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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KatsenD

  1. I'm sorry I just returned to this posting. I did not use this clinic. I had a choice of this clinic and one in Mobile, AL. I choose AL. There is also a surgical clinic in Covington, that does some of their surgeries in Slidel. Good luck. D'
  2. Well, when I decided, I only told my hubby, daughter, sisters and one brother and one cousin. They are my support team. I researched this surgery for 2 years before deciding to do this. I kept it all quiet, because we all know, there are those out there who may also call you a copy-cat, because so and so is doing it. Well, lots in my family circle have had now only this surgery but the bypass. Some have lost ALOT of weight, others are losing slowly. I say, we are all different and loss differently. I have dropped 38 pounds since May. I am happy for myself. I feel wonderful. My knees don't hurt as much. I have come off one medicine and have dropped the strength of another. My blood pressure meds are being looked at, to lower or get off of altogether. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS FOR YOURSELF. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAS TO TAKE THIS TOOL AND MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU. Others cannot hold your hand and do any of this for you. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. Everyone hears all the stories. You have to have trust in your doctor. YOU not your family, your friends, your neighbors, you!!!! Good luck with your decision, either way.
  3. KatsenD

    Harley 105th in WI

    Hey out there, Was just wondering if anyone went to the 105th celebrations last week. DH and I trucked our bike up and rode around the area. We took some pics and when I can figure out how to add them, I will on here. We really had a great time. Ride safe, D'
  4. KatsenD

    Banded Bikers II

    Good Morning Carol, That parade was awesome!!!!! Daughter lives just a few blocks from the route. Hey, was it true that Arnold THE TERMANATOR (I'm not going to attempt to spell his last name ) Gov of CA., and his counter part part the mean termanator from #2, was in the parade. I saw the second guy, he rode right past us. Then there was another guy who I swear looked like Patrick Swazey? brother. It was amazing, let me tell you, I was overwhelmed that day, just to be there and seeing it all. I'll admit, I shed a tear and don't even know why, it was wonderful. Seeing all the Chapter flags and the other country flags. I ride a Kawasaki 500, DH rides a Dyna. We took his bike this time, but we did see other bikes in Milwaukee. Over all, it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Also found that I prefered sitting on a FatBoy as it, not lowered nor built for women. Felt too squeezed in on the shorter one. Ride safe, D'
  5. KatsenD

    A6 080907

    From the album: D's Pictures

  6. KatsenD

    080907 A

    From the album: D's Pictures

  7. KatsenD

    Mississippi Bandsters!

    Hi, I, too, was banded in Mobile, by Dr. Hannon. How are you? How's it going? I canceled my appointment this week, till the 18th, due to vacation and Gustov. Hope things are going well for you. D'
  8. KatsenD

    Any Support Groups on the Coast (Gulfport)?

    Hi, I live in Pass Christian and was banded in May, in Mobile. Had any luck with a group meeting? I know the dr. in Ocean Springs has meetings, but when and where, I don't know. I see you have a CB emblem, my hubby was a CB. Hope to hear back. D'
  9. I just had my 2nd fill last week. A week before then, I was feeling hungry alot. Talked to my doc about this and he said I should have came in earlier. To call and reschedule to get in to get another fill. Well, first fill was 3cc's, this time he only added one more so I am up to 4cc's. And guess what? I am hungry. He did schedule me to come back in next week for another fill. I hope I can wait that long. Thanks for listing.
  10. KatsenD

    March 27 5 weeks before

    From the album: D's Pictures

  11. KatsenD

    June 8 5 weeks out

    From the album: D's Pictures

  12. KatsenD

    Banded Bikers II

    Hi all, Haven't riden lately, but am thinking about trading up to a Susuki Tramp. I love my little EN500, but would feel more comfortable on 3 wheels. Hubby has a Harley Dyna. I want something to ride long haul. Ride safe...
  13. KatsenD

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Just wanted to add my 2sense. I was at 280 pounds the day I started my liquid diet in April, today I am at 251.6, YAHOO..... I did hit 250 on the 4th of July, but, well, weight goes up and it goes down. I just go with the flow and am loving it. Congrats all.. keep it up.
  14. KatsenD


    I can't speak for all of you, only myself, but how do you handle wonderful comments. I had always heard negative comments: big old girl (right before my surgery), fat, big mama, obese, you name it, I heard it. But when people say, your looking great!, what have you been doing? Looking good!, how do you respond to that. I feel odd when people say that to me now. I just smile and to some I have actually told them about my surgery. I am so grateful to have done this. It is really working for me. From this forum, I learned a lot. In the beginning, after surgery, to cut all my portions down and am still doing it. I found that I am not hungry, like I thought I would be. This is a wonderful TOOL. Well, I wont ramble on. But I just thought I would put this out there. Thanks, D'
  15. KatsenD

    Tricare - Moved from 'Pending' to.....

    Congrats to you. I, too, had my surgery paid for by Tricare. Don't want to overstep my boundries, here, but you really need to talk to your husband. Once the surgery is over, recover is different for everyone. I had mine done on Friday and by Monday, I was only suffering from gas. I don't work nor have little children, but the children might be a blessing for you. They can take Mommy for a walk. Good luck and keep in touch. D'
  16. Hi, Had my first fill today. Tomorrow will make 8 weeks. I have leveled out at 25 pounds, till now. I'm not hurting at all. Buy I am hungry, do I just keep sipping fluids. I will go to full liguids tomorrow, but it's up to me, how I feel up to eating. Needle stick went fine. In and out in 30 seconds. I had 3cc's today.
  17. KatsenD

    Any May Realize bandits out there?

    Hi, I was banded on May 2nd, in Mobile, AL. I am doing quite well, no fills yet. I go this Thursday for my first, MAYBE. I have dropped 25 pounds since April 22, the start of my 10 day liquid diet. So, I know there is a possibility that I might not get a fill, and you know, I am ok with that. Even without any fill, I can fill restriction when I over eat. So, I have had a great training time. Continued succes to you and everyone... D'
  18. KatsenD

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Hi, thought I would add my stats on here. I was banded on May 2, weighed in at 265. Started my liquid diet on April 21 at 280. Today I am 256.7.
  19. KatsenD

    Any May Realize bandits out there?

    Hi, Banded May 2, with Realize. I was amazed by the lack of pain. Oh, don't get me wrong, May 3 was awful. I had to spend the night in the hospital, with a morphine pump. I used it, but on Saturday, I only used it, when I had to. Got home, Saturday afternoon and slept for a few hours. The next few days, kids motrin was all it took, to take the edge off. Right now, I have a strange feeling, that runs on the right side of my stomach. The doc said it was the muscles. It's not constant. Other then that, I feel fine. I still clutch my stomach when I cough or laugh, but I am great. A two year decision that I will never regret. I am already down 20 pounds, YA HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I go back June 19 for my first fill. I am Rubberband's neighbor. Funny, but neither one of us, knew the other was having this done till 2 weeks before my surgery. She was banded 5 days later. Good luck and congrats to all of you. I'm glad I found this forum. Have a great day.
  20. KatsenD

    Hello out there

    I was banded May 2, in Mobile, AL. I'm 7 days out and feel great. My port area is still a little tender. But with 2 jr. Motrin, chewable pills, every few hours, the pain has not been that bad. Hope to hear from some of you banded this month. D'
  21. KatsenD

    Anyone from the Coast?

    Hi Fdlijn, I had my surgery in Mobile, May 2, by Dr. Hannon. I've had no problems with the doctor. I thought each visit went very well. Answered questions, listened to what he had to say and went home. I go back Thursday, for my followup appointment. Good luck...
  22. I'm confused by what I am feeling. I was banded on May 2, spent the night at the hospital and came home Saturday. I did Clear liquids for a few days and now, full liquids. But I seem to be drinking ALOT!!! I do a cup of de-caf coffee for Breakfast, 4 oz of yogurt, another coffee and Water. This is about 6:30. Around 9 I feel hungry so I grab a cup of broth or Soup. Still with the water. I munch on suger-free popcicles or fudgecycles, throughout the day. Yesterday, I tried a 2oz jar of baby food and had no problems. for lunch. Around 3, I was hungry again and grabbed a can of cream of soup, condensed it down with water and blended it up. Supper I had a Carnation Breakfast. It seems I am eating TOO much. Am I? I drink all the time, it seems. Is this normal? I pray that I have not screwed up, with only a week out. Any comments? Most of the time, a sip of water does it, but when it doesn't, I grab a popcicle. When the swelling of the stomach goes down, will the swallowing be like before the band? Normal? It seems I don't feel any restriction, with just the band there. No, I have no fill. I am just confused over what I thought I was going to feel. SICK! Stuffed! ???? Thanks, D':confused:
  23. KatsenD

    Medic Alert Bracelet

    Just a suggestion: At some Wal*marts, you can purchase dog tags. I found one that has a dog tag the military use. You can have 4 lines put on one. And they only cost $5.00 or so. I have 2 red ones, that I have carried on my purse and keychains, for year. I don't thing price should matter, but that you have something to alert EMT's too.
  24. I was banded yesterday. Boy was that first day rough. They refused to give me anything for the gas. And have had heart burn before, I could have swore, that that was what I was suffereing from. Anyway, surgery was at 12, got home today around 4:30pm. Tonight, I'm taking it easy and sip, sip, sipping on water. Tomorrow I will start on other liquids. YEA for me and others... D':thumbup:
  25. I have to go back, Friday for hospital lab work and start my 2 week liquid diet. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay with me people, I know having all of you beside me; helping, will get me through it all. D'

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
