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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by blizair09

  1. blizair09

    Did you tell people?

    Telling or not telling is each person's personal prerogative. As for me, I have told anyone and everyone about each aspect of my journey including the journey from the day I got started (six months before my surgery). It keeps me accountable, and I have managed to educate lots of people on the realities of WLS. I have never had one out-of-the-way thing said to me in 14 months.
  2. My parents and I did Phen-Fen back in 1997-1998 and I lost from 275 down to 175. I was under 200 from about April 1997 to June 1998 -- the only time in my adult life that I was under 200 pounds. I have always remembered those dates, and this milestone is extra important to me because I've only been under 200 pounds for a short time of my 41+ years on this Earth. I've got 19 pounds to go. It's funny; my motivation is even greater now than it was before...
  3. Congratulations!! You're right; the wins are awesome -- infectious even. Keep up the awesome work!
  4. blizair09

    Carbonated beverages?

    I tried a small portion of champagne on an international first class flight (small airplane glass, maybe 1/4 of it) at 3 months post-op, and I thought that I was going to throw up in a bag about 20 minutes later. I have flown extensively for over 10 years, and it was the first time I really thought that I was going to puke on a plane. (We had hit some bad turbulence and they wouldn't let us get up -- even in first class!) It ended up that I was miserable for about 30 minutes, and then let out huge burp, and then was fine, but 7.5 months post-op, I still avoid carbonation because of that experience.
  5. My best advice is to stick to your plan and keep your eye on the prize every day, no matter what. When you do this, you change your relationship with food, and that is the key to the entire thing!
  6. I often haul around a little cooler (the kind that with a strap that you can carry on your shoulder) when I have to be out and about for the day without a refrigerator. It holds a day's worth of food/protein shakes and the ice keeps it cold. I think mine cost $25 at Target.
  7. blizair09


    My partner has lost 115 pounds in the time I've lost nearly 200. He didn't have the sleeve, but he started at 315 whereas I started at almost 400. He finished his loss around the turn of the year, and is maintaining while I finish up my loss. We weigh about the same thing now. (Actually I may weigh about 5 pounds less than him.) It certainly made everything about this journey easier with him on a weight loss journey of his own. We have kept each other accountable since Day #1.
  8. At 7.5 months post-op, I eat 7-8 times per day, approximately 2 hours apart. I drink 32 oz of water between Meals 1 and 2 and between Meals 2 and 3, 16 oz of water between Meal 3 and Meal 4, 16 oz of PowerAde Zero between Meal 5 and 6, and 16 oz of water after Meal 7. The meals are as follows (I eat the same thing every day): Meal #1: 1 scrambled egg with 2 oz of chicken Meal #2: 4 oz of cottage cheese with 1 T sugar-free strawberry preserves Meal #3: 3 oz chicken breast, 1 string cheese, and 10 ParmCrisps Meal #4: 3 oz salmon with 1 oz green beans Meal #5: 3 oz chicken breast with 1 oz green beans Meal #6: 2 oz hamburger steak (90% lean) with 1 oz green beans Meal #7: 3 oz chicken breast, 1 string cheese, and 10 ParmCrisps Meal #8: 4 oz of cottage cheese with 1 T sugar-free strawberry preserves This gets me to around 1300 calories per day, 20 grams of carbs, and 130-140 grams of protein. I plan to eat this way long term. I am about 20 pounds from goal, and once I get to maintenance, I might up the calories some and let the carbs go to 30 or so, but that's the only real difference.
  9. blizair09

    Will I feel normal again?

    Honestly, it comes down to having a heart-to-heart with yourself about what is more important to you. And there is no correct answer; it is your determination to make.
  10. I weighed 200 pounds this morning!  Getting below 200 pounds is a major milestone.  I'm hoping to be there in the next few days!!!

    1. BGOV1225



    2. biginjapan


      Congrats! I too cannot wait to get under 200 pounds (only 10 pounds more to go to hit 199!)

    3. _Kate_


      Congratulations! You have worked so hard and been an inspiration :)

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  11. blizair09

    Will I feel normal again?

    The key for me has been to re-define my relationship with food where it isn't the centerpiece of my life. I still go out with friends and family; I just don't eat, or I eat a small piece of protein and green vegetables. For me bread, pasta, potatoes, and other carbs are off the table forever. No food or drink is more important than the 200 pounds I have lost. My new lease on life is worth it!
  12. It will get better as your stomach heals. But it is really important that you are meeting your protein and water goals. This will help speed the healing process. It isn't about hunger; it is about giving your body the fuel that it needs. How many grams of protein are you getting in per day? How about water?
  13. blizair09

    Travel and food

    I travel all of the time for work. I take protein shakes with me in my checked luggage and then rely on meat and green vegetables when I eat out on these trips. I don't rely on protein shakes at all on a daily basis, so having to on work trips is my only regret, but it is a necessity. Eating and drinking on these work trips was part of my obesity problem, so I can't say that I miss that. I was so tired of being fat and dealing with those travel issues of which you spoke (seat belts, walking through the airport, dragging a suitcase around, trying to look nice and professional at 400 pounds). These 200 pounds (and counting!) I have lost is worth so much more to me than the travel food and drink.
  14. blizair09

    Tips please

    I keep a consumption log on a word document each day that outlines when and what I eat and drink. (I do this separate from my food journal that tracks all of my macros.) When I am away from my computer, I keep the information in the Notes app on my iPhone and then update my word doc when I get home. I eat 8 times per day (about 2 hours apart), so this has helped me to keep up with everything.
  15. blizair09

    Disclaimer, I love the hubs and need his support but

    I'm sorry that I said anything. When you are on these boards for more than a couple of months, you'll read some sad, sad posts about piece-of-crap spouses/partners that do and say some heinous things to people that are trying to better themselves. I know that my partner's nagging has played a huge role in me losing 200 pounds. But that's just me... Good luck to you.
  16. blizair09

    Disclaimer, I love the hubs and need his support but

    Wow. There are posts on here all the time about unsupportive spouses that do everything possible to make this journey difficult or impossible. It sounds like he is trying to be supportive to me. At least he cares, you know?
  17. blizair09

    Post op care

    This is the same as mine.
  18. blizair09

    Anyone ketogenic?

    I have followed low carb/high protein/high healthy fat way of eating since six months before my surgery in September 2016. I kept this way of eating through my food stages immediately post-op as well. I eat 20 grams of carbs or less per day. I haven't noticed any differences in the way I feel or the way it affects me as I get further out.
  19. My partner and I went to London and Paris in February. I packed a 12-pack of Premier Protein in my checked luggage, and focused on meat, cheese, and green vegetables the whole time I was here. It wasn't much different than it is at home (minus the cottage cheese that I eat each day).
  20. blizair09

    Calories and macro nutrients

    At 7.5 months post op, I eat about 1300 calories per day with 20 grams of carbs, 120-130 grams of protein, and a healthy dose of fat (I don't track the fat specifically).
  21. I was on medical leave from work for 6 weeks post-op. I took a nap every single day for at least 2 hours during that 6 weeks. And when I did go back to work, I still struggled with fatigue for the first 2 weeks (and seriously missed the nap). After 8 weeks, my energy steadily improved. Just be kind to yourself, and be patient (even though I know that is hard to do sometimes...). Good luck!
  22. I decided to take a few days away from here. It's nice to see that nothing ever changes!
  23. blizair09

    Vitamin Intake

    @no onions Great screen name! I hate onions, and come from a very anti-onion family.
  24. Get some unflavored protein powder and mix in with your broth. It was a lifesaver for me in the first few days post-op.
  25. I have absolutely no regrets. I've lost nearly 200 pounds and have completely changed my relationship with food. Life is great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
