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Charlene K

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Charlene K

  1. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, I know how you feel about your dad. My kids felt that way about my DH and I before we had WLS. My DH was 61 when he had gastric bypass and I was 57 when I had lap-band. I hope you doctor does run with you and gets and opportunity to talk to your dad. I think watching you run may inspire him to consider WLS. You go girl! We are all cheering you on!. I just got back from Methodist Hospital in Houston. A very close friend of mine had a stroke yesterday. Her kids took her to the ER this morning. Her mind and speech have not been affected, but her left side is numb. She cannot walk. She is 65 and hasn't been to a doctor in years. She was one of my "eating buddies". She has always been heavy. I believe she will have a complete recovery and start living a healthy lifestyle. I am sure this is her Ah-Ha moment. Joyce, glad you found the "fast reply". It is the easiest for me. Yep, the cold front should be here in a few hours. My body told me so. lol. I am going to be pro-active this time. I am taking a muscle relaxer before I go to bed. Janet, aren't you home yet!!! Missing ya!!! Goodnight Y'all!
  2. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, I know how you feel about your dad. My kids felt that way about my DH and I before we had WLS. My DH was 61 when he had gastric bypass and I was 57 when I had lap-band. I hope you doctor does run with you and gets and opportunity to talk to your dad. I think watching you run may inspire him to consider WLS. You go girl! We are all cheering you on!. I just got back from Methodist Hospital in Houston. A very close friend of mine had a stroke yesterday. Her kids took her to the ER this morning. Her mind and speech have not been affected, but her left side is numb. She cannot walk. She is 65 and hasn't been to a doctor in years. She was one of my "eating buddies". She has always been heavy. I believe she will have a complete recovery and start living a healthy lifestyle. I am sure this is her Ah-Ha moment. Joyce, glad you found the "fast reply". It is the easiest for me. Yep, the cold front should be here in a few hours. My body told me so. lol. I am going to be pro-active this time. I am taking a muscle relaxer before I go to bed. Janet, aren't you home yet!!! Missing ya!!! Goodnight Y'all!
  3. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang! Tx......sorry about the shoulder issues. I hope your dad has a quick recovery. I know you must be worried. HUGS! Cheri........have a great rehearsal! Just checking in to say I am babysitting today. My DD went to the children's symphony with the two yr old and I have the baby. I will check in this eve. CBL!
  4. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Cheri........such a beautiful thought for the kids to focus on concerning Joi. I know it will bring many of them peace knowing angels are caring for her. HUGS! for you too. I went yesterday and spent my Kohl's bucks. I bought me several things one of which was a black metal family tree that came with nine frames to hang on it. I have been looking for something like that for quite a while. I have a library table with all the family pictures on it, and I have run out of room. Now I can put the rest of the pictures on the wall above the table. I saw on FB that Great was waiting for the plane to be de iced. Hopefully she is on her way home. We have missed ya! Tx......how is it going?
  5. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Apples.......thanks for the frosting tip. I will use it. Those cakes are so dense they don't need much on them. That cold front will be here at 1am Sunday morning. It is gong to be about eighty tomorrow. So, I have about thirty hours till pain. UGH! I hope Lori doesn't get stuck at the MOA, but hey, what a great place to get stuck. Don't they have a QVC shop there? lol Linda, thanks for telling me about that stuff. I will order some. I heard SAME is good too, especially for joints. It is not my joints......I think all of my pain radiates from my spine.......I just ache. HUGS! on your FM. Unlike you I get a few warmer days. I don't think I could ever live up North. I still think I need to move to a desert. Phyl, that is so crappy that the manager could not help you. I hope you get your money back. Sndy......the fact that you are keeping up the running in your home is awesome......You go Girl! Julie.......How are you? What are they going to do to help you? I just got a package from QVC. Yep, another Wii game......Julian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011. It was just released. I hope there are levels. You know she is "hard core".
  6. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang, just got back from my mother's place. My DH just set her up with a new flat screen tv. She can see it better than the old one. I helpled push stuff around and yep, my back is hurting, but not as bad as before I started exercising. We went to lunch.....I ate tuna salad, and some zuchinni . I did eat a boiled egg for snack. Phyl, How's it going? Did you get your go cart running? I hope you got that Starbuck's place straightened out. Take care of that cold! Eva's back!!!! Woohoo!!! Janet.....missing ya! I hope you are home soon. Apples, You know I got that recipe. Can you freeze that cake? Can I freeze the Cherry one? I just want to get some stuff done before Christmas. I do not like to rush.....then I start forgetting. Okay, I hope all of you have a great evening! CBL
  7. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Joyce, If you will just click the box of "fast reply" at the bottom then click on size( i use 4) you should be able to change size and color. I click color then size and start my reply. Meredith, there is some truth to the Viagra thing. My friend has two children in their mid twenties. They did not want their dad at the Thanksgiving get together. He is already suffering the consequences of his actions. I am boiling eggs for Snacks. CBL!
  8. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning gang! I got up early. Apples, I had my oatmeal too, but I am going to go Protein the rest of the day. What a cool "girls day" for you and your friend. I have a friend in the same situation on she has a marriage of 28 years that is up in the air. Why do old farts near sixty start thinking they look forty? UGH! I pray God will restore her marriage. She is such a sweet giving person. Her DH is stuck in a fantasy. He needs a reality check. Sorry to vent.....she is on my mind. Meredith.......Hang in there! Keep journaling. You will stay on track. Melissa......Congrats on the new nephew. I hope you got that cold stopped. Kelly.......I want to walk with you too! Sounds beautiful. Sndy......are you still training for anymore 5k's? Jessica.......thanks for your menu.....reminded me to eat more protein. Jodi......have a great weekend! Just Celebrate and enjoy! You know what you can eat and what you can't. Off to the dog groomers! Then we bought my mother a TV. We may go across the city and take it to her. Later!
  9. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Good Evening gang! I got all of my Christmas decorating done.......and finished shopping. All I have to do now is make Texas Trash( Chex Mix) for my five kids. Counting inlaws and outlaws I think I need to make about twelve 4 cup containers. I started buying the Cereal last week. Today has not been a good food day for me. I didn't get to journal. Ugh! I really don't do well unless I write it down. Okay, that is my confession for the day. I hope all of you did better than I did. Later!
  10. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang! I just had my oatmeal for the day and getting ready to go to Water aerobics. I can't believe it.....I slept all night......six hours straight! Woohoo! For all of you who have trouble sleeping know what a big deal that is. One more week until I go get a fill. I think I just need a tweak. Eva.......where are you? On a trip again? Later gang!
  11. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    I went back and did what you said......no emails yet. I also edited my settings......will see if it works.
  12. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    OMGoodness, Apples, your teeth are GORGEOUS!!!!! It was well worth the time and discomfort. I just got home from the gym. There were a lot of people trying to work off Turkey and dressing.....and pie! .....lol. I have almost finished decorating for the holidays. I haven't put up my Nativity yet. I don't know if anyone collects Jim Shore, but I have several Santas, angels, and a Nativity. I just love the quilt pattern. I also bought a Little People Nativity by Fisher Price for the the Grands to play with under the tree. I still haven't gotten email notices. Now how do I request them? Kelly? Lori? Peas......HUGS! and Prayers for your dad tomorrow. Meredith and Joyce.....WTG on the gym habits! Linda.....where are you? Julie......you too? Phyl........NICE ride! NICE surprise! See, he can be a sweetheart. Jessica.....WTG! on the 5 lbs. ONEderland.......here you come! Laura K......thanks! The pain is almost gone, and thanks to Lexapro I forgot to worry about the drama today.....lol Jodi.....HAPPY HANUKKAH! Lori......How cool to just jet off for a day of shopping with DD.......you are one blessed girl! Tx...how's the fill going? Cheri......I hope you get some rest tonight. HUGS and prayers for you. Melissa......how's it going? Miss ya Janet!!! Sndy.....where are you?
  13. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Peeps! Brrrr!!!!! It is in the thirties this morning, but should be sunny and 70 this afternoon. I will walk before lunch today. I don't do Water aerobics on Wen. because the trainer is Hard Core. She doesn't get it that we are in water aerobics because we can't do spinning or floor aerobics. She also teaches those classes. Cheri......how tragic . What is going on in your area that is causing all these murders. Is it gang related? HUGS and PRAYERS for you and the school. Melissa, I journal on just a small pocket spiral notebook that would fit in your pocket. I have always wanted to take cake decorating classes. Have you considered starting college online? It will give you something else to focus on. Hang in there! I have decided to join WW next week. I am going to tell them that I cannot eat over 1100 calories a day and see how many points I get. I know they will work with me. I decided to go there for me and my DD. We can work together. She needs the support. Lori, I am going to Kohl's today and spending those bucks. Apples, have you finished your dental work? Meredith how is it going on the journaling? Kelly.......WTG on the three lbs! Joyce......Props on the good food choices! Tx......How is the fill going? I will check in later! Have a great day
  14. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Apples......Yep, I don't try to protect my kids much anymore, but let them hurt my G-kids........I am all over them......usually. When I say hurt I mean emotionally. I don't interfere with the discipline. The electric company said they know the problem is theirs. Yay! It may take a few days to zero in on it. Tx......that is a good fill. I usually got .5 a month for almost a year. I never had to put a pillow under me. I bet that did hurt. I hope you do well. I just talked to my DD with the two babies. She joined WW a few weeks ago and yesterday they launched their new program. It is geared towards counting, carbs, Protein, and Fiber. I think I may check out the website. I might join with her. She said like they give 100snack 3pts and fruit 0 pts. Sounds like a way of encouraging clean eating. I just need a place to weigh every week. You know....the accountability factor! Lori, I am going tomorrow to Kohl's. I will use my bucks on the DGDS. I bought them sweater dresses.....now for the tights.
  15. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hugs on the drama trigger. I can so relate. I hope you can focus on yourself. I know it is tough. Water aerobics really helps. I have been having drama with DD. She went back to that loser after lying to her daughter she was going out with friends. How a forty year old thinks she needs to lie to her kids. I am staying out of it. I just gave my DGD advice for her own life. I told her she had a right to be mad at her for lying, but don't let it derail her future for her life. Talking to DD while she is in another verbally abusive situation is like talking to the wall. Oh, then my SIL that I washed out of my mind called my DH and asked to come over tonight. She is in the same situation as DD. She is 46. She said she has been to rehab and is off pain pills now. So why is she still with that jerk. Give me a Break! UGH! Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but the devil never stops trying to spoil it. My aching is gone, but I still have low back pain. The front is still moving in and my body is adjusting to the change. I am still waiting on the electric company. I am ready for them. I need someone to vent on.....lol.
  16. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Just checking in. Last night was one of my worst FM nights. After aching for most of the night I finally went to seep at 3am. Flexeril finally relaxed my body. So, this morning I am not only aching.....I am sleepy. I thought I was over these bad flare ups......NOT! I am gonna get dressed and continue to decorate today. I know if I keep moving I will be better off than sitting and getting stiff. Sorry about the whining I had to vent. Meredith, journaling is the only thing that keeps me in check when hunger strikes. Tx WTG on the sign up. A plan and a goal will keep you focused. Laura, Nels is such a sweet boy singing to his Grandpa. Apples, Stay off the roads. If you make a good Protein bar......I want the recipe. The bars I buy are expensive too. Okay peeps, gotta call the electric company. I had the electrician out yesterday. The blinking of my lights is on the Electric company side. They are being jerks about fixing the problem. Thank goodness we had a surge protector put on our breaker box.
  17. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Well, I figured out the signature edit. You do all the management from my profile.......click edit profile on the upper right then click edit signature on the left. It is easy after you find out where all the crap is......I finally clicked "Help" under my name and got the info. Most of you have probably figured all that stuff out, but I am kinda dense.....takes me a while. Linda, glad to see you didn't gain any over the holiday...WTG! Melissa, I feel your hunger.......still battling it at least until the 9th.
  18. Charlene K

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi peeps! I went to Water aerobics today. I really helped my back, but now the weather is changing and I am aching again. Boo! Kimaly, I am trying too! It is hard to get off of carbs once you go down that road.
  19. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    OH Great, I am so glad you mentioned Kohl bucks. I think I have to spend them today or tomorrow. Sounds like you are having an awesome Christmas. So sorry Grandma canceled on you. My mother is doing the same thing. She doesn't like to leave her retirement home. Her sight is so bad she doesn't see faces anymore. We bought her a new flat screen tv today online. I hope it helps her see tv a little better. Oh, Charming Charlies'....yep we have one here, but I heard of a better place than that. It is Sam Moon's. I think it originated in LA. Check it out online. We have one about fifty miles from here......on the other side of Houston. I really want to go. Phyl, yep this new format sucks! Laura.....I think it is great your dad could take you home. He is back on my prayer list. I have the yard decorations out and the fireplace done. The tree is up, but I have not finished decorating it. I have a small tree. It is just so much easier for me to manage. My DH has never been into tree decorating. I bet Nel's face lit up when he saw the yard. Apples, are you working today? Well, the electrician has been out again only to tell me it is the power companies side. Ya think so? If three neghbor's lights are blinking it is not our problem. So, I have to call them again. UGH! Water aerobics really helped my back. It must be arthritis this time. Okay, Later gang!
  20. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang! I am getting ready to leave for Water aerobics.....just wanted to check in. I did eat oatmeal with a few walnuts. Can't help it.....I'm hooked on oatmeal. I can't believe I have been missing out on oatmeal for 59 years. I guess I need to start exploring other food choices.....Like Tofu?.....sounds yuk to me. Jodi......you go girl......props for supporting Dassi. Yes, planning.......that is one of the keys to success in this lifestyle. Thanks for the reminder! Julie......good to hear from you! Phyl...love the pic of Zoey and her new BFF. Apples.......yeah I still haven't found the right buttons to click to get to where I need to be. I still can't find the "edit signature". Do you know where it is?
  21. Charlene K

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey gang, if you click on fast reply at the bottom you can change the color and size. I finally found July Butterflies by clicking down the page under "following content" and clicked on topics. All the thread you have commented on come up I don't know where we are on the Home page. Once again. No change in my weight. I will try again this week. Oh how do you change your signature? I change my ticker, but I don't know where to click for my signature.
  22. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang....just checking in. I was down in my back today after keeping the g-kids yesterday. I went for a walk......it helped for a little while, now I am hurting again. The weather changed this evening. It has started to rain ....we are getting another front in. Oh, my DGDs (the older ones) came and went in my attic for all my Christmas decorations. Of course they didn't find my tree skirts so I might have to use one of my damask table cloths for a tree skirt. I haven't gained or lost in a couple of weeks. I plan on Water aerobics tomorrow and continue to journal. Cheri, I have a hard time with journaling too. I go along for days......I get sidetracked and forget. Apples, I haven't gone to my profile yet. I just found the other thread I post on. Yep, I think some of the new stuff sucks. Did you get your house decorated? I should have mine done tomorrow with the exception of lights on the house. I have yard ornaments out. If we don't get this electrical problem solved I may not put up lights. We had an electrician out last week because our lights are blinking. He put a surge protector on the breaker box. Last night the lights would not stop blinking. I called the light company. I also called my neighbor and found out they were having problems. So, at 11 last night the light co shows up to check the transformer in my yard. They cut my bushes down to get to it, but did not fix the problem. They are blinking tonight. UGH! Sorry to rant. Jessica.....I am so proud of you. You are reaching your goals......awesome! Oh, I didn't tell y'all I ate some beef yesterday and it got stuck. I think my problem is I am so hungry I have gone back to eating too fast. Anyway, I had to literally throw up to get relief. I was Pbing before going on the liquid diet.
  23. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hi peeps! Whew! I had four g-kids today 6,2, 18mos, and almost 3 mos. I did something in my lower abdomen when I got up with the little one. I just hope it is a catch. It is right where I had my last surgery four years ago. Hopefully it is just scar tissue. Anyway, we had a good time with the kids. Then my DS came over and finally picked up the rest of his clothes. He still did not get the deer head. UGH! I guess this girl is a keeper. Being a major in the Air Force she is keeping my DS in line. He is crazy about her. I know they are talking marriage. LauraK.....yep it was a good day with the kids. Three in diapers made for a poopie day too! lol Nope, didn't get the decorating done. My granddaughter that helps was a no show......she is coming tomorrow to get the stuff out of the attic. I can do it now, but why take the chance of pulling something when a 16yr old has offered. Cheri, thanks for sharing about your family. It is interesting to watch how those characteristics run throughout the family. We have lot of ADD in the family. From you talking about it I have been able to notice those symptoms in my ADD kid and now in one of my grand. I even see it in me. No one in my family ever sought help for alcoholism. They just got old and quit drinking. Joyce, the weather is pretty now so your DD will be able to enjoy a little of it before it gets nasty in a couple of days. Water aerobics is the only thing that does not hurt my back. I love it. You are so limber. It won't take long till you have a trainer. I even forgot you had a knee replacement because in Vegas you never favored your knee. Melissa, Zumba sounds fun, but I would have to borrow it before buying. I have so much exercise crap I have never used. Glad you found something to make you sweat. lol Okay gang, I am going to go soak in the tub then watch a little TV.
  24. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Janet.......have a great vacation with the family. We will miss you! Cheri......sound like you had an awesome Thanksgiving with the family. My extended family is full of dysfunction.......mainly alcoholism. I still love to see them and remember good times as children. Apples, have a great time at your Christmas get- together with the family. Laura.......so sorry about your dad. It is so hard to watch our loved ones suffer with so much pain. I know you are such a comfort to them. HUGS! and Prayers for you and family. Chris......I hope your DW is bettter today......scary! Sham......It is hard to make that guess on your dress size. I think you go down a size every twenty lbs. Be sure you get a dress that can be altered several sizes. Kelly.....congrats on the first meal. If you felt full for several hours it sounds like you may be just where you need to be. Okay gang, I offered to babysit my two granddaughters while DD and her husband go do some shopping. I will be busy today. I am back to journaling, and looking forward to a fill on the 9th.
  25. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang! I just got back from the gym......yes, back in the groove. I can't believe it......Dh offered to take me shopping this morning around 10am. Then I found out why....we went to Academy and Barnes and Noble. He had gift cards burning in his wallet. Anyway, I went to Shoe Carnival and got some closed toe like Birki's. They have a cork sole and a suede looking mule top.......16 bucks. Birki's usually cost me about 80 bucks. I had to hit Kohl's again for a few toys......got my Kohl bucks for Monday...lol. Janet.....have fun on the Cruise! Apples.......what did you get? I was surprised that it wasn't packed today. I think most people went shopping for the "Doorbusters" in the early morning. Online shopping deals start on Monday. I have to check it out. There are a couple of catalog places I want to check out. Your such a good Grandma. From the mouths of babes. Don't you just love it? Sndy.....Your daughter lives in Houston too? Joyce's too? Wow! I think the high tomorrow is 47 with sunny skies. Woohoo!!! Phyl, I wished you a Happy Birthday on FB, but I forgot LBT.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Julie......WTG on the weight. You will get there. I put on some since Vegas. I don't like to weigh either, but I do. I think if I quit weighing things would get out of control. I don't ever want to put my head in the sand again and start going back up, up, up. I feel too good to go back to that place. I need all of you to keep me in line. Great, where are you?

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