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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by vluckey

  1. I haven't lost since getting the new band, but I haven't gained. I have had some big time reflux issues since the beginning of the year. I have recently found out that my grandmother used to have this really bad, so it could be band related or it could be natural.

    My band is very wide open right now, but I'm not gaining so I'm ok with it. Would I like to lose more? Yes, but I know I'm not doing my part, so I'm not mad at the band.

    Because of religious practices, I fast every once in a while. I have found that doing that really helps my stomach to reset and I don't have to always get tightened. But don't do anything like that until the baby comes.

    I'm ok with how things are, but I do know that should I choose to I can get my band tightened a lot from this point. But I wont do it until I'm ready to commit to the weight loss lifestyle.

  2. I have had my 2nd lap band for a little over a year now. I have a 14 cc band. My first band slipped after the birth of my daughter.

    Lately I have had a lot of reflux, for which I've been taking meds. That helps sort of, but not consistantly. I had my band unfilled twice to where now I really have almost no restriction.

    This week I have been on a liquid fast for reasons unrelated to the band. I thought the reflux would not be a problem. I don't know if what I'm feeling is reflux though. It just plain hurts. It especially hurts when I'm bending over to pick up toys or what not. It's not a burning, it's more like an ache.

    Now, I had a stomach flu several months ago where I had similar (but more severe) pain after throwing up. I was checked at the ER because it hurt so badly but it didn't appear that the band slipped. I also had an upper GI done and my doc said it looked ok.

    I need to call my doc but I'm hesitant to because he'll want me to come in and his insurance has just changed all over and I can't afford the co-pay.

    I don't know what to do.

  3. Due to insurance issues with my current doc I'm going to need to change band docs. Of course this happens while I'm in the middle of dealing with yet another complication of my band.

    So, Cincinnatians! Help me! Who do you go to that you love! I'm currently with Dr Curry, who I love. Parting will be such sweet sorry. But I'm a pain in the rear complicated patient. He might be glad to see me go.

  4. I'm having pretty much the same problem. I've already had one band replaced due to slippage, but we thought that was due to having just had a baby. It seemed to literally happen the same day I gave birth.

    But I haven't had a fill in many months. I actually avoided it because of the fear of acid reflux. All of the sudden out of no where the same thing.

    Now, today, I just got a letter from my doctor's office stating that they will no longer be contracting with any insurance carriers. So after 2 surgeries, and now more complications, I might have to change docs. What a freaking mess!

    I can't wait to hear your results. Good luck to you. I wonder if anyone has ever had this happen and recover with no issues?

  5. I'm watching the infomercial and it sounds like it could be helpful. I'm looking for a good plan to help with weight loss.

    I just had my band replaced with a larger band and can literally eat anything. I want to try to lose the rest of my weight without being so tight that I'm miserable.

    So, have you or anyone you know tried this plan? I only need to lost about 40lbs.

  6. Yeah, I love Dr Curry and his staff. I can't wait to see the new office. We are very lucky to have him as our Doc, as many people on this board turn to him because they can't get help from their own doc.

    I really didn't want to have the surgery, but now I'm glad I did. The only draw back is I can literally eat ANYTHING now. I've got to make good choices and that's hard.

    I love this board too. It is very helpful, especially when you are struggling with a problem.

  7. I had my daughter on March 8th. I literally had swelling March 9th and it lasted for weeks living on Protein shakes.. I had gotten to a point where I thought it was liveable, then I flew to Phoenix and it quickly went downhill from there.

    You can check my other posts about it. I had reflux, vomiting in my sleep, threw up 10-15 times a day. I was only consuming liquids. I finally emailed my doc and he told me that I would have surgery when I got home. That was 10 days ago.

    What I would do if I were you is drink a lot of Protein Shakes. Protein reduces swelling in your body. I would go on liquids only for several days, then mushies. Kind of like when you first got your band. If you don't see an improvement with in a week or 2 I would call your doc. I'd call your doc anyway just to see what they say.

  8. Oh I understand. I lost 60lbs and got pregnant. Gained 30. I had to get really ok with gaining weight really fast. After having my daughter, my empty band was swollen to the point where I couldn't eat food for weeks. Talk about scared!? I had no fill to empty, so it was surgery or nothing for me.

    Fortunately, I've lost all of my weight, but my new big band is, well, BIG! I can eat anything. I'm having to start "dieting" just so I can get my fills done in a smart manner. But I don't care. I never want to feel that way again. I had all of the symptoms of a slip.

    I noticed you go to Dr. Curry. Erin the dietition had a similar problem and she told me that he MADE her get an unfill. She gained 5lbs and was ticked, but knew that he was right.

    Just do a little more exercise and try to make good choices. YOU CAN DO IT! Just put a big sign that say $10,000 on your fridge! ;)

  9. Wisegirl, I just had the same problem and ended up having a new large band put it. I couldn't unfill because I was already empty.

    If I were you, I would unfill and leave it that way for a while. If you can't easily do the surgery, then, I would give your band the best rest of it's life. You have the rest of your life to get that 20 lbs.

  10. I had it and I had a lot of pain in the mid section. I was very aware of my band, if felt like I had a pulled muscle in there, even when I hadn't eaten in several hours. I also had back pain, but that could also be related to my having a new baby at the same time and holding her was messing with new muscles that hadn't been messed with.

  11. This has happened to a lot of people including myself. I had other complications which resulted in tightness so I had to get my band replaced.

    What my doc does for people in this situation is a total unfill for a period of time. I wouldn't wait to have this done if I were you as this can actually cause you to get pneumonia.

    I wouldn't wait for this to go away, especially since you've had your band for so long. You tummy might just need a rest.

  12. Oh yeah, it's weight related. My former ob who now does natural wellness told me that fat stores estrogen and keeps your system from being able to do what it's supposed to.

    Need proof? Five years ago, lost 50lbs, got pregnant. 14 months ago, lost 60lbs, got pregnant.

    There is a natural supplement that I took both times from a company called AdvoCare called Fem20. It's not marketed as a contreception aid, but it sure worked for me.

    It took me 7 months to get preggers this time. I was on Fem20 1 month. Last time I was on it 4 months and got preggers.

    Can't remember how long until we did the deed, but I suppose it's ok by now for you.

  13. I had a band replacement surgery 8 days ago for similar reasons. It sounds to me like you have swelling in your band which is why you are tight. For some unknown reason, I had that happen to me immediately after I gave birth in March. It never recovered and got so bad that I had severe reflux, night asperations and got to the point where I only had liquids for about a month until I had surgery to get a bigger band.

    Here's the thing, in my case we have no explaination for why it happened. But what I didn't do was commit to only liquids for a long enough period of time to figure out if it could have gone down with a good rest. I was already completely empty, so I couldn't get an unfill. Everytime I felt better, I'd start eating, then get stuck, then barf, then more swelling.

    If I were you, I'd get a complete unfill and give your band a complete rest for a few weeks.

    My doc is Dr. C who answers questions here. You might want to run it past him. In hind sight, when I realized it wasn't going to improve the way I was doing it, I wish I would have just done liquids for a week, then mushies, until I saw real improvement.

    The good news is I LOVE MY NEW BIG BAND!

    Hope this helps.

    Oh, and one more thing. If you're not getting enough Protein, that can cause swelling in your body. Check to make sure you're getting at least 65 grams, otherwise, add some extra Protein Shakes.< /p>

  14. I sit here this evening having just gotten home from the hospital today for my "band exchange" surgery. I had to have my little band exchanged for a larger band and my doc seems to believe (as do I) that it is pregnancy related.

    I had my beautiful, wonderful daughter on March 8th. Literally on March 9th my band tightened up and hardly relented until, well, today. I was able to get it to a barely liveable state, but I knew I was living on the edge. My band obviously had been empty since last October, but I felt the same amount of restriction as being filled, if not more.

    Like I said, it was "liveable" until I flew to Phoenix, and that sent me over the edge. I had all the symptoms of a slip...reflux, vomiting, midnight puking, that barf in the lung thing...the whole nine.

    I seriously considered removal, but I thought, let's try the BIG BAND. I'm glad I did. I feel much much better, although very sore. I wouldn't change ONE THING. However, I might have been more patient and careful had I known this could happen.

    So a warning, be aware that your hormones will play a number on your band and pay close attention. I'm just so thankful to GOD that this didn't happen before my wonder girl was born.

  15. I definitely agree....water....calcium, potasium and magnesium. You might want to get on a really great calcium/mineral supplement. The one I use, and it's the only one I've ever found like it is from AdvoCare. I can't remember what it's specifically called off the top of my head, but it totally keeps leg cramps away. I've also had good luck managing blood sugar and blood pressure with them.

  16. Everyone considering getting a band should read this post. I am 18 months out, lost 60lbs, had a baby and getting ready to have a surgery for my band this Friday due to complications. I will have to start the program all over again, liquids, mushy's, etc. I'm almost happy about that. I had every intention of not getting a fill after I had my baby and doing a diet. My body had other plans.

    Just like I posted the night before my surgery, this is not a cake walk. But I had the option of taking this thing out, and decided it's still worth it.

    Good luck to all of us!

  17. Everyone considering getting a band should read this post. I am 18 months out, lost 60lbs, had a baby and getting ready to have a surgery for my band this Friday due to complications. I will have to start the program all over again, liquids, mushy's, etc. I'm almost happy about that. I had every intention of not getting a fill after I had my baby and doing a diet. My body had other plans.

    Just like I posted the night before my surgery, this is not a cake walk. But I had the option of taking this thing out, and decided it's still worth it.

    Good luck to all of us!

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