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Everything posted by TommyO

  1. TommyO

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    Brave Heart was a great movie but to say is was an accurate depiction of an historical event is incorrect. Brave Heart is at best a sensationalized version of a specific period in Anglo/Scotish History with a whole lot of gratuitus violence thrown in to sell it to the movie going public of the day. Don't get me wrong, I loved it but as a student of History I would be remiss if I did not point out how incredibly inacurrate it is not only in it's interpretation of history but also it's depiction of the battle scenes. Mel Gibson is a profit driven movie maker, end of story.
  2. TommyO

    "Savage Nation"

    I sense that your response to my post was sarcastic and as such I think I need to respond in kind. I am not niave enough to beleive that bad people don't exist in this world but I bet their opinions are a lot closer to yours than mine. The old, looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quack likes a duck thing. If you talk like the bad guys and act like the bad guys it's not long before you are viewed as ______ fill in the blanks. See what happens when we treat people with a lack of respect!!!!!
  3. TommyO

    "Savage Nation"

    Violence Begets violence and thats that, if you are a proponent of violence do not be surprised when it is given back. Case in point, In this thread when someone feels slighted by another the response tends to be to return the slight. When however, a post speaks kindly of another individual the response is always positive. If I were to say that anyone who thinks differently is stupid I would recieve responses telling me that I am an ass. On the other hand If I were to state that I know that everyone reading this post is intelligent and that they should consider these words before proposing violence those who respond would do so in a less aggresive manner. If violence begets violence then what begets kindess. The answer to that question might be worth exploring. TommyO
  4. TommyO

    "Savage Nation"

    Here is an interesting parralel to consider, it is true that many citizens of western countries now dislike Muslims more than ever since recent attacks by extremists on the western world. This is true in America since 9/11 and when I say America I mean all of America. The response to this violence has been more violence and as such Muslims now dislike the the western world more and more. Violence amplifies the hatred it does not solve a thing. Hatred is being escalated and as long as violence is used hatred will continue to grow. It may feel good to go and kick some butt especially after the terrible events of 9/11 but kicking butt will only make us feel better it will do little to solve the underlying problems. As long as there is hatred of one group by another the problem will continue. Who's right and who's wrong is not the issue, look at Northern Ireland both sides believe that the other side is at fault and justified their actions based on this premise. The only way to start the healing was to stop the killing. There is an uneasy truce but as time goes on the wounds have begun to heal. The fighting and bombing and killing only escalated the problem. As an observer I see in the U.S. that many good people who feel afraid and scared are having a very natural and honest reaction. They feel the need to respond in kind and then some to the violence that was perpetrated agianst them, but this reaction will only increase the risk of more attacks not lessen it. Just my thoughts
  5. TommyO

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    TOM, I would say that the yard work was a great idea but telling Tina that while she was away you and the minister went out and caught crabs may not go over so well. As the old fisherman said, "Don't wait up for the Lobster boats honey, I'm coming home with the crabs". Cheers TommyO
  6. TommyO

    "Savage Nation"

    Wow, it's hard to read some of this stuff and not respond with my usuall sarcasm. Just to provide a non-American perspective as a Canadian (and I know that as a Canadian I can also be called American) Diplomacy works everyday all over the world and anyone who say's it doesn't is wrong. Every day represenatives from soveriegn countries meet and negotiate many resolutions of many issues. Some negotiations break down and this seldom results in war. The Canadian Government very often disgrees with the U.S. government but still we have yet to have gone to war. So stop implying that diplomacy does not work. Next the rest of the world does not always agree with the foreign policy of the U.S. because from their perspective it is wrong. There are many many people from around the world who are helping to feed and protect others who are less fortunate. Much of this work is done for no other reason than to provide help where help is needed. I should also add that I know that many of these people are Americans so I am in no way trying to say the rest of the world is good and Americans are bad. The issue is that the current U.S. administration does not appear in any way to be acting in a benevolent fashion. It appears that the motivation for this administration is self serving and based on greed. I don't care if you think that's okay, I don't. I am not trying to bash Americans, I live meters away from the U.S/Canada border. I know how kind the American population is but this thread reafirms my belief that many Americans are unable and unwilling to view the issues of the day from any perspective but their own. A poor way to reach an acceptable solution to say the least. Cheers TommyO
  7. I spent a summer jogging wearing a green Garbage bag under my shirt. Once I had a very sweet teeny tiny fitness instructor tell me if I cut out 1 Pop a day I could lose as much as 30 pound in a year. I haven't drank regular pop since I was in my early teens. I asked her to calculate how much I would way if I hadn't I hadn't switched way back when and if I could include that weight in my total weight loss. I mean really, I could have weighed another 900 lbs if I hadn't switched to sugar free pop 30 years ago. Based on that I am now down 1,000 pounds not bad eh!!!!!
  8. TommyO

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    TOM, just so you know I think that you and your wife are a great couple who life is hitting hard as of late. In life there are many obstacles but you and Tina are going around/through/over them together. I will have many good thoughts for both of you, today and in the days to come. Good Luck TommyO
  9. TommyO

    US Government has No Honor

    Deal with what? I don't have any sense that there is anything that I need to deal with. Your issues are your issues don't ask me to deal with them. I will leave that to you and your vastly superior intelect.
  10. TommyO

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    Another from my youth Back when I was in second year University I lived off campus and took a bus to class. Thursday night was always the big night at the school pub and as usual I was there enjoying a few beers. At the end of the night I decided to go to the dorms to visit a female friend for a little nooky. I had every intention of spending the night but changed my mind after the deed was done. It was now quite late, the busses had stopped running and I had no money for a cab. I couldn't return to my friends room because she was a little pissed that I decided to leave in the first place. A return engagement would not have been even remotly possible. I did the only thing I could, I found a comfortable spot on the ground between some bushes and the Architecture building and went to sleep. It was spring time and in the morning when I awoke it was quite a sunny day. The campus was a buzz of activity as many students were heading to classes. I surprised quite a few members of the student body as I emerged from the bushes coverred in leaves and mud, my head ached and the bright sun only served to enhance the pounding in my scull.
  11. TommyO

    Your MOST embarrassing experience? Spill it people!

    Years ago when I was a young man in my mid 20's I was dating a young lady who's parents spent their summer's at the lake. Because they were away I would spend most of my nights at my girl freinds place and we would sleep together. As you may have all guessed we always ended up naked in bed because we were young, in love and more importantly Horny. One night my girlfreinds mother was in town and she decided to not head back to the lake but to spend the night at the house. When she got home she discoverred me and her daughter asleep together in bed naked as Jay-birds. She was pissed and we were awakened by the loud screams of an upset mother. I was told to get dressed and get the hell out of the house. I immediatly jumped up to get dressed and was standing in the middle of the bedroom naked when Ma decided to come back into the room to yell some more. Being young I still had an erection, Well Ma begin to yell then she looked down at my unit then back at my face then back to my unit again. She stopped yelling and turned around slammed the door and walked away in disgust. You cannot imagine how odd it is to stand naked infront of your girfreinds mother with an erection. At the time I thought I would marry this girl so I was quite concerned that this event would have a negative impact on my relationship with my future Mother in law. Because we did not get married I now can only hope that she may, at the very least, have been a little impressed :)
  12. I can't speak for green but as a fellow Canadian and a Liberal with a significant left leaning point of view I can tell you that any political party in Canada that chose to become alligned with the religious right would fail miserably. The three main parties in Canada know this and are very carefull to keep religion out of their platform. Even the Conservative party, which by the way, would more closely align with the Democrats in the U.S. avoid being alligned with the religious right. Canadians on the whole are far less religious then our neighbors to the south. We are not apposed to religion, we actually very much encourage diversity be it cultural or religious, we just prefer to make decisions based on what is best for the whole. Don't get me wrong sometimes we fail miserably but the arguments tend to be based on Liberalism versus Conservatism versus Socialism. It's actually quite an exciting time because the political parties are beggining to fight over which one is the party to best protect the enviroment. I think we have passed the point of arguing about same sex marriages although there are still some desentors. It seems to be a huge waste of time to argue over whether Bill and Bob or Tina and Cindy should be allowed to get married when it appears that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. As well I just returned from Florida and I did hear that that state is seeing a huge downturn in property values, I was intersted in finding out why so thanks for the info folks. Finally on my drive I saw a big church along the highway that hand a big pond in front and in the pond there was a huge statue of Jesus's upper torso with his eyes and hands raised towards the heavens. My wife asked me what it represented and I looked at it then said to my wife, I think he is asking "Who pushed me in this Goddam puddle" Maybe not but it was the best guess I could come up with Cheers TommyO
  13. TommyO

    US Government has No Honor

    Did you read the definition? I may have to start calling you on things each and every time you do something like that. I know it's hard to admit your wrong but I understand, Hey I guess it's a good thing we don't sterilize people who use words incorrectly!!
  14. TommyO

    US Government has No Honor

    FYI, I have been away but I can't let you re-define the word par·a·phrase (păr'ə-frā) n. A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning. The restatement of texts in other words as a studying or teaching device. At no time have I attempted to paraphrase your comments, I simply stated that when you disagree with someone it's hard not to imply that you are disagreing with their premise. I thought this was a discusion, you can most certainly disagree but telling me you will "call me on it" infers something different. I think in both cases we may have misinterpreted each other but there has been no paraphrasing by either one of us. Cheers TommyO
  15. TommyO

    US Government has No Honor

    It's hard for me to respond to your post, When you dispute a post you are saying (at least to me) that you disagree with that post. So if I say "we need to save the whales" if you respond that we cannot possibly save all marine life the inferrence is that you do not agree with my premise. Your argument implies that you are agianst saving the whales. Also your statement, "By choosing everyone you are not choosing anyone" has no application in this context. The provocation raised was that 100,000 translators would die and that all should be saved. That statement implies that you believe that some of the translators should not be saved because saving them all would be wrong. Finally I did not paraphrase your words, I interpreted them based on the point you seemed to be disputing. So it would seem that the unwise thing to do is to argue with someone who is against the slaughter of 100,000 people. When you do that you can appear callous.
  16. I once spent a week drinking only tomatoe juice, by the end of the week I was bright red everywhere. I looked like a giant tomatoe. The band is the easy way out at least from my perspective. My other choice was death, I am happy to be alive.
  17. TommyO

    US Government has No Honor

    Bubble, the whole world is not looking for the USA to save them, on the contrary most of the world is doing fine and would prefer to be left alone. The only people you may want to consider saving are the ones placed in grave danger by the current governmet of the USA. I must say I find you response to TOM to be cold and calouse. When you infer that you are okay with the masacre of your allies you tell me you would not be a good ally. Let em die right, you don't much like em anyway!!!
  18. TommyO

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    What if I just become the Post Man? It worked for Kevin Costner!!!
  19. TommyO

    Stop the Transvestite Accusations about Rudy

    As a Canadian I don't know much about Rudy but you have to give him credit for sticking to it at Notre Dame and getting to play in his final game :)
  20. TommyO

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Someone should tell Jerry that Global warming will not bring about the end of the world. Global warming will likely destroy the world as we know it but I am sure a folks living on high ground in the more northern reaches will survive and continue to plant and harvest. I think Jerry Falwells world is very small!!! P.S. where I am sitting right now may one day be under water (Anna Maria Island Florida) and that would be a shame but where I am going back to will be fine, Maybe a little warmer. Maybe I should become a deciple of Jerry's, that might guarantee my property value will go up significantly. :) :cool:
  21. Alexandra, I don't know what movie that comes from but when said with a degree of sarcasm and irony it sounds like Woody Allen BJ, That line is spoken by Paulie, (Eric Roberts) to his girlfreind as they leave a party. The lines preceding that have Paulie Rambling on and on then he looks to his buddie Charlie (Mickey Rourke) and says something like this "They took my F****NG thumb Charlie, My Thumb" The Pope Of Grenwich Village is the name of the movie, I haven't seen it in years so I may be misquoting a bit but it's a great movie and I think I'm going to buy a copy so I can watch it again. Florida is great, the weather is warm and sunny. The Wine is fine and the beer is cold and TommyO is happy. Cheers
  22. Okay, here it is my favorite line from a movie, this movie is from the early 80's and it's in my top 5 all time. If you can tell me the name from the quote I promise a prize. "and don't say goodby to nobody" I say this with an Itallion accent to my wife for fun when we leave a party. By the way I have been on Anna Maria Island in Florida for the last week and having a ball, too much wine, beer and seafood but it has been great. Cheers TommyO
  23. TommyO

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Forgive my ignorance but were does it say in the bible that global warming doesn't exist? I can't understand why the religious right is so apposed to the concept of global warming. Why would someone lie about such a critical topic. There doesn't seem to be any reason for someone to espouse global warming, there does however seem to be motive for some to prove that it does not exist.
  24. "Some times there just aren't enough rocks"
  25. TommyO

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I also wear the TuTu while sprinkling my "Windsor" salt (Works not only for Elephants and Aligators it also keeps Rattle snakes away) but because it is so large I refer to it as a FourFour. Cheers

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