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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tammygirl

  1. Amen, Travel Lady! For sometime, I have thought that health related conditions are the new frontier of discrimination. Everytime I flip on the tv or open a professional health care journal, African Americans are at increased risk for more negative health conditions than I can name. Many of them have their root in obesity. If an employer looks at you and figures you may cost the company increased healthcare premiums, time off, etc., well..... You youngings reading this, word up! Obesity has long term effects over your life. This surgical intervention was not available for us at your age! So do what doctor says and embrace this help. But guess what? Better late than never! Me and Travel Lady gon strut! Travel lady, we are still kicking and we will be healthy, we will be slim, we will live the life we were meant to, teaching, flying, and looking fierce! :biggrin2: Tammygirl
  2. tammygirl

    Surgery Date Scheduled!!

    Go Mommie, Go Mommie!
  3. tammygirl

    Hello --- I'm new!

    Welcome Cindy! I am south of you in South Carolina. This board offers so many forums, each full of good information and support. As I was researching the band, I too was nervous. However, as I began to work the board, I recognized so many others had experiences similiar to mine and they were being successful. They were gaining control of their lives. So I was banded April 28. I wish you the best in your lapband journey. Just know that the thousands on this board are here for you.
  4. tammygirl

    Has anyone not gotten a fill yet?

    I spoke too soon. Less than a week ago, I had a fill. I noticed my weight loss had slacked off and I was getting hungry before I should. I have since taken off about 3lbs.
  5. tammygirl

    Shhh...Keep it in the Closet!?

    Welcome Janet and Mommie of 4! Good to meet you! I was just thinking that most surgeons have a lapband support group. If your doctors conduct such a group, you may be able to find someone in the group able and willing to assist you. Just a thought! Congrats to both of you on making the decision to go banded! Tammygirl
  6. I love you, girl! That same firery spirit is the same spirit that make you very sucessful once you get the band. You won't give up! On the flip side, please follow-up the HIPPA violation (cause that's what that is when your pictures are missing with your personal info) with a written complaint to the insurance company. Keep it professional and factual. If your insurance is through your work, cc a copy to the benefits person and your union rep if you have one. Meanwhile, keep your local TV station on speed dial :biggrin:I was once successful in persuading my company to cancel a provider due to repeated billing problems. It was a big contract. Insurance companies think twice when they think they will lose business and employers think twice if employees might start leaving due to jacked up benefits problems. Keep copies of everything submitted to the insurance company. Although your physician keeps copies, you should have your own personal copies. Document every call and the name of each person you speak to. All too often, folk see a person of color and decide to mess over us because they figure we won't follow through! Help dispel that myth! Go girl! :frown:
  7. tammygirl

    I had surgery

    Hey Skinny! So glad that you are through surgery. I am praying that you have a smooth recovery. This is the beginning of your new life. I rejoice with you!
  8. tammygirl


    It wasn't for me. My hernia was repaired during the surgery. Best to you!
  9. tammygirl

    I have been Approved!

    Congrats, ATLspeedy!
  10. Where do I begin? One thing I must say is that I am so proud to see so many young sisters on this board and thankful that you will not have to go through some experiences I have. Obesity has kept me from kneeling in church, dancing, being considered for certain career opportunities (this is something folk don't like to talk about, but it's true), anything that requires sustained physical energy, and dressing like I want to. When I was younger, obesity messed with my self esteem and I plunged into unhealthy relationships for a time. There are many more but that would take too long to list. I prefer to concentrate on the positive side of what better health means. It means being free to be all that I can be and I am working hard toward that. I think all of us are. Be blessed! Tammygirl
  11. tammygirl

    Where will YOU shop?

    I'll be sporting at: Nordstrom's Sax Fifth Avenue Lafayette 48 Neiman Marcus If I am going to look like a million bucks, might as well spend it:lol:, Tammygirl
  12. Hey CurvesinCali, Welcome! Just had to holler when I saw your location. Although I now live in SC, I lived in Rancho Cucamonga for 6 years . Haven't seen that name in print for years. Take care and the best to you! Tammygirl
  13. tammygirl

    Prayers needed for a fellow bandster

    I am so glad to hear that Joan is getting better each day! Truly prayer changes things! Tammygirl
  14. tammygirl

    Tell us about yourself

    What's on your mind?:thumbup:
  15. tammygirl

    Tell us about yourself

    Thank you, TravelLady. We are all pulling for you! People who are not obese often do not really understand our struggle. It may take a minute for your husband. But as you get finer, he will become a convert. YEA for your son and future daughter-in-law! Us Hampton folk got to stick together! Tammygirl
  16. tammygirl

    Tell us about yourself

    I am Tammy ,50 years old, and loving it. I am originally from Los Angeles, and have lived in South Carolina since the early 90's. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 23 years and he will join me as a banded person this fall. We have a 23 yr. old daughter who has just graduated from Hampton University (Go Pirates!) I have been a registered nurse for about 30 years. Currently I teach nursing in a local university. My interests include travel, West African and Carribbean art, and encouraging women of color toward higher education. I love this forum and enjoy learning from all of you!
  17. tammygirl

    Years of struggle with my weight

    Hang in there, Travel Lady! If I had a nickel for everytime some doctor, church member, lover, family member, or so called friend told me I would fail, I would be richer than Oprah. If your doctor is not meeting your needs, you might consider shopping around for another surgeon. I too was told I needed the bypass because I was over 300 pounds. I made my decision for the band and have been very happy with it. Cancelling a surgery should be no cause for extra hoops to go through. This is your body and you have the right to cancel anything at anytime for any reason. Yes! Sometimes, I think some docs look at us older sisters and write us off as if we should be willing to accept bad health. Age is a date on a birth certificate not a sentence on why we shouldn't be feeling our best. So you go on, Girl. Do what you gotta do for that weak knee and step on! And get that band if you choose it on your own terms. Amen for us "seasoned" sisters! Tammygirl
  18. Thank you, Apri Apple This is a great forum! Tammygirl
  19. tammygirl

    Grandma rabbit

    Welcome Young Lady! There are a lot of us young chicks here. We even have our own sub forum. Come check us out! Tammygirl
  20. tammygirl

    Shhh...Keep it in the Closet!?

    Hi All! I am originally from Los Angeles, now living in South Carolina, so I understand the cultural differences between the regions with respect to size. That being said, I have found that telling all to all is not a good idea. In the South, people tend to want to know more about your business. I have learned to evaluate the relationship before telling my business. How close are we? Do you know more about my business, than I know about yours? Can you hold a confidence or are you known for your loose lips? Are you a tried and true or just around when you need something? Therefore the only people I told were my husband, daughter, and 2 close girl friends. All have been very supportative. And isn't that what we really need at the end of the day? Support? not "well, I don't know about that...., "If you would just pray and come to Bible study...", " You not that big!, you know all of us in the family just healthy!" I didn't want to hear all that nah nah and so that is why I limited whom I told. Tammygirl
  21. tammygirl

    Port incision

    Your port incision is sounding alot like mine. I found that incision took longer to heal than the others. Call your physician and see what he/she recommends. In my case, a little triple antibiotic ointment did the trick and cleared up the redness. But, again be sure and speak with your physician before initiating any treatment. Take care Tammygirl
  22. tammygirl

    Will I ever be able to lose the weight?

    www.therecoverygroup.org is an online support web site approved by OA for those who struggle with compulsive overeating and other eating disorders. There is even a sub forum there for those who have had weight loss surgery and struggle with compulsive overeating. You may also consider OA meetings in your area. Reach out, you can manage your addiction and attain the level of wellness you desire. Take care. Tammygirl
  23. tammygirl

    Protein Shakes

    I like the unjury shakes. You can order samples from their web site at www.unjury.com Tammygirl
  24. tammygirl

    Coworker said weird thing to me... hmm??

    It was inappropriate for the boss's partner to question you about your decision. But something made her think it was OK. Are you usually very open about your personal life in the workplace? People generally respond to us as we have trained them to respond to us. Sometimes going into great detail about a personal matter to the wrong person unwittingly communicates a lack of confidence. To communicate a lack of confidence invites unsoliticed commentary and unwanted scrutiny that is unrelated to your job performance. Communicate confidence in your decision by politely declining to explain or defend your decision in the workplace. Communicate that your announcement about your surgery is just that...an announcement and not an invitation to a discussion. The best to you! Sign me burnt in the workplace, learned the hard way. Tammygirl
  25. tammygirl

    Prayers needed for a fellow bandster

    Joan, I am praying for a beautiful recovery for you. God never leaves us alone and He has a plan for each of us. May you be enriched with strength and encouragement as His plan unfolds for you. Tammygirl

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
