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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    gwbicster reacted to CattMyst in Small Victories!   
    Me again!
    I just received my surgery date of August 7, and I'm SO STOKED!!!
    I've also cleared an even 30 lbs, and am still 10 days away from pre-op liquids!
    I'm taking this in Small Victories : last week I broke a personal threshold, when I finally got below 330 for the first time in over 15 years. My awesome hubby feigned non-recognition, LOL!!!
    So many of you have posted about your trips to Onederland, I'm over here looking Sooooo forward to Twoville!!
    Thanks again for the beautiful sharing of your stories, inspiration, and real life. You are a joy to be a part of.

    HW: 365
    CW: 325
    SW: ?
    GW: 150-175

  2. Like
    gwbicster reacted to h.brooks661989 in 7 months out!   
    I had my sleeve done on Oct 18, 2017. BEST DECISION EVER. I am almost a new person. The things I can do now that I couldnt before such as drive without the steering wheel on my stomach, tie my shoes without being out of breath, walk up stairs without hurting, play with my son. These are just a few things I can do now. So far I have lost a total of 110lbs! The only loose skin I have is my arms but it's always been like this. Working out to tone them up as much as possible!!! Guys what's your story.

  3. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Old2NewMe in Losing Weight on PreOp Diet   
    My doctor said they expect you to lose 10. He had me do three weeks instead of two. I lost 20.
  4. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Julie2879 in Relationship changes   
    My husband has supported me from the beginning. As a matter of fact, he was the one to even suggest the surgery. He had always seen me so depressed and down, he figured he would mention it to me as an option, he knows someone else who did it. He would love me no matter what I decided, and would support me in any decision. It has been 9 months since my surgery, and things are better now. He comments on how great I look now, but he always also says that he loved me back then, too. I couldn't ask for better support!
  5. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Little Green in Weight loss doing great, but darn, I'm always hungry!!!   
    I don't think you got an answer to this. I found my therapist by searching for one that specializes in eating disorders. Although you may not (probably don't) have an actual diagnosable eating disorder, those types of therapists generally have a good understanding of what goes on in our minds when we're struggling with our eating habits so they can really help. They probably have helped many bariatric patients! You can call your insurance company and they can actually look up in-network therapists with this specialty for you.
    I'm pre-op so with my therapist I'm working on things like mindful eating, emotions about eating, strategies for learning to adapt to nutritious foods instead of "tasty" (what I think of as tasty right now, anyway) processed foods, etc. I'm trying to do this before surgery so I'm prepared, but even after surgery you should get a lot of benefit from it!
    I've watched a lot of Dr. Weiner's videos, particularly the ones about weight regain after surgery (my second biggest fear - the first being not waking up from the surgery!), and they have convinced me that I need to totally change my diet instead of relying on the restriction for Portion Control to induce weight loss, because the appetite eventually comes back for 100% of patients. Even so, I personally still think that I'll occasionally eat things like Wendy's chili or a salad from a fast food place. Are leafy greens with red cabbage, Tomato, and carrot magically not "whole" foods just because they're from Chick-Fil-A?
  6. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from sweesee in Weight loss doing great, but darn, I'm always hungry!!!   

    My doc wrote a script for Protonix 40mg once a day to take in addition to my Pepcid. I'm excited to see if this helps!

    Thanks everyone so much for all your constructive advice!
  7. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from shericrazylady in Weight gain   
    I'm sorry you are having a rough time.

    I had my surgery the same day as you! There is something called the week 3 stall- Google it. Mine was a few days early. Although I didn't gain, I experienced several days where the scale didn't move. Iy will move again, I promise you.

    Some people say don't weigh yourself more than once a week (I break that rule and do it every day, but if I go up a pound or two I don't let it devistate me). I've had days I drop 4-5 pounds, followed by days I gain back a pound or two. Keep your eyes on the big picture.

    You know darned well that in the long run you are going to lose. You can't be putting much more in your mouth than I or anyone else can, it's inevitable.

    Don't forget, you are a woman. We men have it easy when it comes to dropping weight. Sometimes it takes you ladies a bit longer. But don't let that discourage you!

    Best of luck and keep your chin up- you made a great decision to have this surgery!

  8. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from shericrazylady in Weight gain   
    I'm sorry you are having a rough time.

    I had my surgery the same day as you! There is something called the week 3 stall- Google it. Mine was a few days early. Although I didn't gain, I experienced several days where the scale didn't move. Iy will move again, I promise you.

    Some people say don't weigh yourself more than once a week (I break that rule and do it every day, but if I go up a pound or two I don't let it devistate me). I've had days I drop 4-5 pounds, followed by days I gain back a pound or two. Keep your eyes on the big picture.

    You know darned well that in the long run you are going to lose. You can't be putting much more in your mouth than I or anyone else can, it's inevitable.

    Don't forget, you are a woman. We men have it easy when it comes to dropping weight. Sometimes it takes you ladies a bit longer. But don't let that discourage you!

    Best of luck and keep your chin up- you made a great decision to have this surgery!

  9. Like
    gwbicster reacted to sjandj715 in I am so happy!!!!   
    Thank you so much! I am losing about three pounds a week. I have learned that if you stay away from carbs ( sounds aweful I know, but it's completely doable after surgery) eat and drink your Protein and drink your water!!! Add some good workouts, the weight WILL come off! Anyone that is about to have surgery, set realistic goals and when you hit that small goal, make another small goal! I tend to get disappointed easily and so this method worked great for me. Everyone is different too so don't compare... I seriously though I was going to be that girl that wouldn't lose anymore... that week three stall freaked me out. I mean I didn't lose a lb hat whole week and then bam! Started losing again! This surgery rocks. Just stay focused ya so worth it! Good luck to everyone we are all on this journey together
  10. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Apple1 in That moment you decided things had to change.   
    Thinking about this is very emotional for me. The moment I knew I had to do something about my weight and my health was the moment I was losing my best friend, my mom. Last October she suffered a major stroke, it was her third stroke, she was on life support and the doctor said she would not wake up.
    my mom had, HBP, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis. She was obese most of her adult life. I was following along that same path already having the diabetes. I want to be here for my grandchildren and I want to live a active healthy life.
  11. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from Monkeyfulbrighter in Weight loss doing great, but darn, I'm always hungry!!!   
    The reason I am fat is that I seldom freeze leftovers. I leave them in the fridge until they are gone. Seems like this is something I'm going to need to change. It's hard to conceive of spending a lot of time cooking for a couple of spoonfuls.
  12. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Evans Wifey in Dating horrors   
    I meet my guy over Plenty of Fish 2 months after I started my bariatric classes. I told him after we had been seeing each other over a month that I was going to have weight loss surgury. He has been so supportive. We got married 12/16. I had my surgury 3/17 and since I have lost over 40lbs. I was afraid that since I'm no longer as big as I was he wouldn't be as attracted. But thank God that he has become even more attracted to me. I was lucky enough to find a man that fell in love with my heart not just my body. Don't let this bad experience stop you. The right one is out there.
    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from sjandj715 in pity party for me   
    This is one of the things that I'm concerned about, should I be blessed enough to lose the amount of weight you have (I also started off at 4 bills). Not so much regarding wearing a bathing suit, but should I ever convince someone else to be intimate with me again (it will surely be done with the lights off...)

    I had to remind myself that I didn't have this surgery to be "hot", I did it to live. My medical situation was to the extent when I chose the surgery that I wasn't sure I'd be alive much longer. I knew that I likely could never afford plastic surgery nor do I desire it. I realized that hanging skin was a likely consequence, but decided that my health was more important.

    I know you're probably rolling your eyes hearing this, but remember we are all beautiful as God made us, and our bodies are only our outer shell. That's a message I hope to reinforce in myself through this journey. My brain believes it, and hopefully my heart will very soon.

    Good luck!
  14. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from sjandj715 in pity party for me   
    This is one of the things that I'm concerned about, should I be blessed enough to lose the amount of weight you have (I also started off at 4 bills). Not so much regarding wearing a bathing suit, but should I ever convince someone else to be intimate with me again (it will surely be done with the lights off...)

    I had to remind myself that I didn't have this surgery to be "hot", I did it to live. My medical situation was to the extent when I chose the surgery that I wasn't sure I'd be alive much longer. I knew that I likely could never afford plastic surgery nor do I desire it. I realized that hanging skin was a likely consequence, but decided that my health was more important.

    I know you're probably rolling your eyes hearing this, but remember we are all beautiful as God made us, and our bodies are only our outer shell. That's a message I hope to reinforce in myself through this journey. My brain believes it, and hopefully my heart will very soon.

    Good luck!
  15. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from sjandj715 in pity party for me   
    This is one of the things that I'm concerned about, should I be blessed enough to lose the amount of weight you have (I also started off at 4 bills). Not so much regarding wearing a bathing suit, but should I ever convince someone else to be intimate with me again (it will surely be done with the lights off...)

    I had to remind myself that I didn't have this surgery to be "hot", I did it to live. My medical situation was to the extent when I chose the surgery that I wasn't sure I'd be alive much longer. I knew that I likely could never afford plastic surgery nor do I desire it. I realized that hanging skin was a likely consequence, but decided that my health was more important.

    I know you're probably rolling your eyes hearing this, but remember we are all beautiful as God made us, and our bodies are only our outer shell. That's a message I hope to reinforce in myself through this journey. My brain believes it, and hopefully my heart will very soon.

    Good luck!
  16. Like
    gwbicster reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in pity party for me   
    Hey, My arms sag so much it looks like they could be purses sometimes. My thighs and abs look like just sagging, ugly skin. I use suits like this. I love swimming so I searched and found ones that make me feel comfortable and confident. Don't give up, just get inventive!!!!!!!!!!

    Suit sets:
    Tops and bottoms separates:
    http://www.fullbeauty.com/Search/SearchResults.aspx?SearchHeader=TANKINI V-NECK FLOW &DeptId=All&DeptName=Search All&stype=text
    http://www.fullbeauty.com/Search/SearchResults.aspx?SearchHeader=swim capri&DeptId=All&DeptName=Search All&stype=text
  17. Like
    gwbicster reacted to XYZXYZXYZ1955 in pity party for me   
    I'm sure I was beautiful at 8 pounds, 12 ounces, but a lot has happened since then . . .
    I'm concerned about the hanging skin issue and know I won't be able to afford plastics, but, like gwbicster, my health concerns beat that consideration by a mile. Added to the mix is that I have a friend who likes my body the way it is now, and I'm worried that he won't be as affectionate when it changes. But my health concerns still top the list of considerations.
  18. Like
    gwbicster reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in Down 45pds   
    I don't like the tone of your post. Love...you need a hug!!!!!!! "Only 45 lbs"???!!!?!??! That's like 25% of your goal if your goal is near 150. I mean, girl, you are kicking ASS, you get that right??

    You have major surgery, you have going through recovery, redoing everything in your life, still getting everything done AND almost 25% of the way to your goal??? "I know its not much and i have long way to go but im not giving up." No, it's EVERYTHING and it shows how much strength and courage you have. Of course you aren't giving up, you are a freaking rock star!! I hope you can see that now.
  19. Like
    gwbicster reacted to sjandj715 in Feel like I am failing   
    45lbs is amazing!!! You are doing great! Don't let the voice in your head win. You keep pushing yourself and eating right and you will get there. Take it one day at a time... you seriously are doing great!
  20. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from shericrazylady in Weight gain   
    I'm sorry you are having a rough time.

    I had my surgery the same day as you! There is something called the week 3 stall- Google it. Mine was a few days early. Although I didn't gain, I experienced several days where the scale didn't move. Iy will move again, I promise you.

    Some people say don't weigh yourself more than once a week (I break that rule and do it every day, but if I go up a pound or two I don't let it devistate me). I've had days I drop 4-5 pounds, followed by days I gain back a pound or two. Keep your eyes on the big picture.

    You know darned well that in the long run you are going to lose. You can't be putting much more in your mouth than I or anyone else can, it's inevitable.

    Don't forget, you are a woman. We men have it easy when it comes to dropping weight. Sometimes it takes you ladies a bit longer. But don't let that discourage you!

    Best of luck and keep your chin up- you made a great decision to have this surgery!

  21. Like
    gwbicster reacted to julsfit in Thirsty!   
    I hate it when you get thirsty and you Gulp and then you're in so much pain

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from sweesee in Weight loss doing great, but darn, I'm always hungry!!!   

    My doc wrote a script for Protonix 40mg once a day to take in addition to my Pepcid. I'm excited to see if this helps!

    Thanks everyone so much for all your constructive advice!
  23. Like
    gwbicster got a reaction from sweesee in Weight loss doing great, but darn, I'm always hungry!!!   
    Yes the McNuggets were more a one time, emergency choice. I hadn't thought about the breading. I could have also gotten a grilled chicken sandwich and thrown stuff away. It's hard for me to think like that. As well as being a glutton, I was also taught that throwing food away is a sin (people starving in India, etc.)

    I understand that the mashed potatoes were a no-no (even though I added Protein powder). I won't be doing that again.

    Also for whoever made the point about waiting the full 30 minutes (or more) to drink liquids (I struggle with this) I hadn't considered the point about washing away the food. Nobody has mentioned this to me before. Makes a ton of sense.

    Thank all you guys for your help. I'm sure some of the stuff I brought up makes a lot of you just roll your eyes, and I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm thankful for your loving critique which has (already) helped a lot.

    Thank you!
  24. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Newme17 in That moment you decided things had to change.   
    I must be extra sensitive today, but I'm tearing up at all of your stories/experiences. It breaks my heart and no one should have to go through these things. Sure, we've done damage to ourselves, but here's to the hope of WLS that we all had or will have. Blessings to you all!
    My story is simple. My mother's list of illness/disease is just ridiculous. Cancer, diabetes, etc...the list goes on. I can almost guarantee all of them have everything to do with the amount of weight she's carried through all her life. So, I have vowed that I won't end up like her. I was a "healthy" fat person, so WLS was preventive for me.
  25. Like
    gwbicster reacted to Bree365 in Feeling Blessed Surgery Date of 7/7/17   
    Hi everyone! I'm checking in, as this is day 5 still in the hospital. My swallow test/x-ray showed a complication, so I went back the OR yesterday for another upper endoscope. The result showed a stitch was causing a small kink in my sleeve. After this fix, I have turned the corner for recovery! I'm now able to keep Clear Liquids down, which is magical!! Shout out to my bariatric team, they are truly amazing! I'm probably going home today!!!!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

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