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    Kearner reacted to K_aane in Carbonated beverages   
    Hon, let me help you with this. First of all, whether you have surgery or not, you should stop drinking sodas, diet or otherwise. And I will tell you why. I know it is a hard addition to break but I hope this helps. Look at the ingredients of a diet soda. First and foremost is the poison "aspertame" and I say poison because that is exactly what it is. Look up the neurological and physical effects of aspertame. One of the things aspertame does is forms formaldehyde like residue in your brain which contribute's to brain fog and other neurological disorders and can even mimic Parkinson's disease with the shakes. It also contains phosphoric acid (look that one up)which completely destroys your bones as it make's the Calcium leech out of your bones and hurts your kidneys. Diet sodas and all sodas are great for cleaning your toilet. Put some in and watch the acid do the work better than most cleansers including ajax.
    I know not drinking soda is as hard a habit to break as smoking but once you start to look at what you are actually putting in your body, especially your new baby stomach, you may think twice.
    Be strong and really look at that label on the soda and research the truth about sodas. I pray that God will give you the strength to see soda for the demon it really is.
    I am 6yrs free of soda and no amount if money could make me put that crap in my body. Also when you do stop drinking soda as soon as 4 months when you try to drink one, you won't believe how truly nasty that stuff is!!!!
    Let it call your name and ignore that bitch, cuz she is bad bad news.
    Good luck!!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

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    Kearner reacted to smmk1980 in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    Surgery went well. I was able to come hm on Wednesday afternoon. Mostly concentrating on my Fluid intake.

    Sent from my SM-G800H using the BariatricPal App

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    Kearner got a reaction from Gina99lov in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    Hi! I just got my date TODAY!!! February 27th!!!! I can't even believe it - it's been a year since I started the process!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner reacted to Sazzy52 in PS pics: arms, tt, bl, ba, butt lift, and lipo, 6 weeks out!   
    I can't pull up your pictures that way.. Do you mind sending me some I'm looking at going soon.. Thanks so much
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner reacted to Crafty-in-Carolina in Any youtube strength training favorites?   
    Hello guys. I'm 3 months post VSG and really want to incorporate some strength training into my life 2-3 days per week. I've been walking since surgery and have increased briskness and length of walks. I've also started back riding my bicycle. I enjoy being outdoors so the walking/biking are great for me. I feel I've got my cardio covered. I do not care to join a gym, but I know I need to start some strength training. I would be a total newbie.
    Can anyone recommend either some youtube videos, or dvds, or Amazon videos or anything. I don't know where to begin and I don't want to injure myself. I would prefer something I can do at home without special equipment, except maybe some resistance bands or something like that. Yoga appeals to me.... would that strengthen and tone muscles? Any suggestions for the uncoordinated, clumsy beginner type?
  6. Like
    Kearner reacted to Er1n in Yay. 3 month post op   
    Ok, normally don't do this but I feel the need. Tomorrow is my 3 month RNY surgerversary. AND TODAY I HIT 60 lbs DOWN. Better yet I feel amazing. Better everyday. That's all
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner got a reaction from Gina99lov in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    Hi! I just got my date TODAY!!! February 27th!!!! I can't even believe it - it's been a year since I started the process!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    Kearner reacted to CQ209 in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    My date is set, February 6th . I'm looking for surgery buddies. I'm 28 and I live in California - Sacramento area. I'm very excited!
  9. Like
    Kearner reacted to danithomas in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    I'm Feb 6th as well!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner reacted to dpeters88 in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    I'm February 9 and live a couple hours from you, I'm in Fresno, ca
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner reacted to findingdanielle in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    My date is February 14th too!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    Kearner reacted to Jazzle in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    February 22nd for me,very excited but nervous
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner reacted to mtoberos in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    Feb 27. Excited and really scared !
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    Kearner reacted to jhemp85 in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    February 20th
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    Kearner reacted to Muskoka girl in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    February 12! So excited and so nervous
    Sent from my SM-T560NU using the BariatricPal App
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    Kearner reacted to Keri1019 in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    February 14th I am nervous.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    Kearner reacted to CQ209 in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    Yay! We are all SO close! I felt like it would never come, but it's gone by very quickly since I met with the Psych.
    I'm with Kaiser South Sacramento, and I go in tomorrow for my pre-op class and to meet with my surgeon for the final review before surgery. I'm down 20 lbs from my starting weight (I was told to lose 10), and I am feeling great already. Can't wait to start this new chapter in my life.
    Good luck to all of you!
  18. Like
    Kearner reacted to Raymia in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    I'm the 8th!
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    Kearner reacted to Gina99lov in February Surgery Buddy :)   
    February 6 is mine!! Congratulations to all of us
    Sent from my Z981 using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    Kearner reacted to LittleBill in Dealing with little ones   
    This is uncharted territory, this WLS stuff, when it comes to most people in my family. So far with one notable exception, it has all been good. But dealing with my grandsons has been a bit challenging.
    "Why aren't you eating very much food, Papaw?"
    "How come there's no bread for your ham and cheese?"
    Then when snack time came, and they started circling me like jackals on the Serengeti, I told them it was my special food. They wanted to know if the doctor told me I had to eat it. Then they wanted to know if my peanuts were made of Peanut Butter.
    Simple answers are working well, with the occasional outrageous one thrown in for spice. At one point when they were all determined to wrestle with me, I told them I had to sit quietly and "digest". The oldest, who is seven, disappeared, and returned shortly thereafter with a drawing he had made. He said it was my stomach and the food going down. It took me aback somewhat, but if he doesn't end up as a mechanic (like his father) he just might become a surgeon.

  21. Like
    Kearner reacted to Babbs in Feel no different   
    Not everyone experiences pain or nausea when they eat or drink at first. I didn't. Most people in these forums are experiencing issues one way or another, so you'll just see the problems posted mostly.
    Other than some initial pain waking up from surgery, and some problems with Gerd that kept me on liquids a bit longer, my recovery was easy peasy.
    My mom used to say "Don't borrow trouble". Be happy your recovery is going well!

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