Dont be discouraged because you never know what your insurance company will do! All you can do is try to make them believe that this is really what you need to take control of your life.
My surgery was completely covered, all I had was a few copay's at all of my doctors visits and one small deductible of 150.00. I am 6'0 tall and weighed 294 when I began my 6mo Weigh Loss diet with my PcP, my bmi was 43. I have no co-morbidities besides the fact that obesity runs in my family, but they really dont consider that.
When I began my 6mo weight loss my PCP told me that I probably would not be covered, but I tried anyways. I went every month, and I also went to a weekly weigh watchers meeting just for support. At first I didnt really try to lose any weight...2lbs per month maybe 5. Then I decided to get serious and started working out with a personal trainer along with watching what I ate (I also got out of a 3 year relationship, so I probably was motivated by that) By the end of my 6mos I lost about 25 pounds. I had all of my tests and sent over documentation from my doctors, my weight watcher meetings, and my personal training facility. I tried to give them no reason to deny me...and they didnt! I was approved on my first try and I never thought I would see that date because I was told that I wasn't "over weight enough".
Moral of the story...dont be discouraged and dont stop trying! If its meant to happen it will!
The best of luck,