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About SandyinFL

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  1. SandyinFL


    That's kind of how I feel, too. I don't dislike eating, but the food I liked before surgery now leaves me like, "Meh. It's okay, but I can take it or leave it."
  2. SandyinFL

    My story of screwing up. Support? Ideas?

    Wow, I'm so impressed with your ability to take control and put yourself back on track. It's really hard to do all that, so give yourself some serious credit. You sound like the kind of person who is going to be just fine. Btw, I'm 58 and am about six weeks out from surgery: proof that bad eating knows no age limit! From my perspective, you're just a kid! :-) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. SandyinFL

    What does your "full" feel like?

    I get a queasy, upset-stomach feeling one bite or two before "full." It goes away immediately, as soon as I put my fork down. I think it's my stomach's way of talking to me. ... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Yep, I agree all around. I'm an adult so take complete ownership of my own eating, good and bad. "Porkchopgate"! Love that term! Having said all of that, I inadvertently set myself up and had a very bad food day today, first one since surgery six weeks ago. Not gonna ask for sympathy. Don't need it, anyway. Confession cures all. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. SandyinFL

    Hungry or Not?

    I'm only five weeks out, but I do get very hungry sometimes. The good thing: it doesn't take much to make the feeling go away; like maybe a piece of string cheese and a SF popsicle, or a container of Triple Zero yogurt and a few almonds.
  6. SandyinFL


    It's best if you don't graze - that's a bad habit to get into. Try waiting 3 hours and drink in between. Sent from my KFFOWI using the BariatricPal App Nah. I think starving myself is a bad habit to get into! I wouldn't get all of my protein in otherwise, either.
  7. SandyinFL


    I get very hungry unless I continually graze on protein foods--cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese strings, etc.
  8. SandyinFL

    Best protein bars

    I found a specific type of Think Thin bar that I can tolerate--peanut butter. It has a lot of calories (250?), but it also has 20 grams of protein. I don't like any of the other flavors besides peanut butter, though. The chocolate brownie flavor was gagful. I only eat them when I'm running behind on protein and need a big dose to catch up. Because of calories, carbs, and price, I only use them occasionally.
  9. SandyinFL

    Liquid diet hell

    I feel your pain! It's only a matter of time before I barf after a protein shake. And I used to love chicken soup. Now? Meh.
  10. SandyinFL

    2nd Week Food Options

    I had Carnation Instant Breakfast Lite many times, (and still do because I'm three weeks out tomorrow). This was on the list from my doc and nutritionist. Usually, I add a scoop of unflavored Protein powder, too. I finally figured out that using my Bullet smoothie-maker mixes the Carnation mix, protein, and milk together better. It actually tastes pretty good, although I've had to play around with the amount of Protein Powder to add. Even though it's unflavored, it has a little aftertaste if I use the full heaping scoop full. My doc also okayed Cream of Wheat during this full liquid period. I add milk to it, and it really hits the spot. I've also been able to eat sugar free pudding and yogurt. The Oikos Triple Zero is pretty good. I also have had cream of tomato Soup a few times, when my tum-tum is feeling queasy. I don't know what your doc had okayed, though. Seems like every doc is different.
  11. SandyinFL


    I have the same fear! I know it's irrational, but still ... I think I've internalized one bariatric doctor's comment that I will not be able to go below 200 unless I have bypass surgery. I chose the sleeve, of course! For the record, the doctor wasn't trying to be mean. I believe her comment was based on some of the medical/physiological issues that prompted huge weight gain years ago. But I still hope to prove her wrong.
  12. SandyinFL

    Throat hurts

    My throat hurt for the first week or so. I think it was from the tube they put in my throat during surgery. It gradually went away. I'm only about three weeks out, so it probably was better before the end of the second week.
  13. SandyinFL


    My doc okayed lettuce and soft, nonfibrous veggies this week, as long as I chew them well. I'm about 2.5 weeks out.
  14. SandyinFL

    Always hungry

    That's where I'm at right now, too. I'm almost three weeks out. Feels like my entire life is devoted to eating and drinking. I'm assuming this will get better as I'm able to eat more normally (am just up to soft foods). However, surgeon said he give me a prescription for an appetite suppressant if I'm still this hungry at my next appt. in three weeks. For the record, eating tons of protein and shakes only helps for about an hour or so. Oh, well. So it goes. ????
  15. My weight seesawed during my six-month supervised diet. Insurance didn't say a word.

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