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Everything posted by 111

  1. 111

    Must-Haves before surgery

    I bought appetizer spoons and forks. They're as small as the ones for babies but don't look so juvenile. I also bought some vintage mini ramekins or custard cups. I can't wait to try them! I haven't had my surgery yet. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  2. 111


    I have BCBS and no WLS is covered. It is a rider to the insurance . Most riders are chosen by the employer. In my case it also has something to do with BCBS of the same state I live in not covering the surgery as well. I don't fully understand all of it. All I know is that I'm not covered. I plan on getting a loan to pay for the surgery. I look at it like buying a new car (it's about the same price) but only better. It's the best investment you can make is the one you make on your health. Best of luck to you. Being covered makes everything so much easier!
  3. If you're adamant about having WLS, try looking into less invasive surgeries like the balloon or even Aspire Assist. The balloon restricts how much you eat and is adjustable, much like the lap band you had. Aspire Assist is sort of like medical bulimia but a little different. You eat the normal amount of food and then partially empty your stomach contents in the toilet. In order for it to work properly, you have to chew your food to applesauce consistency. Chewing your food promotes mindful eating, which is a big thing for BED. On that note, I have to say that I echo everyone else on this thread and say that what you need is to see a good psychologist specializing in eating disorders. This will be an ongoing process. You may even have to see the psychologist for many years. Fixing an eating disorder is not an overnight thing or even a few weeks thing. I really hope you do the right thing and not go for WLS. Good luck to you!
  4. For me, I learned that taking a nice long soak in the tub did the trick. But there are sometime I think of investing in a punching bag. Lol. Plan for bad days: beat the crap out of the punching bag, then soak in the tub. Sounds good to me!
  5. So I've been taking the Barilife powdered Vitamins that my surgeon recommends. It tastes awful! I got the Cherry berry flavor and I swear it tastes like blood covered berries! Blood! Ugh!! It's completely revolting. I haven't had my surgery yet and from what I understand is that you're extra sensitive and sometimes intolerant to noxious tastes. I'm afraid I won't be able to get my vitamins in. It's especially important for me because I'll be having the BPD/DS which is the malabsorptive type. Anyway, I was surfing on Facebook and I noticed an ad for the Tespo Liquid Vitamin Maker. I checked out their website and I couldn't find any information on the vitamin content. Does anyone know more about it? OR does anyone recommend a better liquid/powdered vitamin than BariLife?
  6. 111

    New Question- FUN

    Well, since I'm in a very dark place right now it's gotta be The Light by Disturbed
  7. Are you staying hydrated? Sometimes dehydration (even a just a little) that causes palpitations and it could just be a coincidence that your heart races after drinking a protein shake.
  8. 111

    In ONE WORD...

  9. I take anti-depressants for depression. My surgeon said I could swallow anything the size of a pencil eraser or smaller. Ask your pharmacist if you can cut your pill(s) in half and file down any sharp edges. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  10. I heard about that theory too! It makes a lot of sense.
  11. Thank you all for your encouragement. It really means a lot to me. <3
  12. I noticed that some people only took a week to recover and others took up to 8 weeks to recover. Since I don't know how I will recover, I used those time frames. I'm a major wimp when it comes to fatigue and nausea.
  13. My insurance policy has a specific rider excludes bariatric surgery. So, I'm pretty sure it doesn't cover plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is far into my future, but I still have to save everything I can so that I can have both. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  14. I was talking to someone who had the RNY and she is ready for plastics. She said to get everything done - all around the world TT, arms and boobs costs about $35,000. She thought it was going to be more. Uuuummmm...Any good plastic surgeons in Mexico? LOL!
  15. 111

    Tattoo Ideas

    You’re transforming, right? How about a butterfly chrysalis? If I ever got a tattoo, that would be it. Here's an example. http://tattoosday.blogspot.com/2011_08_01_archive.html
  16. I'm too much of an introvert to say to the world, "Hey! Look at me! I had bariatric surgery. I couldn't be healthy without it." I feel safe talking about it here because everyone understands. So, I'm not much for broadcasting my surgery to everyone, but I would like to participate in a more subtle way. Every awareness campaign has a colored ribbon. ALS and autism awareness are purple. Diabetes is gray. Childhood cancer is gold. What should the WLS's ribbon color be? I like to knit and crochet. That's why I ask. Personally, I would like it to be burgundy. I see burgundy as a blood color - the color of health and vitality. Health and vitality are qualities in my life that I am lacking right now because I am morbidly obese. They are the qualities I will get back once I lose the weight. through surgery. I wouldn't be able to do it any other way.
  17. I was looking at bariatric abdominal binders on Amazon. The one I'm looking at costs about $35. Is it worth having for the surgery?
  18. Statistics show that WLS patients have a much higher rate of success in weight loss and maintenance than those that diet and exercise without surgery. I'm self pay too. I see it as an investment in my health - the best investment anyone can make. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  19. I heard that there's some controversy behind GENEPRO. Check out MelanieSlicedThinner on YouTube if you're interested. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  20. 111

    I'm pissed!

    I just adore you sometimes. Shall we form a bariatric line of asses? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App That can't be pretty. A lot of bariatric butts are saggy. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  21. 111

    Let's Talk: Fears?

    I am so very afraid of failure. I know to follow the plan my bariatric team set out for me, and I'm motivated to do it right now, but what about 2+ years down the line? Will I still be motivated? Will my depression sabotage all of my hard work? (I'm still pre-op, so I have a long way to go). I like to plan for the future to reduce the number of mishaps, there will still be mishaps that are unpredictable off uncontrollable like depression. Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  22. I can't wait until it's my turn to cry in the fitting room. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!! Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using the BariatricPal App
  23. Maybe your cousin is upset that you don't need her in that way anymore and is unsure of the relationship between you two?
  24. After reading everyone's stories, I am still not convinced that this will work in the long term. What I can see this tool being used as, for patients that are 500 lbs or more, is a device to lose enough weight to have a safer WLS. I've seen the balloon used on The Fat Doctors in this way.
  25. Oh, yay! I found it, but is it good enough? https://gettespo.com/shop/#cs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
