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    ready4thenewlala reacted to My Bariatric Life in Don't let fear stop you!   
    A half-lived life, as Herman Melville describes it, is one in which we do not get to that inner place of peace and joy. Perhaps the most devistating scenario imaginable is to face death knowing that because of some imagined fear, you have always chosen a half-lived life in which you avoided doing the things your heart beckoned you to do. I allowed fear to hold me back for a long time. But I have made a commitment to never let fear hold me back from doing the things I want to do or saying what is in my heart. And I am living larger than ever. I urge you to change the scenario now. Start living your life with the courage to follow your heart.
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    ready4thenewlala reacted to Aaronmadeit in Before and After Pics   
    Heaviest 391
    Sleeved at 350 12-26-12
    Today ..... 249

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    ready4thenewlala reacted to SoExcited101 in Tears of Joy today at my follow up appt   
    This is so awesome! My highest weight ever was 302 and I got down to 251 on my own but just struggled with the up and down yo-yo of losing weight then gaining for the past 3 years. food was an addiction to me and I needed help. I started having all of these issues with my health and I was so unhealthy. I'm so happy I got sleeved despite everyone who said I won't look right! I got sleeved 8 22 16, today I went to my follow up and I now weigh 214.6!!! I couldn't help but cry because I haven't seem that number in years! I still have a way to go but I'm so happy I let go of the negative people in my life and finally I'm doimg what makes me happy! I'm taking this journey one pound at a time! I'm just so happy!!
    Sent from my LGMS550 using the BariatricPal App
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    ready4thenewlala reacted to Valentina in Umm, how do you tell your daughter she might need this?   
    Time to "Daddy up"? Afraid of looking foolish? Ha! Believe me, my friend, looking foolish to our children ranks right up there with the ability to embarrass them at the drop of a hat. Those ships sailed long time ago.
    When I was raising my two daughters alone, I always found that actions speak "their" language, where as words are as effective as spitting into the wind. I remember one incident when my eldest absolutely refused to put her clean clothes into her dresser. She just lived out of her laundry basket. I had asked her again and again and again. I finally had "spoken" to her for the last time about putting her clothes away. The next day when the school bus pulled up in front of our house, there hanging in the two Locus trees in the front yard were All of her bras and panties! Ya know? I never had to ask her to put her clean clothes away again.
    Why am I telling you this? --just to say that she knows. You don't have to point out the elephant in the room. You're actions will save the day.
    How about a quiet dinner, or just meeting for a cup of tea or whatever? I'm sure she will ask you "how are you, Dad?". There's your opening, my friend. You can explain to her how your WLS decision has changed your life for the better, and how you consider having WLS a life saver, etc. You know---the truth.
    Take her hand and say, "If there is EVER a time when YOU decide that you want to talk about having WLS, it would make me the happiest Dad in the world if you would include me in your conversations. I am here for you now, whenever and forever."
    "A son is a son until he takes a wife, but a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life."
    I would just let her know that you are here for her---when SHE is ready.
    My opinion, my friend. I hope it helps you, Dear Ol' Dad.
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    ready4thenewlala got a reaction from gidgetgrl in JUST starting my journey. Soo anxious!   
    I go for my first appointment on 9/1 as well. I just so ready to get everything started.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    ready4thenewlala reacted to leonelbreton in 6 month post op! Sleeve surgery.   
    Good evening, this is my before and after 6 months after my surgery, I lose 113 pounds so far, good luck to all, this was the best decision of my life.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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    ready4thenewlala reacted to Pescador in Problems at Work   
    No drama if you did not tell anyone you were having surgery. No ones business. You are sweating small stuff with people who do not matter. Life is short, figure this out, move on, and do not worry why anyone does not like you. My husband and I told 2 family members. Sigh. Best decision ever. ❤️
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    ready4thenewlala reacted to fit2bme in WHAT I'VE LEARNED..MY experiences!   
    Hiya, tomorrow is my 5th week post op anniversary...I'm excited about learning so much about the changes in my body. I've learned that eggs are NOT MY THING...and if I don't chew 25-30 times.... I dump! Just as plain as that!!!...although...I DUMP ALOT ALREADY... I went back to work last week and notice how easy it is to wake up the nerves in my stomach....I'm still a little achy in certain parts of my tummy....especially standing on my feet nonstop....if at first you don't succeed.... TRY TRY AGAIN....SO..if I feel sick trying to eat ...I stop and try it again hours later...smaller bites....chew more...I've LEARNED TO GET IN MY Protein Shakes EARLY...BECAUSE NOTHING ELSE IS GUARANTEED TO GO DOWN...I've learned not to compare my journey with others...NO TWO journeys ARE THE SAME....I've learned to STOP..AND BREATH....EVERYTHING Is Going TO BE GRAND...I'm Grateful for my opportunity and feel that I'm slowly getting my life back!
    Sent from my Z828 using the BariatricPal App
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    ready4thenewlala reacted to dawnmac3903 in 4 months post op success!   
    Before and after! Sleeves on April 13,2016! Down 60 pounds and several inches! I feel amazing !!!! Anyone on the fence about this surgery, just do it!! I wish I did it sooner!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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    ready4thenewlala reacted to bdfletch in 6th Month Post Op   
    So I figured I would update everyone on my journey. I was 6 months post op on August 12. I have lost over 42.25 inches and I'm down 85 pounds. I know it is normal but I have a hard time seeing the weight loss. I know the scale is moving but I still feel huge. I still have about 50 pounds to go but thought I'd share some pics. The one in the black pants was the first day of school last year. The one in the dress was the first day of school this year. The other two are just a before and after side view.   
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    ready4thenewlala reacted to trailaur in JUST starting my journey. Soo anxious!   
    Heyy everyone!!
    Soo I just called my doctor of choice's facility yesterday to have their insurance specialists call my insurance to see is the gastric sleeve procedure would be covered under my insurance. They said it would be covered 100% at NO cost to me!!! Needless to say I was beyond excited, as I have been thinking about this for years, and just haven't had good enough insurance to cover it.
    I've already been evaluated by the doctor, when I first tried to start the process in 2015. So now I'm scheduled for a pre-op visit with the dietitian on 9/1, and I'm just wondering how long the process usually is?? I know I also need to eventually see the psychiatrist as well.
    I know I sound super impatient, but I'm just curious.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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