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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by blizair09

  1. blizair09


    From the album: blizair09

  2. blizair09


    From the album: blizair09

  3. blizair09

    Ice cream

    If this was a person who was at least through the post-op food stages, that might be one thing, but this person hasn't even hit 3 weeks post-op yet. I've been around here long enough to know that if someone was asking about some kind of somewhat-appropriate ice-cream treat (e.g., Halo, Eggface's stuff, etc.), they would have mentioned it by name. Also, it is not safe to assume the everyone on this site knows "that diving into a pint of Ben & Jerry's is both destructive and counterproductive." Have you read some of the things people say on here?
  4. blizair09

    Ice cream

    I am sorry. If you are already asking about ice cream at DAY 18 POST-OP, that is an issue. I get that everyone isn't going to follow directions to the letter. I get that everyone is fallible. I get that this is hard. But it is irresponsible to act like it isn't foreshadowing real issues when someone is asking a question like that when the freaking surgery wasn't even 3 weeks ago...
  5. blizair09


    I wouldn't. Making good decisions about food and drink is central to this journey. Don't start out making a decision that goes against the directions of your doctor. He/she has asked you to do this pre-op liquid diet for a reason. It isn't about weight loss. Good luck!
  6. blizair09

    Anybody dislike their surgeon?

    While I respect my surgeon's abilities (and am thankful for the wonderful job he did with my surgery), as a doctor and a person, I don't respect him at all. On the day of my surgery, he showed up 3 hours late to the hospital with no apologies and no explanations. We learned from a hospital worker (who was brave enough to comment) that "he does this all the time." I ended up being the last surgery. He never spoke to me or my family before the surgery, and after, he only spoke to my mom on the phone because it was more important for him to leave than it was to speak to my entire family (including my partner) in person as he had done with every other patient's family. The guy is a douchebag and I won't allow them to photograph me or use my story because of it. The good news is that I will probably never see him again. Other than the surgery (and one appointment prior), everything is with the NP in his practice. Lucky for me she is amazing.
  7. blizair09

    Starting my preop liquid diet soon

    My best advice is to just do what you have to do. This journey is really all about making good decisions about food and drink. While the pre-op and post-op liquid diets of the experience are among its worst (and most difficult) parts, it helps you to embrace the grit and perseverance that you must possess to be successful long term. Good luck!
  8. blizair09

    No energy, no motivation

    Call your surgeon as soon as possible. Something isn't right.
  9. blizair09

    Does it really take 2 years?

    @kinipela24, go into your account settings. On the far right, you'll see "Notification Settings." If you click on that and scroll down, you can disable email notifications. That way, you won't get a notification when someone posts. Every time someone responds, your topic will show up as a recent post in the forum, and others will keep responding as long as they are seeing it. If you are walking away from BP in general, cutting off the email is the best way of separating yourself. You aren't allowed to delete your account; you aren't allowed to delete the post. At least if you don't get the emails, you can pretend as though BP doesn't exist. Best wishes!
  10. blizair09

    10 Days out

    It got better as the days and weeks went on, but I struggled with fatigue for a solid 2 months post-op. I took six weeks off from work after the surgery. I took a nap every single afternoon, and for those first 2 weeks back to work, I was completely exhausted by the end of the day.
  11. The players may change, but the BP game is always the same...

  12. The players may change, but the BP game is always the same...

  13. blizair09

    Two months out Tomorrow, Results

    Great job. Keep up the good work!
  14. @Navigating the Wilderness @HeatherS I agree with both of you. While people do need a reality check (and often a good kick in the ass), compassion and empathy need to be at the heart of all aspects of this journey. (Just don't get me started on the newest "everyone criticizes" thread. I wouldn't get in the middle of that hornet's nest to be at goal tomorrow! )
  15. blizair09

    Toast or crackers with meals

    The cottage cheese with the sugar-free preserves is the best thing ever. I never imagined in my entire life that I would love cottage cheese so much! :-)
  16. When I was working on my PhD, I taught at a community college for the college teaching experience (and for the extra money). One thing I noticed pretty quickly was that many of the tenured instructors were always so harsh with the students. They automatically believed the students were lying no matter what the situation. This came about after years of hearing excuses and legitimate lies, watching the rampant financial aid abuse, and engaging with the myriad of other issues that come along with teaching at a community college. At 25 years old, I was appalled at that worldview. At 41 years old, I still don't agree with it, but I get it. I think the WLS world is similar. A lot of these personnel from the NUTs up to the surgeons themselves have heard and seen so much bullshit from people who are never going to rise to the occasion and do what they need to be successful that they formulate these jaded opinions. I'm not saying that everyone is this way, but it is probably very prevalent.
  17. blizair09

    Toast or crackers with meals

    I walk, but I don't do any gym work. I made the decision a while back that I wanted to finish losing the weight I needed to lose (i.e., to a weight of 180 pounds) before I begin to think about the gym and putting on muscle. It isn't the strategy for everyone, but it is what will work best for me.
  18. I know it seems counterproductive, but upping your calories will likely help you to get the scale moving. And it would help with the hunger. Also, I eat 7 times per day, about 2 hours apart. That structure has really helped me to stay focused, and since I know that I will be eating again pretty soon, I don't have a hunger issue. I just keep the day's total around 1200 calories, 20 carbs, and 100-120 grams of protein.
  19. blizair09

    Toast or crackers with meals

    I eat the same thing every day. (I am the kind of person that can do that, but I understand that everyone is not wired like that.) I eat 7 times per day, about 2 hours apart. I drink 32 oz of water after Meal 1, another 32 oz after Meal 2, and 16 oz after Meal 3. I also have 16 oz of PowerAde Zero after Meal 6, and 8 oz of water mixed with 8 oz of PowerAde Zero after Meal 7. The meals look like this: Meal 1: 1 scrambled egg with 2 oz grilled chicken breast Meal 2: 4 oz cottage cheese with 1 T of sugar-free strawberry preserves Meal 3: 1 string cheese, 5 ParmCrisps, and 2 oz grilled chicken breast Meal 4: 3 oz salmon with 1 oz green beans Meal 5: 2 oz hamburger steak (90% lean) with 1 oz green beans Meal 6: 3 oz grilled chicken breast with 1 oz green beans Meal 7: 4 oz cottage cheese with 1 T of sugar-free strawberry preserves I've been eating this way since I finished working through my food stages at about 2 months post-op. But, I kept my carbs below 20 grams even during the food stages. I stayed on liquids an extra week because I wouldn't eat the next stage's foods (ripe banana, cream of wheat, etc.), and I just avoided anything on my NUT's list that had carbs. It was tough, but it was the only way I knew that I could be successful. I hope this helps.
  20. blizair09

    Toast or crackers with meals

    For me, purging carbs from my life was a necessity to be successful. I restrict myself to 20 carbs per day, and have been that way for over a year now. Once you get used to it, it is just a way of life. I have a passing thought about something carby every now and then, but it passes. Losing almost 190 pounds is worth a lot more to me than any food, drink, or carbohydrate!
  21. blizair09

    Sun exposure after how long?

    I have gone to the tanning bed 3-5 times per week since 1 week post-op. I asked about it at my one week follow-up appointment in early October; the NP gave the go-ahead, and I haven't looked back since...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
