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Everything posted by TommyO
Butch, there was a study done a number of years ago in a prison (This study would be illegal today), they increased the calorie intake of the inmates. All inmates began to put on weight in the begining but most stopped and some actually lost some of the weight back over time. Their metabolic rate, it seems adjusted to the increase. A small percenatge began to put on weight but this group did not stop, their bodies just kept on storing fat. For this group obesity was the result whereas the other group did not become obese. It is based on this study that I feel strongly that it is improper to judge obese individuals. On the same note I get frustrated with skinny people who take credit for their shape. It is also based on this information that I chose the band. If I did not beleive this I would have chosen bypass, my rational being that the band regulates intake. If I am choosing to eat myself to death I can easily do it on the band. We all know how to eat around the band, I have not had a shut off valve for most of my life but now I do. Yes food is a comfort thing but some people feel comfort quickly. for me it could take all night. I was not looking for comfort because of some deep pain but because we all search for comfort. Today is my 47th birthday and I found comfort in a night with my family, We did have a meal but I had to stop because my band made me. My wife and I just got out of the hot tub and the kids are watching a movie, yes I am feeling comfort, it's been a great day. Cheers
Fuel Man I don't agree with this statement But..... in reality we are hurt, and we are all trying to heal and deal the best we can. This may very well be the case for some and it may very well be the case for most but it is not the case for all. My weight problem is not rooted in some painfull episode in my life. I am a person of great extremes and tend to do everything to the limit. There have been studies done that show that overweight poeple have different physiologies. It is also felt by many that genetics is a contributor. The reasons for obesity are as varied as the people who suffer from it. Each individual must discover what works for them. It is apparrent that you have found what works for you, congratulations. But I still disagree Cheers
Another thought from me, I think I may have not clearly articulated part of my point. I am not only talking about people who are overweight when I say it is wrong to judge people based on appearance. Making snap judgements about the quality of an individual based on something as superficial as appearances is wrong. Why judge at all, and for what purpose, be secure as yourself and give the respect to others that you would want for yourself. We all have our biases and prejudices and we need to try and fight our way around them. To dislike, revile or hate someone based on appearance is wrong. The degree to which you feel these emotions is not important. I understand when you say that it is hard to overcome biases that have been learned from an early age but it is incumbent upon us to become better people and we do this by making those personal changes that make us better. When I see an idividual who looks different or catches my eye for some reason I remind myself that I know nothing about that person. How could I even begin to know who they are and what their life is like. It would be silly to assume that they are any better or worse than I. They are faces in the crowd and to judge them either positively or negatively would seem to be nothing more than folly. Every human deserves to be treated with respect, nothing less. I am not religious but I have two biblical quotes that best I try and live by. 1. Judge not so that ye be not judged and the rule that guides me most 2. There but for the grace of God go I My thoughts!
I need to make a few points and I hope I do not offend anyone but I have very strong feelings about this topic. First point, judging people based on appearance is wrong. Admitting that you do does not make it okay unless you are working on changing. I do at times judge people based on superficial criteria so I know that I need to work on this and I do. Second point, I do compare myself to other overweight people, not because I want to feel better about myself but rather because I want to understand how I appear. I actually do not have a personal image of me in my mind so I will ask my wife how I compare to other people. Third point, this thread bothers me a bit, it bothers me because it seems to me that too many people that post seem to think that it is okay to make negative statements about people that they don't know based on purely superficial observation. The irony is that these same people don't seem to understand that other people are making the same assumptions about them. It's even more interesting to me that most people who make those judgments preface their statements with some sort of rational that explains why they are fat and why they are different. They are good fat people not like those ugly slob fat people who make us all look bad.. Well kids you can't walk around town with a sign that say's I am a good fat person just so everyone doesn't lump you in with the dreaded bad fat people. People who judge you will judge you and the interesting part is that even though you know how bad it makes you feel you still don't mind doing the same thing to others. So if you really want to be one of the good fat people stop judging others superfically, admit that the flaw is in you not them and commit to making a change in yourself for the better
Rabbits and Turtles United New Year Challenge
TommyO replied to It's me-Debbydo's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
last week was a good week for NSV's but not such a good week on the weight front. Here is my progress to date Start weight 355 Current weight 355 Change 0 (Actually went up 2.5 and back down) NSV Worked out 6 days for an hour ran continuously for 22 minutes Waring a pair of old pants that were new but was unable to wear before. Waist loose 48 down from tight 54 Cograts to all on all of the good work during week one -
Marebear, I am touched by your name, I lost my sister 3 years ago and her nickname was Mare Bear, I miss her very much and think of her often, we were less than a year apart in age so we grew up together. She was a special person who always had a smile on her face. She struggled with her weight as I do and it is through her I learned that the quality of a person is in no way related to their weight. It's nice to know that theres another Mare Bear out there, good luck.
Rabbits and Turtles United New Year Challenge
TommyO replied to It's me-Debbydo's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
NSV 16 minutes continuous running on the teadmill avg speed 4.3 MPH. Completed 30 minutes total, Run Time 24 minutes, walk 6 minutes, AVG speed for total time 4.1. I am well ahead of plan. Funny NSV, I would love to tell but if my DW found out I told She'd shoot me -
I'm in, time to start kickin but and shrinkin, No gut lots of glory.
Great news and good luck.
I was banded by DR Tin in Mississauga, you may want to find a doctor in Ontario to do the banding. His cost was $15,000 CDN and all fills and everything else is coverred. I don't know the cost in Mexico but If you can get someting done locally you may be better off in the long run. If you speak to your family Doctor they should know someone in the Windsor area. If not I would gladly give you doctor Tin's phone number, he is the chief of surgery at the Credit Valley Hospitall im Mississauga so his credentials are strong. Good luck
This topic, speed of weight loss, is one that I find very interesting. My opinion on it is that numbers are not relevant and if you focus on numbers you will get discouraged. I would also be foolish to pretend that I actually follow this advice. I wish I could focus solely on improvements in my health but alas I still weigh myself every morning.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> This forum has introduced me to the NSV, and I hope to make NSV's my focus going forward. Eating better foods, making sure to exercise, doing more work around the house, these are the things I am going to focus on. If I am going to be a rabbit I want to be a rabbit that is quick to clean the house or walk the dog. I want to be the rabbit that hops of to the treadmill without any pushing or eats good food in the blink of an eye.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> If I loose weight quickly or slowly it won't matter because I will be a much healthier me. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I will probably weigh myself every morning but I plan to make sure I put a check mark beside the boxes of the other accomplishments first. <o:p> </o:p> I think if you pay attention to the words of wisdom in the previous posts and focus on all of your wins especially NSV’s you will be much more successful <o:p> </o:p> Cheers
Rabbits and Turtles United New Year Challenge
TommyO replied to It's me-Debbydo's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Okay here are my weekly goals Weight loss Current weight 355 lbs Loss per week 2lbs Total WL from W/E 01/07/2006 - 03/04/2006 - 18lbs NSV's Treadmill running continuous Current 10 minutes 20 Minutes walk AVG running speed 4.1 mph Increase 3 minutes a week until 02/18/2006 (30 minutes all running) Increase from 4.1 mph - 4.5 mph Total Treadmill time 45 minutes by 03/04/2006 Work out 4 times a week minimum every week I am less familiar with NSV's but I think this is close. If I am supposed to enter this info somewhere I will need someone to provide guidance. Cheers -
Rabbits and Turtles United New Year Challenge
TommyO replied to It's me-Debbydo's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
How do I sign up? -
December Bandings....How is everyone doing?
TommyO replied to Dawn NH's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
My Doc said I could start to work out after 3 weeks, He said that my body would be the best guide. I am staying away from the weights and sticking to cardio. That way I won't do any damage to my stomach and the operation wounds. I know that increased muscle mass speeds up the metabolism but my legs have always been very muscular. The cardio, by working my legs, actually not only improves my cardiovascular system it quickly increases the muscle mass of my calves and thighs. I hope this will get the old metabolism running at full throttle. Cheers -
December Bandings....How is everyone doing?
TommyO replied to Dawn NH's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Today I did my first workout since getting the band. It was great, I was in far better shape than I thought I would be. I spent 40 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the bike. On the treadmill I spent about 1/3 of the time running and the rest walking at a brisk pace. On the bike I was able to push hard for the whole 20 minutes. I then had a relaxing hot tub and felt proud as hell. Exercise was a big part of my life in the past and I am excited that it will be again. I am down 70 lbs since the start of this journey; the first 40 came off preparing for banding and the rest since my banding. I feel great and think that this band thing may very well be the solution I had hoped for. I know that the battle I have fought for many years is not over but I do feel that the odds have been changed in my favour. I am not including weight loss as a new year's resolution this year, but rather I am going to focus on other things that will make me a better person. My number one resolution this year is to make sure that I let people know that I am grateful for the things they do. I plan to do this by reminding myself to say thank you as often as possible. So to get things started, even though it's not yet January 1st; thanks to everyone here at LapBandTalk.com. My Lab Band experience has been made more positive because of the words I have read in this Forum. I have gotten way off Topic but when I start to ramble I can't stop myself. Happy New Years to all it looks like the forecast is calling for a happy and healthy 2006 -
Pay for the band! Poll!
TommyO replied to princess_n_thep's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
I paid $15,000.00 Canadian, Lap Band surgery is not covered by Health care here in Canada so it's up to the individual. It does cover gastric bypass but the wait time can be as much as 5 years. The interesting thing is that all follow up and any other potential problems are covered so If I needed to get the band removed it's free. Cheers -
For the last two days I have been experiencing pain when I move a certian way. It all started Yesterday morning as I bent over to pick up a sock. I felt a sharp pain directly beside my port area. The pain happens when I move a certian way and it has gotten more severe today. I can feel a slight stinging most of the time but that pain is not bad. I have no redness in the area and my incisions have mostly healed My sense is that this is the tube is rubbing against my stomach wall causing some irritation and when I move a certain way it jabs into the sensitive spot. If anyone has had a similar experience could you please let me know if I should be concerned and go to the Doctors (It's Christmas day) or should I wait it out and let my body heal itself. Thanks and Merry Christmas
Okay, I think if I read between the lines DeLarla you think I should go see my Doctor. At least I think thats you are saying Cheri, I'm in Canada so everyting but the surgery is paid for. It's interesting but our universal health care here doesn't cover the surgery but it looks after anything that happens after. Even more interseting our health care will cover Gastric Bypass but not the band. Mind you it's about a 3-5 year wait for bypass surgery. My Family doc is away until the 28th and my Surgeon is away until the 5th so I plan to see my Family Doc on the 28th and take it from there. My only other option is to go to emergency and that will take a few hours and they won't be able to do much anyway. I think that is a good plan unless one of you thinks otherwise. Thanks for the feedback
Princess, the pain is more of a sting and you are correct it occurs when I twist or turn. I am going to wait a couple of days and if it has not improved I will go see the Doc. Thanks for the reply Cheers
Hers is a bit of advice you might find helpful. One the best ways to change career direction is to make a career change but stay with the company you are currently working for. Seven years ago I moved from sales to a role in training with the company I work for. I spoke to my HR person and told them of my desire to get involved in Training. I then enrolled in a program in Adult education (Training) and began doing training on the side. I went to a local career college and told them I would be interested as being a guest speaker for one of their programs. It took about a year for me to get my diploma in adult education and within a year and a half I was working in a role that included training responsibilities. Things have worked out well for both sides because I have a strong understanding of our business and our business processes so I am able to design training that relevant to our employees. So my advice to you is go to your HR representative, tell them what you are interested in and then build a plan to get the skills required to fill that role. Most companies would prefer to hire from within and people who are able to adapt and change are highly regarded so I bet you get a positive response. Good luck
Here, Here, I will gladly sign that petition; Freedom for Boobs is the cry. How dare we claim on one hand to be a forward thinking society yet on the other hand we have forced the boob to be held in captivity in it’s cup like cell. Let Freedom reign, DeLarla, just kidding now you’re my hero, We are having a federal election here in Canada so I will see if I can get my local Member of Parliament to ad it to her platform
No problem here with the topless thing, I think everyone should be try it at least once a week. Although I am soon looking forward to being less well endowed than the good Doctor
If someone is against racism and they point out racism does that make them a hypocrite? I think not, so it would seem that it should be okay to point out how judgmental the good doctor is without being labeled a hypocrite. I am simply "telling it as it is" something I hear is in short supply these days. PS, I don't listen to Her
Three cheers for everyone who ever had a wild side then one day turned it around by becoming Judgemental, rude, uncarring and willing to say anything controversial to raise the ratings. It's great the she can make a living by judging others based on a 15 second conversation. Being omnipitant must be an increadibly wonderful thing for her. To be able to "tell it like it is" one must assume that someone knows "what it is" I am certain that no human to date has figured it out and even more certain that Dr. Laura has not. To bad she didn't stay wild and off the air!!
You should be aware that by including those individuals that have not been banded, the numbers become less meaningfull. There are a lot of people who are not banded and although it is important for them to participate in this site, their numbers should not impact the poll. Only those individuals who have been banded should be counted, that way the poll would then be measuring, of those people who get bended the percentage that require removal.