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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tammygirl

  1. tammygirl

    April 28th is the Day!

    My date is the 28th also! I am excited about improving my health! You are not alone! We will do well! There is a wealth of support on these boards and I am glad for it! See you on the other side of Bandland! Tammygirl :cry_smile:
  2. tammygirl

    255 lbs to lose. Can it be done?

    Rick, I am so encouraged by you! I will be banded 4/28 and I am determined. Thanks! Tammygirl
  3. tammygirl

    Medic Alert Bracelet

    Thank you all! This is excellent information.:biggrin: I am going to order one.
  4. tammygirl

    What to tell Job?

    Oh what a tangled web we weave.... Why must we tell everything to everyone if we do not care to? Why take the time to dream up a lie that will be found out later? What if the gall bladder does eventually act up? It's like the worker that forgets his grandmother already died 2 yrs. ago and every one else remembers so why is the grandmother dead again? I am simply stating I am off for a week due to a medical procedure, Period. On the job, the less drama, the better. My job performance is up for scrutiny, not my weight.
  5. tammygirl

    lap banding on soap opera

    Soaps are known for being the first in Hollywood to broach tough subjects in their story lines. Kudos to the writers of Guiding Light and to this actress. Wouldn't be nice for us to let them know how much this appreciated by writing them?
  6. Hello, I have noted since many of you report being able to get off meds for several chronic diseases since losing weight. I have dealt with depression and been on meds. Has anyone been able to get off depression meds as a result of weight loss?Thanks. Tammygirl
  7. tammygirl

    Hello from South Carolina

    Hello to all of you from Aiken, SC! I will be banded in Augusta, GA on 4/28. Tammygirl:thumbup:
  8. tammygirl

    Antidepressants and lapband

    Thank you all so much for your replies. I appreciate your experiences and counsel. I will continue my weight loss journey and work closely with my doctors. My surgery date has been set for April 28. Even if I am still left with depression, I am grateful that the meds are available and I may be able to leave meds for my other weight related conditions behind. I don't know where I would be without this board. Again, thank you! Tammygirl:tt1:
  9. Thank you for sharing this, Lise! This is so encouraging! I love the way I'm gonna look! Tammygirl
  10. Little Debbie, I remember one person in my work place who I now suspect had weight loss surgery. When asked about her weight loss, she would reply " I have been managing a personal health challenge. I am feeling so much better now." No other explanation was offered. She then would quickly change the subject. That was usually the last of the questions and word got around that the weight loss was not something to bring up. People also avoided talking about her weight loss among themselves because it seemed like such a "personal" matter and there was no miracle diet in the mix to hang your hat on. Now, several years later, no one even brings up the stuff about "how she used to look." The whole matter is considered a closed subject. I have been considering using her tactic because it seems to have worked so effectively. By the way, she looks great! Tammygirl
  11. Thank you, Angel! Tammygirl
  12. Thanks, Lisa! BTW, your page is nice! Tammygirl
  13. tammygirl

    New to Augusta over a 100 to lose

    Dr. Michael Blaney is in Augusta. He's in the book. Good Luck!
  14. tammygirl

    LapBand Vs. Gastric Bypass

    This is a very personal matter and one that you should be be pressured into. It seems you have looked carefully into both surgical procedures and made a choice that you are comfortable with. Now look into getting a physician that supports your choice. It may be your physician does not feel skilled enough to do your procedure at your BMI. If so, trust me, do not try to convince him. Find someone up to the task. Much success to you! Tammygirl
  15. I am so glad to see this subject come up because I have struggled with whether to tell or not to tell. After careful examination of my life, I have decided to dispense with proclaiming, exclaiming, and explaining. My past observation and experience has been that it results in a a lot of tongue wagging and little support at a critical time. Only my husband, daughter, and a couple of tried and true friends know about my upcoming surgery. Someone said "Every woman should have a secret that most people never find out." This will be mine. Love to all of you! Tammygirl:shades_smile:
  16. Thanks, Lynn and Hope for the tip about Body Fortress! I thought there would only be 1 or 2 drinks out there. Now I know there are so many drinks, I should be able to find several I enjoy and not become bored! Tammygirl:thumbup:
  17. I am to see a cardiologist 3/18/08. My doc explained that is due to my age (50), HTN, and other chronic conditons. I see you are young. It may be your doc does not think you need the cardiologist because you are young and possibly do not yet have the health complications from your obesity some of us older ones have. I wish you the very best and I commend you! I should have had this surgery when I was your age! :tea: Tammygirl
  18. tammygirl

    Approved Today And Have Date!!!

    Congratulations to you!
  19. :tea: Thank you, Everyone! I have noted each response and decided to sample every one. Still no date for me yet. My doctor does not advocate one go on a special diet pre op. When I asked about it, he replied "The size of the liver is not a big deal." However, just about all the posts on here mention that most docs think it's a big deal. Therefore, I have decided a pre-op low carb diet can't hurt. Again, thanks for the recommendations! Tammygirl

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
