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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amsderb

  1. Sorry I never replied to this post...I just saw it...but we've been talking anyway..LOL

  2. amsderb

    I am scheduled for May

    Wow...Welcome to all the new May Flowers!!! Allison, I hope you are feeling better...I had a cold all week and it actually started last Sat with the dizzy feeling...weird how it did that.. Kamicola...You are ONE day ahead of me!! YEA Band Day....getting closer!
  3. amsderb

    any other az bandster's?

    Way to go Woogs93!!! 70 pounds so fast???? WOW
  4. amsderb

    Month-Long Last Supper, anyone?

    Yea...that is why we are all here...Thanks Allison...Look on the bright side...you are doing this before you get larger like I did...I mean, I used to hang around 190 -200...then it was 225...then I gained a bunch and it was like now @285...then I went to 220 in 2000 after ATKINS and then BOOM>>>>> I think my highest was almost 348!!!! So, now I will have the tool...so when I get to @200 I'l Celebrate but not for long cause then I'm gonna head to 150 ish...so You go girl!!
  5. amsderb

    Month-Long Last Supper, anyone?

    I KNOW how ya'll feel! See even though my ticker looks good...I have really lost more from last year but I started with this weight because I joined a program in December of '07 and that is what I have lost since then...My problem is, I was super motivated like you all WERE and then I got my date....When I went for my consult I had already lost 11 of the 22.5 pounds so when they said 15 more..because they never saw the other 11....I about died...now I am within 5lbs...if I can count today..LOL and THE LAST SUPPER SYNDROME has begun...I'm trying...to keepoff what I have lost and still go down 5 more...UGH..it is so slow and hard. To top it off, I got this blasted cold this week and I couldn't go exercise...it was all I can do to work this week...which of course, had 3 late nights and TONS of stress...so.... The good news is...my cold has taken away my appetite for the moment except I want Ice cream....I think I'll try sf Jello instead...a compromise of sorts...Oh and I have to weigh in May 20th with the other 5 gone...so...YEA!! I HEAR ALL OF YOU!! btw...WHEN THEY TOLD ME TO LOOSE MORE...I SAID WHAT ANGELBUDDY SAID, "If I could loose weight easily...and keep it off...would I be sitting on the doc table in the Bariatric Room? PLEASE>>>>>> LOL mantra for today...NOthing tastes as good as thin feels (I think...it has been so long!)
  6. PB...Productive Burp...meaning stuff comes up.... I just know the words...I'm not even banded yet... I am so afraid that I will not have restriction like all of you are saying...UGH!!!
  7. amsderb

    Would It Kill Me....

    jtori...thank you for your honesty....I encourage you to tell the doc and also, I'm not sure if you are keeping the food diary or a journal but try and see if there was an underlying reason you just went into auto pilot and ordered food...I am NOT trying to preach at you...we all do make the wrong choice at times... I know that FOREVER I have been told to plan plan plan out your food and sometimes that seems impossible...but if you know you have too may temptations by fast food...then maybe make a deal with yourself that you will NOT go to a drive through....If you have to eat a food on the run then predecide what that would be....like: My dh loved fast food and so we made a deal that if she is that hungry she should go to a subway type place or a grocery that makes custom ordered sandwiches...Even at some starbucks you can get the fruit and cheese plate or a small sandwich...toss out the bread... Anyway, dh has done great and now does not eat fast food of old and the good part is neither do I. I truely think they put addictive stuff into the oils in the fryers to keep people coming back... Hang in there and good luck! Please know, I am not trying to preach just trying to give some ideas...
  8. amsderb

    Would It Kill Me....

    Wow faithMD...I read all of the posts...thank you...great info and points to ponder... At the support meeting I went to, they said the guidlines had changed and some thought it was because people couldn't deprive themselves so they lessend the time on full liquids...I will most certainly ask my doc at my preop visit these questions... Thanks again
  9. amsderb

    day one of liquids

    KCV..I'm glad you are listening to your body and slowing things down...it shows that you are really trying to "listen" to your body. I am still in the loose 10% phase which I think I have done but now I have to keepit off until I weigh in with the Doc on May 20th! So, this is the real test for me... Good Luck all of you... By the way, as routine I drink 1 Protein shake everyday for Breakfast...that is how I have lost some weight and anytime I keep to this I do well...
  10. I never got into REM in 2 different nights! The wires didn't even bug me the second time...it was the mask!!! If and when I go again....because I will have lost enough weight...HOPEFULLY I will sleep...
  11. I hear everyones frustrations on it all.... My sleep study was in a nice new place and I know they tried to make it as "homey" as possible... I know that sleep is important and the one thing no one has mentioned here is....I am not a dr.... If you have sleep apnea it is hard on the left ventrical of your heart... Well, I can tell you my very healthy Dad has had the snore for years and guess where his 3 heart attacks were...Left Ventrical!!! We talked about this and decided that it is a great thing that at my age now we know this and I won't be putting the years of stress on my heart...I've done enough damage with my morbid obestiy.... So, even I know the importance of trying to resolve this...the cpap is quite barbaric but HOPEFULLY someday they will invent a better treatment... Until then I will keep trying to wear mine...I really want to be able to...so I just keep trying every night...course with my current cold it has been harder.... Later friends
  12. Been there, done that too...Only because I did not sleep much and they never put the cpap on me I had to go 3 weeks later (that is how long it took them to get back to me) again for 1 more night. I am mild apnea...I now have a machine...it was my choice to try it??? I am not doing to well but keep trying... The bad part was I never hit REM sleep which is when most apneas occur...so... Hang in There!!! It makes for a good story???
  13. Me too! Thanks...off to bed with my c-rap friend...LOL
  14. amsderb

    I am scheduled for May

    OK that scares me since I have 2 college age kids at home...I thought I knew everything...LOL Just kidding...
  15. Also gas...you know how they say the average person expells gas x amount of times a day....Calories are like KAL in chemistry...you burn them for energy...fat is stored energy...it is what is burned to even keep up your body temperature...when you have a fever...you burn even more calories...the waste products of the fat then go into the blood stream and them get absorbed into the gut and we "flush" it out in our waste products.... Watch a wooden log burn in the fire...some is gas, flame, heat, some is smoke or ash...that is its waste product...make sense? No question is dumb!
  16. amsderb

    Surgery Tomorrow!!!!

    Kat225...I am so glad that you had such a good experience...hang in there with your recovery! I'll be praying for you and all my band friends...it is a strong network!
  17. amsderb

    A little discouraged...

    I found that once I started the process it was like...gotta win...gotta win...gonna do it...etc... And now I am and am more sure of my decision everyday that I learn more!
  18. Thanks to all of you who have shared your insight...I slept some with it on last night and then couldn't stand it anymore...I even have a fan that blows on my face too because I get hot with it on... NO... I AM NOT "HOT" WITH IT ON...UNLESS YOU HAVE A THING FOR ASTRONAUTS! LOL anyway, I forgot to call the doc today so I'll try again tonight...maybe some Afrin would help... OK...now ...here is my whine....get the violins ready.... I am really trying to wear this (I call it the c-crap) thing....I know, a positive attitude is important...it is just so uncomfortable for me and I don't sleep well as it is...I doubt it is my mild apnea that keeps from not sleeping...I haven't slept solid through the night in like 30 years!! Even as a kid I wondered around the house and would finally fall asleep on the living room couch...UGH!!! On a positive note...I try and pretend that it is my special clean and filtered air that will enhance my beauty and keep me younger...like when Michael Jackson slept in that oxygen tube...I know it is filtered air and it will keep me healthier so...I keep trying...any tips would be great! Thanks for listening
  19. amsderb

    A little discouraged...

    TXCHELSEY...I am thinking about you..let us know how you are doing???
  20. amsderb

    I am scheduled for May

    I am glad all of you are doing so well and getting ready for our Band days!!! Allison, I am so impressed that living at home you were able to seek this out and not tell your Mom sooner! Wow...I am glad the secret is out though and she can be a support. Talk about old fashioned Dad's? Mine has always been well meaning but honestly brutal about my weight...He played football for college! So, now after 40+ years, I finally am at peace about the overweight...ok obesity...thing...I am not going to torture myself anymore because I know how hard I have tried and my genetics are just that much stronger! With the band as a tool, my hard work can show off!
  21. amsderb


    OK...I'm jealous...I kept mine on for about 4 hours...I was asleep though...then I woke up and felt all hot plus I had post nasal going on and had to cough!!! Gold starts for you BANDFAN!
  22. protein shakes are my favorite...in fact I mix a few mean ones!
  23. Thanks for responding... Mine covers my mouth but it is so hot and hard to wear...The only plus would be in having the humidity setting turned up for my lungs???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
