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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    elliekay reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Dates that don't revolve around food   
    Well if they are asking me out, I assume they want to spend time with me. If they don't then that is fine too, my dog is better company than most people and better dressed.
    The kind of men I date aren't the kind of men that don't take charge. If you can't tell by my posting style, I'm pretty aggressive. I need someone more aggressive than me or I will be bored.
    I work for my self and have for a very long time and I usually date men on that same level, and that comes with a certain personality.
    I get that you are disappointed in your dating life and having a hard time, but I'm not going to be your online punching bag because you are bitter you can't get a date.
  2. Like
    elliekay reacted to SassyScienceNerd in Dates that don't revolve around food   
    My surgery, my business who I tell upon meeting or not. These are first-second-third dates here, he's not proposing. I will reveal personal information about my health when I am good and ready. YMMV, but that's how I am doing this. I don't tell them my salary or my mommy issues on the first date either. There's honesty and there's oversharing too soon.
    I'm not asking anyone to cater to my restrictions, either. I simply want to have suggestions on hand for other things to do besides going out to eat so I can steer the interactions that way.
    Love live music. I have done a lot of concert dates, those are probably my favorites. I'm also adding paddleboarding to the list.
    OMI- I like that you make them choose the dates. After about the first or second, I expect them to do that otherwise I dump them too.
  3. Like
    elliekay reacted to OutsideMatchInside in post op 420 friendly question   
    I know but I'm sick of people on this forum jumping down peoples throats for smoking weed. It is better than Xanax.

  4. Like
    elliekay reacted to Dashofpixiedust8 in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    I like the cheddar sour cream flavor of the Quest Protein chips. The bbq are meh. Don't buy the sea salt....disgusting. The sour cream and onion are okay too. I haven't tried the salt and vinegar yet, they are at home though to try!
  5. Like
    elliekay reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    Quest Protein chips. All of the flavors except Salt and Vinegar are nasty imo, though.
  6. Like
    elliekay reacted to YeaMe in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    I have the 100 calorie Almond packs; Quest bars.
  7. Like
    elliekay reacted to goplay94123 in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    tuna packs are my go to as well - My grocery has them on sale quite often for 99 cents and the 99 cent store has them, well for 99 cents :). I tend to go with the non flavored and the low sodium so i can control the carbs and the flavor. I mix in some dill pickle relish from the fridge (no one tends to steal that)
  8. Like
    elliekay reacted to needtorecover in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    I pack an insulated lunch bag with food for when I go to work. I usually include: berries, 1 hard boiled egg, a package of budding lunch meat, sliced veggies with hummus (I like tomatoes, cucumbers, and kalamata olives, plus a little drizzle of olive oil over the hummus), and a sugar-free pudding. I have a Protein Shake and a banana for Breakfast. I'll eat the egg and berries for mid-morning, lunch meat and veggies for mid-afternoon, and pudding for late afternoon. If I'm still hungry when I get home I snack on a quarter cup of nuts while I prepare dinner.
    Other suggestions: avocado, canned tuna (though the pouches probably taste better!), beef sticks, and string cheese. Apple slices and nut-butter are good. Celery with cream cheese. All kinds of good stuff out there!
  9. Like
    elliekay reacted to 2-Liter in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    Parmesan Crisps, Avocado, Almonds, Pork rinds, Pickles are just a few. I eat 3 meals and one snack a day and this seems to work the Best for me.
  10. Like
    elliekay reacted to orionburn in Desk snacks/your favorite no-fridge foods   
    I have become a huge fan of the flavored tuna packs from Starkist, or generic ones from local grocery stores. They have a sweet & spicy, ranch, and lemon pepper one. A pack is only 80 calories, around 4g carbs, and 15g of Protein. Yes you can more bang for your buck buying a can over the single serving packs, but to me it's worth a few cents more to have a handy & healthy food ready.
    I also like to keep a small tin of almonds around, but I tend to graze on those too much...lol. Have always been nuts for nuts.

  11. Like
    elliekay reacted to Clarevoyant in NSV shout outs   
    I had thought I had pretty much stabilized but started weight training and have dropped about 15 more pounds. Therefore I now only have ONE pair of work pants that fit and am going this weekend to buy size 6! Pants. I honestly never imagined I'd be here and am beyond thrilled.

    In addition the Size medium Tory Burch belt I bought myself as a reward (rather than a food reward) and need more than ever to keep my pants up is on its last hole.

  12. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Clarevoyant in NSV shout outs   
    my thighs have stopped spilling out of my office chair & car seat
    i'm no longer shopping in the plus size section
    i bought a mini skirt for the first time in my life and it actually covered everything!
    this one i guess is scale related but i still think it's a NSV: i weigh less than my boyfriend, who's pretty thin and only an inch taller than me
    and then also partner related, he's started pulling me completely on top of him to cuddle and he seems totally fine even if i'm not holding myself up at all which is pretty cool still makes me really nervous though lol
  13. Like
    elliekay reacted to Deactivatedfatgal in NSV shout outs   
    Sooo one of my nsv is I can bend over and tie my shoes before I couldn't & needed help & could barely breathe while trying. Also my 2x shirts look like a sheet on me now! I'm so happy
  14. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from lornasaurusleeve in 6 months! -95lbs and 73% to goal!   
    Hello everyone! Sorry for the undies but wanted to drop a progress pic to Celebrate my 6 month surgiversary!

    (the plan was to wear the same clothes but the bra is too big to stay on anymore... I'm not complaining haha)
    HW: 300.0 (3/29/16)
    SW: 278.4 (8/1/16)
    CW: 204.5 (2/1/17)
    GW: 170
    Down 95.5 total, 73.9 since surgery

    I was hoping I'd hit 100lbs lost/onederland by 6 months but I've been in what hopefully is just a stall for the past 3 weeks... the holidays were a struggle and I think that belatedly set me back a bit but I'm back on track so should see it moving again soon
    As for actual measurements, I forgot to take them at my highest weight or surgery weight so my first set of measurements is from 8/25 (262lbs) but I've lost at least 6in from the smallest part of my waist, 5 from my navel, 7 from my hips, and then 2-4 inches everywhere else.
    Still struggling to consistently get enough Protein and avoiding carbs but it's a work in progress!
    Here's to losing the last 35lbs (or more!) before my 1 year surgiversary
  15. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from CocoNina in Booze!!   
    my team said to stick to wine if i drink at all--i think my first drink was 4 weeks out but it hurt and i don't suggest doing the same haha. i'd wait til you're on solid  food.
  16. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Hollyhock in Feeling kind of betrayed   
    Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this, I'm not sure exactly where it would go
    So with Valentines day being earlier this week, I had reminded my boyfriend the week before that I couldn't eat chocolate, which he should know regardless because it's something I've told him plenty of times--he doesn't know all the details of my surgery but he knows it affected how I eat, and I've complained to him a million times about how sick chocolate makes me now, and also he knows I watch what I eat like a hawk, so you'd think he'd know better...
    His "big valentines present" for me was a giant box of chocolates. Like 30-something pieces of chocolate that I can't eat. (also I planned literally the entire evening and bought him like $50 worth of presents but thats not the point lol)
    Idk what to do. I've spent the last few days feeling really shitty about it, like it almost feels like a personal attack even though I know it's just him being oblivious. When he gave it to me I was just kind of like "Oh... thanks....!" and then later in the evening brought up how it felt like he didn't listen to me and he went "yeah, that was stupid of me" but otherwise it hasn't come up and I've just had this box of chocolates sitting in my room because I can't eat them but also feel bad giving it away--especially since he's been here in the mornings so he would see if I brought it to work with me I was just gonna let it sit in here but chocolate is a total trigger food for me and last night I opened it, ate 2 of them, and ended up puking sooooo... it needs to go.
    Anyways idk I guess I'm just wondering how you guys handle situations like this. I feel betrayed but also feel like that's a way overreaction over a box of chocolates on a holiday meant for chocolate. I'm not sure if I should bring it up again or just trash it or take it to work even if he sees me doing it or what.
  17. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from CocoNina in Booze!!   
    my team said to stick to wine if i drink at all--i think my first drink was 4 weeks out but it hurt and i don't suggest doing the same haha. i'd wait til you're on solid  food.
  18. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from CocoNina in Booze!!   
    my team said to stick to wine if i drink at all--i think my first drink was 4 weeks out but it hurt and i don't suggest doing the same haha. i'd wait til you're on solid  food.
  19. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Jaime Eileen in Happy and frustrated at the same time   
    My surgery was my moving day--it was stressful but it worked out. Enlist as many helpers as you can and make sure anything you immediately need is accessible because you are not going to feel like unpacking lol. good luck and congrats on the approval!!!
  20. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in 50+ lbs gone but still fit in old jeans?   
    I just recently started noticing I could size down in pants--like everything has fit fine until the last 2 months--and I'm at over 100lbs lost. I think bigger sizes have more of a gap between them but I might be wrong on that.
  21. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Hollyhock in Feeling kind of betrayed   
    Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this, I'm not sure exactly where it would go
    So with Valentines day being earlier this week, I had reminded my boyfriend the week before that I couldn't eat chocolate, which he should know regardless because it's something I've told him plenty of times--he doesn't know all the details of my surgery but he knows it affected how I eat, and I've complained to him a million times about how sick chocolate makes me now, and also he knows I watch what I eat like a hawk, so you'd think he'd know better...
    His "big valentines present" for me was a giant box of chocolates. Like 30-something pieces of chocolate that I can't eat. (also I planned literally the entire evening and bought him like $50 worth of presents but thats not the point lol)
    Idk what to do. I've spent the last few days feeling really shitty about it, like it almost feels like a personal attack even though I know it's just him being oblivious. When he gave it to me I was just kind of like "Oh... thanks....!" and then later in the evening brought up how it felt like he didn't listen to me and he went "yeah, that was stupid of me" but otherwise it hasn't come up and I've just had this box of chocolates sitting in my room because I can't eat them but also feel bad giving it away--especially since he's been here in the mornings so he would see if I brought it to work with me I was just gonna let it sit in here but chocolate is a total trigger food for me and last night I opened it, ate 2 of them, and ended up puking sooooo... it needs to go.
    Anyways idk I guess I'm just wondering how you guys handle situations like this. I feel betrayed but also feel like that's a way overreaction over a box of chocolates on a holiday meant for chocolate. I'm not sure if I should bring it up again or just trash it or take it to work even if he sees me doing it or what.
  22. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Hollyhock in Feeling kind of betrayed   
    Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this, I'm not sure exactly where it would go
    So with Valentines day being earlier this week, I had reminded my boyfriend the week before that I couldn't eat chocolate, which he should know regardless because it's something I've told him plenty of times--he doesn't know all the details of my surgery but he knows it affected how I eat, and I've complained to him a million times about how sick chocolate makes me now, and also he knows I watch what I eat like a hawk, so you'd think he'd know better...
    His "big valentines present" for me was a giant box of chocolates. Like 30-something pieces of chocolate that I can't eat. (also I planned literally the entire evening and bought him like $50 worth of presents but thats not the point lol)
    Idk what to do. I've spent the last few days feeling really shitty about it, like it almost feels like a personal attack even though I know it's just him being oblivious. When he gave it to me I was just kind of like "Oh... thanks....!" and then later in the evening brought up how it felt like he didn't listen to me and he went "yeah, that was stupid of me" but otherwise it hasn't come up and I've just had this box of chocolates sitting in my room because I can't eat them but also feel bad giving it away--especially since he's been here in the mornings so he would see if I brought it to work with me I was just gonna let it sit in here but chocolate is a total trigger food for me and last night I opened it, ate 2 of them, and ended up puking sooooo... it needs to go.
    Anyways idk I guess I'm just wondering how you guys handle situations like this. I feel betrayed but also feel like that's a way overreaction over a box of chocolates on a holiday meant for chocolate. I'm not sure if I should bring it up again or just trash it or take it to work even if he sees me doing it or what.
  23. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from FAT TWO FABULOUS in Valentines Day and Sweets   
    Knowing myself I'll probably have a chocolate or two, feel sick, and give the rest to my roommates/boyfriend lol. I told the boyfriend I can't really handle sweets so hopefully he knows better than to get me anything like that, it's work that I'm worried about. I'm gonna try regifting anything I get, I think if I pick someone to give it to as soon as I get it I'll be less likely to give in and eat it.
  24. Like
    elliekay reacted to ChayNYC in 6 months! -95lbs and 73% to goal!   
    Congratulations! Keep up the great work!

    Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal
  25. Like
    elliekay reacted to Dashofpixiedust8 in 6 months! -95lbs and 73% to goal!   
    You are doing amazing!!

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