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Everything posted by TommyO

  1. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Bill Cosby is a Comedian, not an expert on Language nor is he an expert on Social interaction. Race is not applicable to this debate, I agree that Ebonics was put forth as a potential English dialect that should be recognized as a valid language but my argument is not relative to any race issue. I do not believe that the English language should, or can be regulated. English has been, and will continue to be an evolving language, that to me is one of it's most endearing qualities. In spite of any attempts to create strict rules around the language new styles and variations will continue to pop up. As well I don't think that this debate is a life and death matter. I can't compete with 3 Mile Island or potentail airline disasters. You will never covince me that speaking proper English is required to save lives. It's hard for me to debate when it appears that I am advocating for a system that will result in death and mass destruction, wow that's a hard battle to fight. Implying that following the other sides belief will some how lead society to ruination is a techniique I often see used by the religiouse right to argue their point. We are having a debate about the use of the English language, implying anything more (Like i just did with the whole religious right thing) is not good form, we are not saving lives here. One last thing. Last night I went out with my dear wife for dinner and some great wine. My response to the Bill Cosby post was too sarcastic. I was trying to be humorous but I was really just a smart ass. It must have been the wine, so my apologies.
  2. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    I didn't realize Bill Cosby felt that way. If I had known that a celebrety had that opinion I would have completely changed my view on the subject. From know on you get to tell me how to speak. If Bill Cosby say's I should use proper English then it must be correct. I think I should go out and by a few sweaters, I'm sure Bill would approve of that. It appears that he has not only help clarify the English thing he also appears to be able to decide how we dress. Thank god, it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and I had planned to wear pants that hung down below my crack and wear a hat backwords. I wonder if he thinks it appropriatte to celebrate thanksgiving this early? I guess I'll just wait for his approval. Hey Hey Hey it's banded Albert
  3. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    T.O.M I can't agree, sorry but as soon as you argue in favour of the regulation of language you lose me. It always come down to who gets to make the rules. I participated in forums where the participants spoke many languages and still the group was able to comunicate. And I dare say far more effectively than some groups that shared a single common language. The true reason that there were rules created for langauge use was originaly to help maintain class structure. Proper English was spoken by by the upper class, in essence Your words identified your station. No where in the world is class structure more prevelant today than in the United States of America, maybe thats why it is more of an issue for you. (Hows that for a little provocation ) The world will not go to a hell in a handbasket because people speak variations of the language but it is doomed when we become intolerant of others. Cheers TommyO
  4. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Official state recognition does not change whether or not a dialect is going to be used. It is pure folly to suggest that there is proper and improper English. I suggest you travel the country then the world you will soon see that English changes as you travel. In England the officail home of the Language there are regioanl differences. Leave Englang only but a foot and you have a very unique version of the language in both Scotland and Wales. Then travel to Ireland or set off to the colonies, you will soon discover the langauge is spoken differently by many. With all due respect, there is no more choas or flawed reasoning in these locations then in the motherland. The English language has many variations throughout the U.S. speaking as a frequent visitor I have seldom heared proper English on any of my many visists but I assure you that I have had many enjoyable conversations. The idea that governments can enact laws that create or allow a form of speach is ludicrous. People do not need laws to allow them to communicate, politicians can continue to blather on and say nothing but in the end it will not change the fact that we communicate with each other and that is the intent of language. Soon the thought police will show up, imagine random thoughts that do not follow the conventions of proper English, chaos and flawed reasoning will no doubt be running rampant, it's the end of civilization as we know it. Cheers TommyO
  5. Oh one more thing, good luck and I know you'll hit 190 IamCanadian
  6. I would like to lose another 50 -60 lbs then see what happens, I started at 420 so a 150 pound loss puts me no lower than 270. It may seem high but I'm 6 foot 6 and look quit fit below 300. I played football in a past life and have a fairly muscular build so 270 would be a good weight. I tell be people I have a washboard stomach it's just piled high with laundry. Just gotta stay away from that old ice cream. Looks light Jello light pudding is going to have a sales boost TommyO
  7. I was banded last December in Mississauga by Dr L Tin at the credit valley hospital. 93 pounds is a lot but I have been between 98 and 90 pounds since the beggining of June. I have been very busy with work (New Job) so my stress level has been high. It's time to start losing again however so with my fill coming up I plan to start dropping lbs's. I work out 5 days a week so I think it's all about intake, my big challenge is ice cream so I have stopped buying the stuff. Onwards and Downwards as they say. Cheers TommyO
  8. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Well said, I think I'm going to turn off spell check TommyO
  9. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Who or should I say Whom shall be given the power to decide? One of the key features of the English language has been it's ability to adapt and evolve. 3 Mile Island and over seasoned turkeys not withstanding understanding is the crucial component. That being said my message remains proper English does not imply understanding but rather it only ensures adherence to conformity. What I mean is, if'n you do undustand wut I be sayin then the comunication be workin. If on the other hand you are unable to comprehend my words our discourse has most assuredly failed. Cheers TommyO
  10. TommyO

    Canadian Thanksgiving

    Yoda, I live in Oakville so we may be ships that pass in the night (or on the road) on your journey to Burlington TommyO
  11. TommyO

    Canadian Thanksgiving

    This Sunday I will be heading to my Sisters in Toronto for a traditional Thanksgiving Turkey dinner. I will eat Turky and salad and Mashed pototoes all with gravy and maybe a little stuffing but I tend to get blocked if I eat bread so not a lot of stuffing. Oh ya, I will aslo pick up some wine likely a couple of Bottles of Pinot Noir (Goes great with Turkey) and a couple of bottles of Gewurztraminer. I don't often drink Gewurztraminer but it goes exceptionaly well with Turkey. On Saturday I will be heading up to Collingwood, my cousin is an artist and his show is starting this weekend so I plan to go and purchase a painting of his to put in my house. I do not have enough original art on my walls so I thought I would be nice to put up a piece from a relative. Other than that I plan to spend as much time relaxing as possible. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canucks Eh!! TommyO
  12. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    I am terribly concerned with the Nuclear power industry in the U.S.A. apparently there are people who have not been properly trained in emergency response. As a Canadian who lives along the Border with the U.S. (As most Canadians do) it scares me that the only training received was being told that "You can't add to much water". T.O.M I think you need to lighten up a bit if you think that that story is a convincing argument for using proper English then I truly believe you are unwilling to look at the big picture but rather you choose only to make statements to validate your opinion. If that story is true then language was not the issue, the real issue was that there are idiots managing the nuclear power industry down there. Well I must be off to get ready for work. I must shower first but I have a problem, when I was young my Mother often said "You can't use enough soap when you wash" Oh no what will I ever do!!!!
  13. TommyO

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Big Teddy, You should go to the Canadian section of this site and you will get some answers from the folks there. Here arethe answers to your initial inquiries In Canada the procedure costs 15-17 grand THe surgery is day surgery you go in in the morning and you are hope late in the afternoon A fill is when more liquid is added via a syringe to the band, this expands the bladder and makes the opening to your stomach smaller reducing your ability to intake food. Good luck </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  14. TommyO


    Answer number 5 the % sign should be a 5 I guess I had the shift key pressed
  15. TommyO


    Yas here are some quick answers to your ? 1. You are mobile enough to go home and sleep 2.Yes you are fully asleep for the procedure 3.No you cannot see the port sight as you lose weight in most cases 4.Pain varies by patient but it is generally not a big deal 5.% holes most of them smaller than a dime but the one for your port is about 2 inches 9Suggest you click on search and do a serach for the word scar, there is a thread here called Scar Stages that has some pictures) 6.Yes there are stitches. I think you need to do a little research and this is a good spot but there is plent of info including descriptions of the procedure along with information on diet if you google Lapriscopic surgery and ask lots of questions here you should find out all you need to know. Good luck
  16. Okay, I have been sitting still all summer and I am getting a fill on October 16th so my goal for October is to break the 100 pound mark. It's only a couple of pounds, if you guys can keep a secret I actaully have put 5 pounds on in the last month so I really need to lose 7 pounds to break the 100 pound mark. Shh it's a secret. Cheers TommyO
  17. TommyO

    Canadian Bandster Bash

    I spoke with my wife and she would like to attend too so I guess we are both seriously considering attending. Woo Hoo!!! it should be interesting although I am interested in seeing an itenerary. Cheers
  18. TommyO

    Canadian Bandster Bash

    I think I may attend the Bash, does anyone else plan on going? I think it would be worth a look especially since I have not had much contact with other bandsters except for a few posts on this site. I am much more personal in person. It may be hard to believe but in real life I'm a pretty nice guy who has a great sense of humour. (At least thats what my wife says) Any way maybe we can all post and indicate whether we plan to attend the bash. My sugestion would be to offer one of four possibilities 1. Definitly plan to attend the bash 2. I Am seriously considering attending 3. Maybe but doubtful 4. Not a snowballs chance in Hell Put me down as I Am seriously considering attending Cheers
  19. Well, this has been quite a read, I happened across this thread for the first time today and I must say it really made me feel much better about our chances of survival. I am not religious but I believe that everyone should be able to make their own decisions on who or what they should be able to worship. I am however apposed to intolerance and fanatacism. It's just to bad that the individualls who tend to be the most fanatical tend to vail their fanatacism in religious docterine. I have enjoyed this discussion very much and I thank each contributor for providing me with an interesting read. Isn't freedom of speach a grand thing, whether you are in the U.S., Autralia, Isreal, Iraq, England, Canada et al. It's great to be able to participate in such an exciting, topic
  20. TommyO

    Misunderstood song lyrics.

    This is a little embarrasing but I thought Inagodadavida was "In the Garden of Eden". And to this day I still sing these words "With 5 Laso Apso's bright and burning and all at once I new she'd Understand, the boy inside the man." I could never figure out why anyone would want to set 5 of those funny looking long haired dog's on fire but apparrently that sort of thing causes great understanding.
  21. TommyO

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Sorry I didn't read all of the posts so if this has already been covered please forgive me. Let me start by saying that adding "ing" makes the verb active and stating "I am loving it" infers that there is an action involved. This is a statement that implies a greater commitment to the point in question. There is a story that helps define the difference between being committed and being involved. Bacon and eggs are viewed by many as a traditional Breakfast but for the creators of this important meal it is important to note that the chicken was commited but the pig was involved. Hence if "I love eggs" I am committed but If "I am Loving eggs" I am involved, implying that my love is even greater. It is important to remember that language is a communication tool and the rules are arbitrary. If we let the rules get in the way of communication then we lose sight of what we are attempting to do as we become focused on convention. I prefer to listen to the content and intent and try to ignore the structure. More simply put if, I was in the ocean struggling to stay afloat and you happened by in your boat and I yelled out to you "I am Drowning" I would hope that that would throw me a line. God forbid you would putt off wondering if I meant to say "I drown"
  22. Interestingly enough I find skinny to be unatractive, I find people who are seen as the correct weight on the BMI scale to be to skinny. I also would say that if someone is deemed overweight using BMI as the measuring tool I would generally place them in the healthy weight category based on my personal scale. I think if you can run a mile or two, remain active and try and maintain a healthy lifestyle I would find you attractive no matter your weight. I just don't think you can be skinny, skinny and be healthy. I guess to me if your healthy you need some meat on your bones.
  23. Quote from previouse post "think it is so interesting that 80% of the ppl so far on lbt who have voted (79 votes thus far), are attracted to overweight ppl. I would really like to know what the general populations votes would be. I wonder if our time as being overweight ourselves change what our attractions are. " I am a little behind the times but I don't think you can interpret the results that way. I would say that 80% of the vote indicates that people are here are less likely to be atrracted to the other folks who they are interacting with on this forum, especially before banding. Only response 1 and 2 are responses that indicate to me that the respondants have no problem with weight and even then only 2% prefer it. Response number 3 is very subjective and it would indicate to me someone who many times does not want to admit they would prefer someone who is not obese and definetly not morbidly obese. On a personal note I am married to the love of my life and no matter how heavy she became she would still be the love of my life. The big question, and the one I am afriad to answer is; would I be attracted to her today if she was overweight and we just met? I wish I could say yes but I am ashamed to admit that I may not be being honest with myself.
  24. TommyO

    Goodbye posts

    FYI, that was an attempt at humor, just in case it wasn't completely evident:)
  25. TommyO

    Goodbye posts

    I don't like poverty but the other day I was in a major American city and the highway I was on went directly through a run down area, I wish they wouldn't build highways that travel through impoverished communities. I just don't want to see it!!

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