery goes well, and will be sending you healing wishes. I am sorry that the lapband did not work out for you. I hope to still hear from you. I will be thinking of you today as I roll into the afternoon, take care.
  5. ReadySteadyGo

    How Do You Overcome Feelings of Disappointment?

    Hi. I have been banded for 7 months now and I have lost almost the same about as you. Ten more lbs more as a matter of fact. I've had some problems getting restriction. It could be a lot worse, remember that. You are doing great, just keep going. You have to take deep breathes, realize that all the weight you have lost these few months you could have gained instead without the band. And keep going. That's really it, keep going. Just keep walking, and soon enough the weight will come off because it has no choice. Also don't weigh yourself too much, it can be discouraging. Good luck.
  6. ReadySteadyGo

    Where's My Food?

    Hi. Your intake is very low right now and less out less in, also you are still all stitch uped so you can't um...strain so much. It's normal. If you feel pain or you feel there is a problem, contact your Dr., of course, but I am telling you words from my Doctors mouth. But Like I said if you really feel like it is extreme and there is pain you should contact your Doctor. :cool2: And good luck on your lapband journey.
  7. ReadySteadyGo

    new here

    Hi, welcome. Don't worry the 6 months will be over with before you know it. Besides, at least your insurance is paying at all, huh? Congrats on that. Just keep your head up, you will get through it. Nice to meet you.
  8. ReadySteadyGo

    WHY are people voting for McCain?

    Ditto :cool2: I acutally understand why people are voting for McCain. I liked him much better a few years ago, but not anymore. But as far as Conservatives go he isn't so bad (No offense Republicans) I don't want anyone telling me what to do with my body. I am pro-choice but no pro-abortion. There is very little chance that abortion would ever be a question for me as I will not be getting pregnant, but I won't take someone else's choice away. But I would not understand an insurance company not paying for birth control but paying for abortion...then I don't understand why almost ALL insurance companies pay for viagra and not for my woman's visits. The system is all messed up. Obviously, my vote will be going to Obama. I am for the same issues he claims to be for.
  9. ReadySteadyGo

    Just my size Yoga

    I hope you like it as much as I do Mimi. It's fun and it makes me feel all new age and stuff. hehe.
  10. ReadySteadyGo

    Just my size Yoga

    Thanks, it's me and my lab, maggie. Glou I shaped like a ball about as round as I am tall :cool2:
  11. Hey. I was doing great at not smoking for weeks and weeks...then I noticed I was eating a ton of icecream, so I stopped that and started smoking, then quit that and started eating icecream again...I am currently smoking again...put I am buying the patch (again) on friday. So obnoxious :)


    How did the unfill help? Did it get you where you needed to be? I just got a large fill so hopefully the weight will come off now. Talk to you later.



  12. ReadySteadyGo

    I've joined this century

    And got myself a blog. Grammer skills be damned. I got stories to tell and rants to rant.
  13. ReadySteadyGo

    I get bored.

    From the album: Friends and Me

  14. ReadySteadyGo

    Friends and Me

    Just a random collection
  15. ReadySteadyGo

    My bff

    From the album: Friends and Me

  16. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Taps- They are in the freezer section, usually with or by the veggies. Oh and another day no icecream for me. I have just been ignoring all the icecream shops we used to go to, turned my nose up at them...it helps that it is cooling off (finally) here. Today was the first day I could wear a long sleeve shirt, but I packed a short sleeve shirt just in case it gets hot in the afternoon which it is prone to do here. Taps send of the cold down here, I want it to slow this year. I have only seen snow maybe 6 or 7 times my entire life and only 2 times did it ever get to be more than an inch deep anywhere. I want to build a snow man. A chubby one.
  17. ReadySteadyGo


    Jaime- I like to take imitation crab leg meat (the kind in strips) and wrap 1/2 a peice of mozzarella around it- the kind made of skim milk would probably be best. I hope your husband gets better soon. Good luck honey. I know about having to wait for fills when you are starving. It's hard, but you have done so well I know you can do it. Hang in there, doll. I like to eat an avocado half sometimes, now have a lot of fat, but it's good fat. I wouldn't eat too many, but sometimes they are my comfort food now, since I can't have bread and I won't let myself have icecream. Tapshoes- Okay I will believe that I am losing about a 1 lb a week previously, but with this fill I am determined to lose at least 2 lbs a week to kick this off. I am gonna work my butt off, literally I hope. Diva- You go Girl! You are doing so flipping awesome. I bet you feel so much better. I'm glad your posting again too, I missed you more than icecream. And that's a lot. :laugh: Shiny happy Money- Tuna and cream cheese on crackers is one of my favorites too. MMMMM Well Anykind of meat with any kind of soft cheese on any kind of cracker is yummy. Right now I have harvarti in my fridge, which is a little too salty, but I wanted to try it. My favorite favorite is real fresh soft squishy mozzarella, but I like it too much so I don't buy it too often. Slowmover- Congrats dear :cool2:
  18. AThinnerDenise- I meant it, some of the stuff I read at OH I was thinking that you could NEVER get away with that on lapbandtalk and I for one am very glad. People get too cruel on the internet, I gets it's because you don't have to see the face of the person you attack, or hear their voice...anyway. I would NOT be okay with changing the name, but I think it's okay they have a small space on this massive board to call their own...I mean we do it for religions, Months, etc.
  19. ReadySteadyGo

    Just my size Yoga

    You need about as much space as a yoga mat takes up...or in my case with maybe a little spilled over in certain positions I am really enjoying it. I am becoming flexible and thats fun:thumbup:
  20. ReadySteadyGo

    Does anyone know...?

    Good luck with your appeal Sue.
  21. ReadySteadyGo

    I've joined this century

    Yooooooooour added!
  22. ReadySteadyGo


    Well, according to MY scale I have lost nothing this week, according to their scale I have lost 6lbs six my last fill...but I think it was a false reading since their scale last time weighed me a lot higher than I thought it should. Sooo, there. I confessed. But I got a large fill and I think this one will have me set, hopefully. I'm on Clear liquids right now so I will know in a couple of days. Keep your fingers crossed for me, chicas.
  23. ReadySteadyGo

    Givin' up the ice cream

    Another day no icecream...of course I have actually had nothing to "eat" as it was my fill day sooo...clear liquids for me Oh Ezma, You are such a strong lady. I hope nothing by a full and complete recovery for your husband. I will pray that with the therapy he will be holding things again soon and hanging on without a thought. Hang in their, girl. Tapshoes- do me a favor, next time you are at the grocery store get some edemame (I think that is how you spell it) They look like flat green Beans. I talked about them before. You steam them in the bag and then pour them in a bowl, pour some salt on them and then pop them out of the shell, the beans inside are crunchy, you get the salt from your fingertips to make the salty (or I pull them out with my teeth) and they are crunchy. I love them and want to spread my joy. Try them for me, huh? I think you will really like them...plus they are full of Protein. Half a cup (of the beans not with the shells) is 100 calories 3 grams of fat, and 8 g of protein...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
