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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    elliekay got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    I hit my goal weight this Saturday, 9/30. Sunday was my 14 month post-op mark.
    HW 300 SW 278.4 CW 169.8
    Here's my before & after as of this morning--sorry for the undies:

    At 300lbs, I thought 170/5'11" was ambitious but now that I'm here I think I could stand to lose another 20-30lbs. I THINK a lot of it is loose skin (my thighs are now made of pugs), but honestly I can't really tell, maybe I'm just making excuses for still being tubby lol. When is too early to start looking into plastics?? (not that I could afford it but a girl can dream....)
    Having a personal moment of silence for my booty disappearing. You will be missed. Thank you for being a sacrifice to the weight loss deities.
    That's all I got, just wanted to share this victory with someone
  2. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    I hit my goal weight this Saturday, 9/30. Sunday was my 14 month post-op mark.
    HW 300 SW 278.4 CW 169.8
    Here's my before & after as of this morning--sorry for the undies:

    At 300lbs, I thought 170/5'11" was ambitious but now that I'm here I think I could stand to lose another 20-30lbs. I THINK a lot of it is loose skin (my thighs are now made of pugs), but honestly I can't really tell, maybe I'm just making excuses for still being tubby lol. When is too early to start looking into plastics?? (not that I could afford it but a girl can dream....)
    Having a personal moment of silence for my booty disappearing. You will be missed. Thank you for being a sacrifice to the weight loss deities.
    That's all I got, just wanted to share this victory with someone
  3. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from LillieDuFran in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    Thank you for all the insight!! You're always so helpful in your replies, I really appreciate it. The thought of waiting a year or two sucks but I can't exactly afford it now anyways. I can't imagine my skin changing but I really hope I have the same experience
  4. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    I hit my goal weight this Saturday, 9/30. Sunday was my 14 month post-op mark.
    HW 300 SW 278.4 CW 169.8
    Here's my before & after as of this morning--sorry for the undies:

    At 300lbs, I thought 170/5'11" was ambitious but now that I'm here I think I could stand to lose another 20-30lbs. I THINK a lot of it is loose skin (my thighs are now made of pugs), but honestly I can't really tell, maybe I'm just making excuses for still being tubby lol. When is too early to start looking into plastics?? (not that I could afford it but a girl can dream....)
    Having a personal moment of silence for my booty disappearing. You will be missed. Thank you for being a sacrifice to the weight loss deities.
    That's all I got, just wanted to share this victory with someone
  5. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    I hit my goal weight this Saturday, 9/30. Sunday was my 14 month post-op mark.
    HW 300 SW 278.4 CW 169.8
    Here's my before & after as of this morning--sorry for the undies:

    At 300lbs, I thought 170/5'11" was ambitious but now that I'm here I think I could stand to lose another 20-30lbs. I THINK a lot of it is loose skin (my thighs are now made of pugs), but honestly I can't really tell, maybe I'm just making excuses for still being tubby lol. When is too early to start looking into plastics?? (not that I could afford it but a girl can dream....)
    Having a personal moment of silence for my booty disappearing. You will be missed. Thank you for being a sacrifice to the weight loss deities.
    That's all I got, just wanted to share this victory with someone
  6. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    I hit my goal weight this Saturday, 9/30. Sunday was my 14 month post-op mark.
    HW 300 SW 278.4 CW 169.8
    Here's my before & after as of this morning--sorry for the undies:

    At 300lbs, I thought 170/5'11" was ambitious but now that I'm here I think I could stand to lose another 20-30lbs. I THINK a lot of it is loose skin (my thighs are now made of pugs), but honestly I can't really tell, maybe I'm just making excuses for still being tubby lol. When is too early to start looking into plastics?? (not that I could afford it but a girl can dream....)
    Having a personal moment of silence for my booty disappearing. You will be missed. Thank you for being a sacrifice to the weight loss deities.
    That's all I got, just wanted to share this victory with someone
  7. Like
    elliekay reacted to Redo2017 in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    You look phenomenal! I know loose skin tolerance is a personal and individualized thing, but I can only dream that my skin looks as great as yours when I am at goal! Congratulations on reaching goal!

  8. Like
    elliekay reacted to OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    You look great! I would love to have your thighs mine are a real pug area. yours are tight compared to mine.
    The skin, talking to some plastic surgeons, fat clings to it and it is very hard if not almost impossible to lose it. So it makes you feel fatter than you really are. We have a similiar shape pre-op and post-op, I am a little more hippy than you are but you also have 5 inches of height on me.
    My body has changed so much in the past 12 months, I would really say don't look at plastics until you are weight stable at least a year maybe even 2. I know that sucks, I have really struggled with that waiting myself but if you want really good results from plastics and you only have money to do it right once, then wait.
    My thighs are still bad, but they have improved a lot over the past year. If I don't get my thighs done ever, I can live with them as they are. Last year I would not have been able to say that, they were my worst area, they have tightened and improved a lot. My stomach is similar to yours but I have more loose skin on it.
    Lately my belly button area has started becoming gross/yeasty because it gets no air, it is just a black hole surrounded by skin. That area, as my body is adjusting and I am losing more inches is just getting worse. There is no way I can live another 40 years with that skin. I imagine 10 years from now carrying it around will be hell on my back, so it has to go.
    My arms compress nicely in clothes but they are 1/2 loose skin, the are really toned, but you can't see it because of the skin. It has to go.
    As far as the butt goes there is hope. As time has gone on and with massages etc, my butt has came back to a respectable level. That has been over the past 6 months. As time has gone on the fat has just relocated there and my hips, increasing my feminine shape (which is part of why my skin stomach is worse I think). I haven't been doing squats even though I promise myself I will every week. It is just my body rearranging itself.
    Just stay active, eat the same, and let your body decide what it wants to do. You might be surprised what happens. Waiting on plastics until your body is done adjusting is important not just because of the procedures you might choose but because there are different techniques for each surgery so waiting as long as you possibly can helps with your and your Dr making the right choices for surgery and techniques. The surgeries I would have done last year and the techniques I would have wanted are completely different than what I would choose now.

    Good luck and keep up the great work. Now the really hard part starts, maintaining. Also as far as wanting to lose another 20 or 30, I feel the same way, but if I lose another 20 or 30, and then had my skin removed, I would end up under weight in the end. Maybe another 10 max is all I need.
  9. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    I hit my goal weight this Saturday, 9/30. Sunday was my 14 month post-op mark.
    HW 300 SW 278.4 CW 169.8
    Here's my before & after as of this morning--sorry for the undies:

    At 300lbs, I thought 170/5'11" was ambitious but now that I'm here I think I could stand to lose another 20-30lbs. I THINK a lot of it is loose skin (my thighs are now made of pugs), but honestly I can't really tell, maybe I'm just making excuses for still being tubby lol. When is too early to start looking into plastics?? (not that I could afford it but a girl can dream....)
    Having a personal moment of silence for my booty disappearing. You will be missed. Thank you for being a sacrifice to the weight loss deities.
    That's all I got, just wanted to share this victory with someone
  10. Like
    elliekay reacted to tannjam in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    You look amazing
    Great job

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J320A using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    elliekay reacted to 1234567890 in GOAL! (B&A pictures)   
    Great work !! You can also do weight training to fight loose skin... I have asked others in forums about loose skin surgery... that will be an option. Best of luck in your journey

  12. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from BigTink2LilTink in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    Crappy pics but 8/1/16 & 8/16/17
    300 heaviest, 278.4 day of surgery, 174.2 this morning. Coming up on 13 months! I'm mad at myself for not doing anything with pics/measurements on my 1 year surgiversary but I was moving that day--just finally got the scale unpacked a few days ago. Weight loss has definitely come to a screeching halt (4lbs in almost 3 months [emoji33]) but my measurements are still moving so I'm not too concerned. 4.2lbs from my initial goal, I think my new goal is 150.

  13. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Arielle in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    I'm on mobile so sorry that my instructions aren't exact, I don't have the links to reference at the moment, but if you go to edit your profile (upper right corner, where you can edit your current weight and see the "my surgery" page and stuff) there's a section called "my tickers" or something along those lines that lets you create and edit a tracker for your signature. (I'm assuming that's what you're referring to--let me know if you mean something else)

  14. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Lovergurl in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    Weighed in 278.4 day of surgery, 178.4 this morning. Sleeved 8/1 so just a bit over 10 months out.
    Also, I'm officially out of the "overweight" BMI range. (my info says 25 but BMI calc says I'm justttt under it)

    8/1 (surgery) - 1/18 (about halfway between then and now) - 6/11 (today!)
    I'm 8.4lbs away from my initial goal but I think I might adjust to 150. Trying to get some kind of body fat testing done per suggestions in a thread I posted earlier this week so I can get a better idea of what's fat and what's skin.
  15. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from blakescat in NSV shout outs   
    My 6' boyfriend and 5'2" best friend both lifted me off the ground at different points this week 😱 I was carried across an entire room!!
  16. Like
    elliekay reacted to soon2bvsg in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    You rock, congratulations on kicking 100.

  17. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from BigTink2LilTink in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    Crappy pics but 8/1/16 & 8/16/17
    300 heaviest, 278.4 day of surgery, 174.2 this morning. Coming up on 13 months! I'm mad at myself for not doing anything with pics/measurements on my 1 year surgiversary but I was moving that day--just finally got the scale unpacked a few days ago. Weight loss has definitely come to a screeching halt (4lbs in almost 3 months [emoji33]) but my measurements are still moving so I'm not too concerned. 4.2lbs from my initial goal, I think my new goal is 150.

  18. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from BigTink2LilTink in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    Crappy pics but 8/1/16 & 8/16/17
    300 heaviest, 278.4 day of surgery, 174.2 this morning. Coming up on 13 months! I'm mad at myself for not doing anything with pics/measurements on my 1 year surgiversary but I was moving that day--just finally got the scale unpacked a few days ago. Weight loss has definitely come to a screeching halt (4lbs in almost 3 months [emoji33]) but my measurements are still moving so I'm not too concerned. 4.2lbs from my initial goal, I think my new goal is 150.

  19. Like
    elliekay reacted to Dknal2 in Before And After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Photos   
    You look awesome
  20. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Lovergurl in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    Weighed in 278.4 day of surgery, 178.4 this morning. Sleeved 8/1 so just a bit over 10 months out.
    Also, I'm officially out of the "overweight" BMI range. (my info says 25 but BMI calc says I'm justttt under it)

    8/1 (surgery) - 1/18 (about halfway between then and now) - 6/11 (today!)
    I'm 8.4lbs away from my initial goal but I think I might adjust to 150. Trying to get some kind of body fat testing done per suggestions in a thread I posted earlier this week so I can get a better idea of what's fat and what's skin.
  21. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Lovergurl in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    Weighed in 278.4 day of surgery, 178.4 this morning. Sleeved 8/1 so just a bit over 10 months out.
    Also, I'm officially out of the "overweight" BMI range. (my info says 25 but BMI calc says I'm justttt under it)

    8/1 (surgery) - 1/18 (about halfway between then and now) - 6/11 (today!)
    I'm 8.4lbs away from my initial goal but I think I might adjust to 150. Trying to get some kind of body fat testing done per suggestions in a thread I posted earlier this week so I can get a better idea of what's fat and what's skin.
  22. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Lovergurl in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    Weighed in 278.4 day of surgery, 178.4 this morning. Sleeved 8/1 so just a bit over 10 months out.
    Also, I'm officially out of the "overweight" BMI range. (my info says 25 but BMI calc says I'm justttt under it)

    8/1 (surgery) - 1/18 (about halfway between then and now) - 6/11 (today!)
    I'm 8.4lbs away from my initial goal but I think I might adjust to 150. Trying to get some kind of body fat testing done per suggestions in a thread I posted earlier this week so I can get a better idea of what's fat and what's skin.
  23. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from ThickGirl5683 in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    Thank you! Luckily my skin isn't as saggy as it could have ended up being but this is definitely a flattering photo in that regard haha. My upper thighs and around my belly button have little skin aprons from the weight loss. I don't exercise nearly as much as I should--probably 1-2x per week--and a standard day for me is probably about 75-95g protein, 50-60g fat, 10-20g carb. I only have a shake if I'm under 75g protein, but usually it comes from food, lots of meat in my diet. I just came out of a 2 month long stall, I thought I had just completely stopped losing weight but then had a whoosh of weight loss this week. How's your Water intake? Increasing water was the only real difference I made when my stall broke, not sure if it's coincidence or not. Best of luck and no need to be sorry for the questions, I'm happy to answer anything I can
  24. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from Lovergurl in Exactly 100lbs down from surgery date! (10 months post-op with pics)   
    Weighed in 278.4 day of surgery, 178.4 this morning. Sleeved 8/1 so just a bit over 10 months out.
    Also, I'm officially out of the "overweight" BMI range. (my info says 25 but BMI calc says I'm justttt under it)

    8/1 (surgery) - 1/18 (about halfway between then and now) - 6/11 (today!)
    I'm 8.4lbs away from my initial goal but I think I might adjust to 150. Trying to get some kind of body fat testing done per suggestions in a thread I posted earlier this week so I can get a better idea of what's fat and what's skin.
  25. Like
    elliekay got a reaction from blakescat in NSV shout outs   
    My 6' boyfriend and 5'2" best friend both lifted me off the ground at different points this week 😱 I was carried across an entire room!!

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