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Michelle Denise

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Michelle Denise

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/26/1963

About Me

  • Interests
    I love sewing clothes and home dec. I have a Janome 4000 and a Babylock Imagine Wave Serger. I play with my Shih-Zuh Bebe who is 1yr. I love to reading. My husband and I garden a lot in the summer.
  • Occupation
    Domestic Godess of the house. I get paid by hubby.
  • City
    Joplin, MO actually north
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  1. Michelle Denise

    Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lapband anone?

    Thank you Candtwalker for your additional input. Looks like you have almost completed your lapband jounrney. You are very close to your goal. That is fantastic.
  2. Michelle Denise

    Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lapband anone?

    Thank you to all that responded to my question. Thank you for that specific link Missy.
  3. Hello, I am finding conflicting info regarding as to whether or not one can have a lap band with rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder. I am curious if anyone on here has RA and currently has or had a lap band? I am not talking about osteoarthritis, which is a totally different disorder. In 2003 when lap band was fairly new to the US I went to a seminar and they told us if you had an autoimmune disorder you could not have a lap band. I decided that left me out. I have a positive RA titer on my blood test. I have not had any luck since then losing a great amount of weight. The other day when I went to my rheumatologist I decided to ask him if I still could not have the lap band just to see if anything had changed. I was not seeing a rheumatologist back in 2003. My doctor told me he saw no reason why I couldn't have a lap band and did not understand why they would of told me that in 2003. His reasoning is that doctors put foreign objects in arthritis patients all the time in knee and hip replacements. He was all for me getting the lap band. I am obese and have diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, depression, sleep apnea and RA. He feels it would really help me. I had pretty much convinced myself to go for it, but now I am uneasy about it. I can't seem to find much data on success of lap band patients and RA. I would like to find some people that have RA and have had success with the lap band. I am taking a lot of medication and could most likely eliminate half of it if I lost a good portion of weight. I am 5 foot 2 inches and weigh 210. I have not always been overweight. I am 49 years old and would like to have a long life, but realize the odds are against me if I can't get some weight off. I have tried many things since 2003 with no success. I am not interested in gastric bypass as my sister has had it done. She has had nothing but problems such as vomiting and diarrhea on a daily basis. I am not sure if it is due to her not following the protocol or just complications, but i have seen enough of her problems that I don't want to go that route. Her immune system is also a real problem. Can anyone help me with any information? Do any of you think that it may be just something that I have to try and if it doesn't work out have it removed. That is what I am beginning to think as there are no guarentees with any surgery. Thank you for your time in advance. Sincerely, MichelleDenise
  4. Happy 49th Birthday Michelle Denise!

  5. Michelle Denise

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi Kimberly, Klkirk, and Lauren87, Kimberly and Klkirk thanks for telling me to get in touch with Mary. I don't think that is the gal I have talked to so far with on the phone. I actually got a seminar set up finally after actually missing the one if Feb. I was so ticked at myself.:tongue2: The lady called yesterday actually letting me know there will be informative sessions this month one on Saturday, March 8 at 10:00 a.m. on the fourth floor in Room 4A. Is this room pretty easy to find? I will be coming from Joplin. I know it is in the St. John's Surgical Center at the corner of National and Seminole. They are having another informative session much later in the month of March, but I decided on the earlier one. I figured hubby and I would come up and make a day of it. I sew and was wondering where your fabric shops are at? I know you have a Hancocks close to the mall, but I wasn't sure if you had anymore? Lauren87 it is nice to meet you on the board. I am hoping to make a couple of support meetings before surgery if I get approved. Maybe I should check out the insurance thread and see if anyone knows much about my insurance there. :smile2: I just haven't had much luck with insurance issues in my life, so I just am not real optimistic. Anyone else feel that way? I wondered if anyone had a suggestion on which threads my be the most helpful to start out with right off the bat? There are so many of them. I see there are some topics about complications, insurance and ages. Any suggestions? Thanks, Michelle Denise
  6. Michelle Denise

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi Everyone, My name is Michelle, and I am 44. My husband and I look a lot younger. I tried to download a pic from photobucket, but I think hubby must of cleaned out my Cookies. Photobucket didn't remember me, so I couldn't get a pic right now. My daughter's friends were always like "You are 44 and 48? Reeeaallly, you guys don't look it at all. You guys look young." I guess we are young at heart. My only child 21 Whitney got married in November, and I have been lost. You talk about "empty nest syndrome". Wow. She is a Junior in college at MSSU in Joplin. I met this super neat gal at Bath and Body in Joplin. She was talking about getting the Lap-Band. I had been thinking for quite some time about getting it done, but there was no one in Joplin performing it. She told me there was a doctor in Springfield performing it with good results. I found out she wasn't from Joplin but Springfield. I gave her my cell number and she told me she would call me when she found out who it was in Springfield. I got online and found out pretty quickly who it was as I found this group and I have been lurking for a bit. I had an information session to go to I thought tonight, but it was last Monday. I thought the lady told me it was tonight because they didn't want to have it on President's Day. You can imagine since I have been waiting since the middle of January I am so mad at myself. I rescheduled for March, but they are not sure what day it will be in March. The lady at the 820-3800 number is to call me with the date, place and time for any March session people. I have struggled with my weight for the last 20 years. I have weighed anywhere from 120 to 240 pounds at 5 foot 2 inches. Right now my BMI is 39.5. I had gestational diabetes at 23 since I am native american, and my dad has type 2 diabetes. My cholesterol is high. My back hurts since I have already had back surgery and my bust line is 50 inches. It is large even when I weigh 120.:cryin: My neck and shoulders hurt all the time. I can't stand in one place for very long at all. My knees are starting to hurt as well. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Alliance PPO and my husband called them to see if they would pay for it. It sounds like you have to submit everything like an appeal process right of the bat. I have lost weight so many times only to gain it back within two to three years no matter what I do. My husband is very naturally thin and has like a swimmers body. He has a high metabolism, and wants me to cook food that I might be able to eat a few bites such as fried chicken. I find it impossible to cook for him and not be able to eat the food everyday, day after day, month after month. I am thinking possibly with a Lap Band I wouldn't eat much and then would lose weight. My sister had gastric bypass a few years ago and she is sick all the time. We went to a Lap Band seminar, and I tried to get her to go that route, but she would not. Now she wishes she would of done as I had suggested. I know she does not drink her Protein shakes as she is suppose to do so. That may be part of the problem, but she looks grey or very pale all the time. Has anyone worked with the same insurance I have or is the insurance person in Dr. Edward's office any good? Would pictures of all those weight fluctuations be good to send to the insurance? What will they be looking for? I have had my gallbladder, appendix, and a back surgery done. Is there any information I should be trying to get together now? What do you do at this first seminar? My husband is concerned who is going to be motivated to get this insurance to pay for this operation. I am sick of being tired all the time. My balance is awful. I have instances where I fall from being uncoordinated due to my weight. It isn't from dizziness. I am really counting on this surgery. If you could please offer any advice or tell me key words to search for on this site I would greatly appreciate it. I plan on checking in here almost everyday I am online. I greatly appreciate it. Sincerely, Michelle

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