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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tmbrett

  1. tmbrett


    My levels continued to drop after surgery as i lost more weight. I'm now taking. 88mcg 6 days a week. Actually started having heart pounding again, so going in for another test and will likely lower dosage even more. Been having my tsh checked every 6 to 8 weeks since my surgery. Good luck! Hw 291/ SW 238 / CW 185
  2. tmbrett

    Best decision!

    I needed that. Thanks!
  3. tmbrett


    Fiber lax packets mix well in your water
  4. tmbrett


    I mix fiber lax in my water bottle every morning . They make individual packets you can mix in just like kool-aid flavors. I don't notice any aftertaste or grit.
  5. Sleeved 9/26 - noticing differences in how programs handle different situations - When do people typically start taking Vitamins after surgery? (Bariatric friendly of course)
  6. hmmm - they want me to wait till after my 5 week post op appointment to start Vitamins - seems way to long! and they even gave us a contact to get bariatric vitamins - I have B-12 nasal, and chewable calcium that they said don't take. I just feel off not taking vitamins and when i sent a follow-up question to make sure i understood the surgeon correctly after my 1 week post op appointment they said to wait I started taking my Synthroid and cytomel immediately after surgery - (I had my thyroid removed 14 years ago due to thyroid cancer so I kind of need those - but they are very small pills)
  7. tmbrett

    Day 11 what were u eating ?

    Wish I still lived in Augusta!!! I am on liquids only phase till next week, then puree for 14 days before moving to soft food - still amazes me the differences in plans!
  8. tmbrett

    Day 11 what were u eating ?

    I'm on liquids till the end of next week per my doctor checkup this week - i did find that sugar free popsicles gave me some satisfaction and they are part of the liquids part of my program - smooth greek yogurts also - I like the Carbmaster brand from Kroger - they have a decent amount of Protein. I have to go back to work Monday - its going to be a challenge to get in my fluids But i can't complain too much - recovery has been going pretty well
  9. tmbrett

    Who's over 50 crowd

    52 here - sleeved on 9/26 - came home 9/27 - been doing good - other than being sick and tired of liquids - I want to chew. Lost a good amount preparing for surgery - not seeing much weight change since surgery - not concerned yet - Going back to work Monday (desk job) will be challenging to keep fluids going HW (1/1/2016) 291 SW (9/26/2016) 238 CW (10/7/2016) 234
  10. tmbrett

    Full liquids

    I am struggling with this (Surgery was 9/26) sugar free Fruit Popsicles from Kroger were my lifesaver - the popsicle gave me some kind of texture to help me thru Dr wants me on Liquids Phase till the end of next week before going to puree.
  11. 8 days out and right there with you. Had to turn off the tv. Miss the texture, miss chewing my food, hardest part of recovery
  12. tmbrett

    Puree, blender and baby food

    My doctors office said baby food is acceptable, add protein powder to it. But only smooth not chunky stage
  13. tmbrett


    I got a dulcolax suppository last night, it finally passed at 6am. My butt still hurts. My doctor was unsympathetic which pissed me off more because I already feel like crap from the episode. Just trying to be prepared for the future. Any tips appreciated.
  14. tmbrett


    Well, it started. In living hell right now trying to pass this first BM it started around 11pm last night, feels like a boulder I have my post op appointment at 9am guess what the topic is because I can't get it to move. First time I have cried since the surgery, sitting on the toilet
  15. tmbrett


    I haven't had horrible pain, I did get sick with my first meal the evening after surgery, they gave me naseua shot - overnight I started to feel like I was going to get sick but the nurse told me to breathe thru it, and I did ok. After that I haven't had any issues. I have been taking the Zofran that they have me a prescription for every day. I've noticed I'm getting kind of gassy, so I expect that first BM is getting close, and I am stocked up to deal with it!
  16. tmbrett


    Yes - I have Thyroid Cancer - and had my thyroid removed, so on permanent thyroid replacement. About 3 weeks before surgery I noticed some heart pounding - my endo, who approved me for sleeve surgery, checked by TSH, T3 and T4 - and found I was very suppressed in TSH (.3), and low normal on T3 and T4 - I was on 100mg Synthroid and 5mg Cytomel twice a day - he had me reduce the Cytomel to once per day - and i will get checked in 6 weeks for other adjustments post op. My HW was 291 in Jan 2016, SW(surgery weight) was 238 last Monday - It will take time for your body to adjust to the new dosage levels. They should wait 6 weeks between adjusting meds
  17. tmbrett

    Protein drinks

    I use a Bullitt blender. You can buy an inexpensive blender at Walmart for less than $20
  18. tmbrett

    Protein drinks

    Why the rush on the Protein? Are you not aware of how critical the first 2 weeks are regarding leakage?Protein is critical to help healing
  19. tmbrett


    I had my surgery on Sept 26 also, nice to find someone that shares my date! sorry to hear you are having some issues, I've been doing good, little to no pain- even surviving a sneeze every morning. No BM yet, but not feeling like I have to since I was pretty religious on liquids preop and post op sticking to Protein drinks and Water. So lots of bathroom breaks to pee. My stats. Highest weight 291 Jan 1, surgery weight 238 (lowest in 25 years) I did a lot of walking while doing the program and waiting for insurance approval. Cw 235. Congrats on the progress! Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  20. Let me know how it went! I was sleeved last week, recovering very well, and I go on a cruise 8 weeks after my surgery date. Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  21. I had my sleeve surgery on Monday September 26, and I have a cruise booked Nov 28. 8 weeks later. Booked the cruise over a year ago before I made the decision to start this journey. My surgery date was a little later than I planned due to delays from insurance. I hope 8 weeks will be enough time to be ready for the cruise. So far no issues with recovery. Any tips appreciated! It's a 10 day cruise to Panama Canal and southern Caribbean! Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  22. I had my surgery on Monday. Woke up with headache, trying to make it go away Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  23. tmbrett


    You got this Kelli. I'm getting ready to leave for the hospital this morning Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  24. I read a post that said eat a little salt to help with headache. My surgery is Sept 26. So far so good with preop diet Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  25. tmbrett

    3 days to my liquid

    Sept 26 is my surgery. Let's do it! Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
