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Everything posted by Sullie06

  1. Sullie06

    Discouraged 8mo

    I was eating to few calories in a day. I was stalled for awhile and gaining and loosing the same pound over and over. I called my NUT who told me to up my calories, lost 5 pounds the next week and have been loosing 2-3 steady since. According to my NUT, getting above 1,000 calories per day as soon as possible is the goal. I'm currently 13 wks and average 900-1000 calories a day. I've lost 41 pounds in 3 months.
  2. I can comfortably eat one slice of pizza without the crust and not have it bother my stomach and feel full. If I know I'm going to have a slice of pizza, I plan accordingly for the rest of my day. My NUT said to keep my carbs below 65 so if Pizza is on the menu, I make sure my other meals are protein heavy and low to no carbs. This surgery is all about learning to eat in a new way and do what works for you. I had pizza in my diet last week and I lost 5 pounds last week. For me moderation and accountability are more important than restricting everything I want from my diet.
  3. Sullie06

    Eating nuts

    My NUT cleared me at 9 weeks to eat nuts.
  4. I've lost sizes pretty quickly, in the beginning I was loosing inches quicker than pounds. I went from a tight 22 and 2X when I began my program last July. Day of surgery I was in a loose 20 and 1X. Since surgery, 3 months ago, I've gone down to a 14/16 in pants and an XL in tops. I can wear some Larges but they are snug.
  5. Lularoe has been a lifesaver for me. I wear a lot of leggings and Maxi skirts when I'm not working. Unfortunately I have to wear business casual so I've had to buy clothing for work. I wear them until I literally cannot anymore and then buy new ones. So currently I'm a 14-16 but I still wear some 20's with a belt. I also buy 1 pair of jeans each time I go down a size because good pair of jeans makes all the difference. I've gone from a tight 22 to a comfortable 14/16 depending on brand since I began this journey.
  6. I also noticed your protein amounts are high. I'm 13wks out and am lucky if I can get 4oz of meat in a setting. Most of my meals consist of 4-5 ounces total, usually 3oz of a meat and 1-2 ounces of a veggie. 6-7 ounces in a setting seems like a lot. I would try measuring your food. My NUT said at this point my meal should be no larger than 5 ounces total so I measure everything.
  7. When I was 3 weeks out I was on a pureed diet and moved onto soft solids at 4 weeks post op. I did stall for about 10 days and I would fluctuate up and down about a pound. I just kept what I was doing and the stall broke with a 5 pound loss in one day. That being said 1300 calories seems like a lot at 3 weeks out. I'm currently 13 weeks out at getting between 800-1100 depending on the activity for the day. I average about 900 calories a day on a normal day. My NUT did not have my up my calories until I was on solid food, regular diet at 8 weeks. I went from 500-600 to 700-800 and now at 12weeks I went up to 800-1000. Also protein bars were a no no until I was on regular food. My NUT preferred me to be getting my protein supplement from shakes early on. As for Carbs my program must be generous because they say if you chose to count keep it under 65 grams. I don't pay super close attention to carbs more to calories and protein. I've lost 39 pounds in 3 months, 69 since my consult.
  8. Sullie06

    Starting to eat again

    I'm 3 months out and I'm able to eat pretty normally. I still have to eat slowly but I can eat about 3-5 ounces depending on what Im eating. As for caffeine my doc said in moderation its okay. I drink Iced Tea and he had no issue with that. I do not drink decafe, after being a former soda addict who doesn't drink coffee, I need a little bit of caffeine to get me going.
  9. Pureed stage was 2 weeks for me so I get wanting to change things up. Some of the meals I did was refried beans and a little salsa whizzed up. Tuna or Chicken, shredded, in the blender with some plain greek yogurt or a little low fat mayo (my NUT said low fat mayo was fine), cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, cream or blended soups, ricotta bake, cream of wheat.
  10. Sullie06

    Feels so good!

    Congrats. I hope you are healing and feeling well. The first month was overwhelming but I have no regrets. Just take it one days at a time.
  11. I'm 3 months out and I'm very rarely hungry. The only times I find myself genuinely hungry is if I skip a meal or go a long period of time between meals. I try and eat about the same time every day 8, 12, 6 and a snack at 10 and 8 per my dietician but if I skip lunch say and go 8 am to 6pm I get genuinely hungry.
  12. Sullie06

    Can't drink Protein, HELP!

    I was unable to tolerate most shakes after surgery. Directly after I used GNC Lean 25, they have lots of flavors and they are thinner than an average protein shake. Now I switched to Lift Protein by Atkins and drink two of them a day. 20 grams of protein and they drink more like a water or juice than a shake.
  13. Sullie06

    Progress pictures

    You look great. Good work
  14. Sullie06


    I was told to wait 6 months. I'm not a big drinker so it's not bothering me at the moment but I do like to have a glass of wine at special events/locations. I have a wedding this summer (I will be 6 months weeks out) and that will likely be my first glass of wine since Thanksgiving. It's not much different than abstaining when I was pregnant.
  15. I'm almost 13 weeks post op and finally home after being on the road off and on for 10 days. I traveled from NY to Florida, around the state and then back to NY. My eating has been horrible. I've been trying to make the best choices I can but I've been eating out almost daily between the traveling and meeting up with people. While I feel find physically emotionally I'm a mess, I'm my own worst enemy and I've been so hard on myself. I did manage to still lose 2 pounds which is about my average but I feel so guilty for eating poorly. I know I have to make the best choices as my sleeve is a tool and this was not a normal situation for me to be in. Of course I come back to work and they are providing food today and it's pizza
  16. Sullie06


    I love P3, it's my go to for lunch. And they have so many different options now. I actually found some with dried fruit in it at Target the other day.
  17. Sullie06

    Do you count carbs?

    I moderately count carbs. My team said to keep my carbs below 60 a day. I tend to keep them between 20-30 most days but I don't beat myself up for days when they are higher as long as I'm below 60.
  18. Sullie06


    Thanks everyone. Thankfully the travel is a once a year thing and the rest of the year I work from my home site. I did bring protein drinks and bars so I tried to use those for meals as much as I could. I mostly stuck to chicken when we went out, had a burger without the bun one night as well. I just dislike not having that control over my meals. It's nice to have someplace to come to for encouragement from people in my shoes. Some of the people I traveled with know, some don't but none of them have first hand experience. I'm back to my yogurt, protein drinks, lean protein and cheese for my meals. I did avoid the pizza and opted for some tuna instead
  19. When not drinking water I drink a lot of Iced Tea, unsweetened and fresh brewed. I also will drink Crystal Light from time to time but the artificial sweetener has become kind of gross so I really have to be in the mood for it.
  20. It's important to remember everyone heals differently and at a different pace. I never had any issues with nausea (other than due to the anesthesia) and no vomiting at all. I was able to get my fluids in very quicky after surgery and am able to drink normal amounts and pace now at 3 months out. I also have no issues with being only able to eat bites. I can eat 3-4 ounces comfortably.
  21. I was between 800-900 calories at 6 weeks, I don't do low fat and I keep my carbs below 50 at the suggestion of my nut. I keep my protein at around 100 grams a day. I'm now 12 1/2 weeks out and my calories are between 900-1000 most days. Still try and keep my carbs below 50 though my nut said anything below 65 is okay by her and protein between 100-110 most days. I'm steady losing about 2-3 pounds a week except my cycle week. I'm currently down 36 from surgery. Sounds like you are doing well!
  22. I am like you. I prefer to do a moderation diet as opposed to an elimination diet and that's what works for me. Will it work for everyone? No it won't but you have to find what works for you and follow that diet. Sugar was never a big trigger for me in the sense of candy, cakes and cookies. I was always a bread and carbs person so I try an avoid breads, pasta and other high carb foods. I had a couple bites of cake last week and it did nothing for me. I also personally try and avoid artificial sweetener as much as possible, I hate the sick sweetness and it's horrible for you. I stick to natural sugars and water.
  23. I was on pureed at 3 weeks. I ate a lot of tuna in the blender with a little low fat mayo, refried beans and cheese with a little salsa, ricotta bake, cottage cheese with a little peach pureed in it. Soups, lots of soups. I started exercising beyond walking at 4 weeks.
  24. I'm still supplementing so 40 grams comes from my protein drinks, I use the Lift Protein by Atkins and it's not bad. I drink 2 a day at 20g of protein. For breakfast I typically eat greek yogurt. I do the Triple Zero so that give 15 grams of protein. For lunch I usually bring left overs from the night before or do lunch meat and cheese combo for about 15 grams. Dinner typically is some sort of lean meat and veggies. Examples of what I eat are baked or grilled balsamic chicken, Lemon grilled chicken, roasted turkey breast, homemade tuna salad with no bread, homemade burgers with no bun, chili (either ground beef or ground turkey) or meatloaf. Sometimes we do "tacos" with no shell or with a carb balance tortilla. I do a lot of low fat cheese in my meals so that boosts the protein count. My veggies I tend to stick to green veggies like broccoli, brussel sprouts and grilled squash and onions.
  25. Sullie06

    11 weeks post op

    I was unable to stomach the shakes so I have switched to Atkins Lift Protein drinks and they go down much better. I'm drinking two a day to boost my protein intake, I am getting about 100 grams a day and find myself to be much less tired. Also my NUT had my up my calories because I was under eating.

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