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Charlene K

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Charlene K

  1. Charlene K

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    I weighed at WW. I lost 2lbs. Now that is two of the ten I gained since Vegas, but I'll take it. Lori, we booked the cruise for several reasons. I want to go on the new ship Magic.....we want to go to Belize......DH always takes off at Christmas .........and I want a Christmas Break. It just so happens that two of my kids are going on a vacation at the same time. Now, if something happens between now and then we can always cancel. We are doing Christmas on Thanksgiving. I think it will be a nice change. We do Thanksgiving at my house every other year. I think we will do the same with Christmas. That way the kids can go to the in-laws on Christmas too. Our family is up to around 25. It is fun, but a lot of chaos. I think we are also going to scale down the gift giving. I have all my decorations down......now to pack. It shouldn't take too long. Tina, so sorry you are having problems. I think the medication will really help. Also try to get out and walk. It really clears your head, and make you feel healthier. Take it from someone who detested exercise. I just feel so much better. Peaches, I just loved the poem......thanks! Cheri, being a child of an alcoholic I have read many codependency books. Ugh! I just wish I would have not been such an enabler. It really hurt my kids. Jodi, I will be bored with you on Friday. I don't go out on New Years......too many crazies on the rode. We don't have mass transit like NY. Everyone drives down here......and some should not be allowed to drive anything!!! I think the Houston area has most DUIs in Texas. Crazy! Meredith........get well soon! Sorry, I only read the posts on this page......Later! I better get to packing!
  2. Charlene K

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    Good Morning Gang! Janet.....your son has diverticulitis? UGH! I hope he is better soon. Linda.....I saw the picture of your DGD. Precious. I am glad y'all had a good Christmas. Phyl......be careful on your way back to sunny Calif. I wish we had a motor home parked at your place right now. At least it is going to be warmer today. Yep, I gotta get the decorations down today. DGD and DD will be here tomorrow to put them in the attic. My putting up and taking down is at the mercy of my DGDS. Next year......NO decorating.........CRUISE.....YEAH BABY!!!! lol I must have a touch of vertigo. When I turn over at night I get dizzy. It's weird. I am fine walking, but if I lean over I get dizzy. Weird. Anyway, I am going to go weigh in this morning. I know the WW scale is two lbs heavier than mine. We will see. I have been good since Sunday. Choo! Choo! Will check in later!
  3. Charlene K

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    Just checking in........True Grit is a good movie. We went to BBQ place and I got chicken with green Beans and an ear of corn. I know....carbs, but it was good ones. I ate it for lunch and dinner. Lori, My Christmas is still up. I was going to take it down, but my DGDs haven't said when they are coming to put it in the attic for me. This is the first time I have had it up this long, but no worries....the only plans this week are doctor for my mother on Thursday. I don't think I need a fill yet. My band is so fickle. I am hungry when the weather is warmer. Right now I have good restriction. I probably don't need a fill till the spring. Apples, I bet you can't wait to get to AZ. BRRRR! I do not envy you peeps in the North. It was 29 this morning for a couple of hours....too cold for me!!! I did walk when it warmed up in the high thirties. Okay gang, Have a great evening! I am going to start up a fire and get all toasty. I fix my pup a pallet on the toy box and set it in front of the fireplace. He loves it!!! I don't know how to post pics on here, but I did change my profile on FB. It is the best I could get with all the grandkids.....it was like herding cats!
  4. Charlene K

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    Good Morning Gang! Cheri, I am on the Choo Choo again. I did Protein and Water yesterday. I have lost 3lbs of Fluid. I plan on staying on the Choo Choo for two weeks. Are you traveling with me this week? Julie, so glad you had somewhat of a pain free holiday. I can't say that for myself, but I was able to be proactive and take a muscle relaxer and Tylenol. I was going to water aerobics this morning, but it is so cold I would rather walk in it than take a chance on the pool heater not working properly. So, walking it is then I want to go see TRUE GRIT. I still haven't taken down my decorations. My older G-kids will come this week and help. They don't like me climbing the attic stairs. I am a little scared too. Choo! Choo! check in later!
  5. Charlene K

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    Peaches.....good to see you posting again. That joke is too funny!! Tina, I am sorry for your Christmas. Next year will be a whole new you.......start planning to make a new kind of Christmas2011. HUGS!
  6. Charlene K

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    Cheri.......AMEN! We take comfort in the Babe of Bethlehem amidst all the sorrows in this world. This is not our eternal home. I can go on because He Lives although many times I don't act like it. Janet, wow you have a lot of property. One day there will be a buyer that will give you a price you can't turn down. I know what you mean about feeling bloated. I am too. I had a Protein Drink so far. I am gonna push Water and Protein today and hopefully lose those bloated lbs. OH, and walk too!!! My back feels better. I am waiting for my two DGDs . My DD and her DH want to go out for a peaceful lunch. We did not want to go....too many temptations. I will settle for entertaining the babies.
  7. Charlene K

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    Good Morning Gang! We all met at DS's for Christmas. Yes, I overate. Then after gifts were open my DS cranked up seventies music and him, his wife, and the kids started dancing to the BeeGee's. I had gotten DGS Michael Jackson wii game and a hat and glove. So they had to put Thriller on and dance . We had a good time. I told the kids we were going on a cruise next year. It was cool with them. Janet, how cool to find an article with your dad talking about his date farm. Do you still have that property? Yep, I ate some lace Cookies. I was hungry because I had taken a muscle relaxer the night before. I am really hurting from the front blowing in. I am not going to church today. The cold wind will just agravate my FM. Anyway, today is a chill day for me. I quit shopping after Christmas years ago. I will check in later.
  8. Charlene K

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    Lori, still praying!!! Okay, dressing is made.....2 9x13 pans. 22lb bird in the oven. All that is left is a cake and deviled eggs. Janet, my DD said she will start doing the dressing. Eva, I would love your jerky recipe. Pm me when you have time. no rush......too much going on the next couple of days. Well, the front must be getting close. I have already had a warm bath today to relax my muscles. I hear that so many are having record snow. I am glad it is not going to snow here, but it will be cold for sure. Merry Christmas to all! .......and to all a Peaceful Night!
  9. Charlene K

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    Lori.......still lifting your DD up in prayer. I will be checking to see if you post. HUGS! and PRAYERS! for you and family today! Love ya.
  10. Charlene K

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    Apples.........Oh yes, prayers. Hopefully medicine will stop her labor. Keep us posted. I haven't read the posts today......just sat down for a minute to check in. My body told me today that the front will be here soon. lol. My friend was so surprised to see all of us show up in her hospital room. She just cried when we gave her a gift certificate for new bifocals. We laughed that at least we didn't meet in a nursing home or funeral home. I mean at our age seeing each other at the funeral home is not uncommon. They all made me feel so good......said I looked so much younger since i lost weight. It just gave me a boost to keep on keeping on. I don't know if I will be checking in until Christmas evening. I have so much cooking to do for Saturday. I am going to try to make my cornbread tonight for the dressing. Ugh! I have got to teach one of my DDs how to make my dressing. It is time to pass on the cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!.....and a Big Thank You for support you have given me. A special SHOUT OUT to Janet our Sheriff that keeps the Posse in check. Love Y'all!!!!
  11. Charlene K

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    Good morning gang! I am headed out again to see my friend that had a stroke. Several of us are going to meet at the hospital and give her a Christmas party.....no food....just lots of love and hugs. Bath and Bodyworks had their gift sets on sale, and we got her one. I love that Japanese Cherry Blossom. I had to buy me a set. We are also giving her a gift certificate for new bifocals. She cannot have her eyes checked for three months because of the diabetes changing her eyesight. Thanks Linda.....you are so kind to think I am a trooper, but I just can't go back to that old lifestyle. I was an unhappy person.....don't want to go there again. Okay, I am off.....will check in later!
  12. Charlene K

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    Apples, so sorry you feel so puny, but glad the news was positive for DH. My DH has had a high level before.....don't know why. Take care! Cheri, yeah, doesn't that passive- aggressive crap just PO you? My DH is like that......after 41 years I don't care. Sometimes he can jerk my chain and I flinch, but then I just call him "old fart" under my breath. lol Jodi, I'm not finished mailing cards. Dassi may get scared when she sees mine......it is a picture of us...lol Wow, 145.....AWESOME!!!!
  13. Charlene K

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    Joyce, thanks for telling about the decorations. Now I am even more excited. Yep, I have a 22lb turkey this year. Next Thanksgiving it is fried or smoked. My DS told me yesterday he will get it for me. My back gets so tired lugging that bird around. AHHH! a massage on Christmas Day.......I would settle for a pedicure right now. I think I will get one in the morning.
  14. Charlene K

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    Arlene, you are so funny....Santa.....I want a better metabolism too. Congratulations on 41 years. That is so nice and you still like your husband too Eva, I still love him very much......but there are days I don't like him. Can anyone relate? Can I get an AMEN? LOL I helped my DGS make Apples Cherry Nut Cake for his other Grandmother. Then I did some baking for the kids. Don't worry......didn't eat. I found a new deterrent to eating sweets......eating beef Jerky. I know one of you suggested it to me. I love it. Now I need a recipe because it is expensive. I bought the Teriyaki Beef Jerky. Does anyone have a good recipe?? This one had 14gprotein , 5 carbs.....the only thing is the sodium.....kinda high. Kelly, are you in those floods? I heard AZ and Utah were going to get it too. I'll check in later. Gotta get back to doing stuff for Christmas Day. That cruise next Christmas is looking mighty good today.
  15. Charlene K

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    I just now caught up on most of the posts. My you guys are a busy bunch! Will try to comment on a few- apologize in advance for forgetting someone. Lori~ Have fun hugging your kids! awww. Julie~ Hope the pain lets up. Sounds like you have had a week like mine! Apples~ Thinking of you. Hugs. Meredith~ Hope you are over your flu. Not fun. Eva~ Nelson loved loved loved the JD Christmas ornament!!! Thank you so much for thinking of him!!! So sweet. : ) And also got your beautiful card. Thanks. : ) Janet~ Loved your card! I MIGHT try and get some out- in all my free time, but better late than never. LadyK~ speedy recovery for the knee. hugs. Arlene~ hang in there. just plan on maint. for the holidays- it's ok Melissa~ how is work going? Jewel~ WTG on the exams. You are doing great!!! Dittos on everything Laura said including me. Laura, Hugs! It sounds as though your dad has made peace with his condition. This will be one of the most memorable Christmases ever for your family. I know y'all will have a great time. I hope your rash is settle down. It is going to be 80 here today. I think we have weather one day ahead of you. The next cold front is Christmas Day. I think the high is around 40. Maybe you will get it a day late. Well, I lost two of the lbs I gained. I had been taking tylenol every night so I could sleep all night. Tylenol makes me retain Fluid. I quit taking it. I want to be down 5lbs by the 26th. One of my issues too is i haven't been drinking enough Water. Cheri.....I am on the Choo Choo today. My order of Honey Milk came in. (20 grams protein). If any of you ever want a good low cal, high Protein Drink and lactose free...this is it. I love the chocolate and coffee. You can get it on their site or Buy.com . Swan.....I is normal to have anxiety before surgery especially if you have been on a pre op diet. I only took one pain shot in the hospital. I took liquid Tylenol at home. Be sure you have adult liquid Tylenol and Gas X strips on hand. The strips help with the gas that is left from the surgery. Plan on walking several times a day. It really helps with the gas . You will do fine. HUGS!!!! Gotta get ready to sit with DGS. I want to get a walk in first. Thanks peeps for all the support. I could not have made this journey without your encouragement and love. LOVE to ALL! Have a great day!
  16. Charlene K

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    Joyce.........YAY!!!!! Rest!!! Enjoy the rest of the year!!! We have two Water aerobics instructors. One keeps you moving to music, but the only jumping is like making a goal in basketball. The other girl is hard core. I don't go on those days. I think she forgets we are in water aerobics because our joints and backs are whacked. I let the six year old DGD play with my ipad. She quit pestering my DGS. All is quiet now.
  17. Charlene K

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    Wow, I posted..... saw it.......now it is gone. hmmmmmm???? Lori, yes, carbs are my downfall, but mainly it is the holidays. Too many situations......too much stuff going on. I am babysitting tonight for DS. He has the 18 mos. old and the six year old. DGD couldn't stand that the baby went to sleep in my bed . She just HAD to go in there and accidentally wake him up. At least they are laying in my bed watching cartoons. Can you tell I am tired? Tomorrow the nine year old comes for the day. He is not a problem unless he gets bored. I think I will have him walk with me tomorrow to shake off any possible boredom. lol I am looking forward to the 26th....... seriously considering a two week shake diet again.......going to talk it over with the PA. Okay gang! I'll check in tomorrow.
  18. Charlene K

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    Janet, I needed that! I really think when I stopped walking so much and started going to the gym I started getting off track. My hunger increased and I fed it. I have not exercised like this since I was young. This coming Sunday the 26th starts my new year. I will have my schedule back. Meanwhile, I am hanging in there. I will not go back to where I was. In fact, I put on a tight shirt and pants today to remind myself I am going in the wrong direction. I do have an appt on the 30th with Dr. Davis' PA. I weighed in today at WW. No change.....that's a good thing. Apples, yep, I am struggling like I did last year this time only......... this time I have more tools in my weight loss tool box. Joyce......oh I hope your knee is okay. My DH has had a revision on his knee. We did not know they have to do the same procedure, but no therapy. Let's hope you just need to rest it for a while. HUGS for you! By the way, Gizmo is cutie. My pups dad's name is Gizmo. Meredith......sorry about your sis's Lab. I hope they find him soon. Tx. glad you dad came through the surgery. Yep, get used to dressing your dad......it comes with being a caring son. Just pretend you are the nurse. LauraK.......get well soon!!!
  19. Charlene K

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    Good Morning Gang! I ate oatmeal this morning. I am not on the choo choo today, but I am counting and watching my food......watching it go in..lol I am just a little down over gaining weight since Vegas. First it was five lbs.......now it is 10lb. I have all the tools at hand to turn this around.....I just can't seem to stay focused. If I can make it through this week without gaining anymore I will have had a victory. I am weighing at WW this morning. I am sure there is no change. Confession is good for the soul.....I feel better now that my peeps know what I am going through.
  20. Charlene K

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    Tina, I think most people that are obese suffer from some depression. For one reason or another we start medicating with food. Along with changing your eating you will need to get into a counseling or a support system........get down to the nitty gritty of why you overeat. The lap band will not stop head hunger......only real hunger. I have a thyroid problem too. As I tell most new lap banders.....get a pedometer and start walking. You want to set a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day. I started walking 2,000...then 4,000.....then6,000. After a couple of months I was walking 10,000. I don't walk that much everyday, but I do exercise daily. You can do this! Thanks peeps for all the Congrats!!! DH and I went out and ate...yes.....fajitas. No chips, no Beans, no rice, no tortillas......water with lemon. Phyl, I showed your picture to Dh. You do remind him of his mother when she was younger. Somehow, somewhere I think Dh and you might be related. lol Linda, are your crock pot potatoes the ones made with frozen hash browns? My friend has taken them to so many funeral meals.....she calls them funeral potatoes. I just love em......well, I used to. I like "umma" that is cute! Okay, gotta go do some wrapping......if you call putting gifts in bags.
  21. Charlene K

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    Thanks Julie. I know what you mean. My parents were one year shy of their 50th. Yikes! I guess I am getting old. I have had both kind of trees. When I started doing a 4ft tree I quit putting out all of my Hallmark collectibles. I really need to give them to my kids. I like theme and traditional. I think whatever gives you joy is what you ought to do. I used to do matching wrap and bags. This year I bought all foil bags in five different colors. Like I said earlier........Dollar Tree is my new go to store for wrapping. Today I went there and bought more canisters for the chex mix.
  22. Charlene K

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    Welcome Tina! Lori, it was a small cup of chicken salad.8pts. It has six carbs, but I didn't check the fat till now. 27g of Protein. Too much fat though. Gotta scratch it off my list. Thanks Apples and Cheri. Yep, we are going to eat chicken fajitas tonight. I text my DS and told him we had been married 41 years and if he wanted to beat us on years he would have to hurry up. Is that a hint or what? Then my ex DIL dropped by and pumped me for info about DS's girlfriend. Ugh! I have to watch my words with her. She did tell my that my DD was dating one of her friend's ex. HMMMM!! At least she is not with that loser again. I like this guy, but I won't hold my breath. He might be too nice to her. lol ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A BETTER METABOLISM!!! Oh wait.......I'm Santa!!!
  23. Charlene K

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    Checking in. I just finished chicken salad from Chick Fil A. 8pts. I did buy a small fruit for my Protein shake this eve. I really don't want to go out to eat, but today is our 41st Anniversary. Maybe chicken fajitas tonight. I didn't even buy him a card. I went into Walgreens thinking I needed to buy a card for someone, but couldn't remember who......Duh! "Oh, yeah, it's our Anniversary". Which reminds me I need to text him. He left before I got up this morning. Lori, I didn't think about the noise around the elevators. Oh, my mother is called Grandy. She is the sweetest person I know. She picked that name. My friend loves my mother so much she had her grand kids call her Grandy. Janet, kids are so entitled now. Our society tell them we owe them!!!! And they have too much Stuff! My grandmother only gave me two bucks for Christmas every year. I still think she was one of the most giving and loving people I ever knew. It's not what you give ........it's how you make them feel. That is what will be remembered. Apples.....so sorry for your DH's test. My DH's dad had prostate cancer. He had 39 treatments, but had a heart attack during the chemo. He came through it. It was his heart that was so bad. They have come a long way in treating prostate cancer. Hopefully, his numbers are high for a different reason. Prayers and HUGS for him!!! Melissa, YOU can do it!!!
  24. Charlene K

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    Charlene - WTG on your cruise - I would like to do one that time of yr too - better than having to deal w/all the hussle and bussle of Xmas - Just go on a cruise and relax !!!! Yeah, we need a stress free Christmas and also the kids need to get used to the idea that DH will retire in about three years, and the $$ gifts will be scaled down. Arlene, where else is the cruise going? I am assuming it's a Western Carribean since it's going to Belize. We went there, Grand Caymen, Roaton and Cozumel a few times on ours. Yeah, I think that is where it goes. My sister who is a cruise queen said to get an interior near the elevators. I don't have a problem with being on the interior. You don't stay in the room that much anyway. I like that the port is less than an hour away. We can get our DD to drop us off. I'm on the train today. 1-turkey sausage patty. I walked this morning. I plan on walking this afternoon too. TX.......prayed for your dad. Because you have taken control of your eating the chances of you getting diabetes are reduced. Give us and update when you can.
  25. Charlene K

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    Well, we are booked on a cruise to Belize for Christmas next year. I can't believe the lido deck was already booked up.....after we got the last room. It is near the elevators so we are subject to being bumped. It is considered a wheelchair accessible. I hope we get to to keep it. This is a brand new ship......the largest that Carnival has in their fleet. It is coming to Galveston I think in June. Now I have a new goal of fifty more lbs before the cruise. We will have a Thanksgiving Christmas next year. Joyce and Apples we want to hear about your family Christmas today. Julie, you sound so much better. What a nice present for Christmas. Tx......glad the shoulder is better. Wishing you safe travels tomorrow, and prayers for Poppy. I know you said he has a lot of health issues. I can't remember why he is having surgery, but it must be necessary. Take care!

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