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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TxSilverAngel

  1. Had my surgery16 hours ago and I feel pretty good! The gas pain from the co2 they pump into you is pretty bad but surgical pain is not that bad. I'm sure it will feel a little worse in a couple days. I have walked quite a bit to get the gas to dissipate and the pain meds help. Still nothing to drink!! But my surgeon doesn't allow Water to even touch my lips till later today. With that being said let me get to the things I'm glad I brought and what I wish I brought. So glad I brought my Chapstick, my iPad, and pajama pants. What I wish I brought was my own pillow. :(

  2. I had to go off a month before and after! I'm on bio-identical which theoretically shouldn't be different that what your own body produces. It seemed to me unnecessary jarring of your system. I didn't get blood clots which I think is what they get nervous about (if you don't stop HRT) so that's good. If I had it to do over not sure I would have stopped. My cycle still isn't back to normal and I'm 9 months out. :(

    How soon did you go back on HRT after surgery? I have to wait a month. I don't have to worry about my cycle, which I guess is a good thing.

  3. I am going to have my surgery tomorrow and I was required to come off certain medications two weeks, and one week ago. My HRT was two weeks ago and I am not sleeping well, I am mopey, and my anxiety is through the roof. I can't say the pre-op diet helped any! ( OOOHH why can't I have some fricken chocolate!!! ) Hubby says I look depressed and dazed most of the time. I'm hoping I can go back on my HRT pdq after surgery. Have any of you ladies been on/off HRT? How did it go after surgery? Anyone have to go back on HRT?

  4. It's been 5 days of this liquid diet and I have already lost 6 pounds!!! I'm pretty happy about that. Since I'm so short (almost 5'2'') I can't really see it; but I can definitely feel it! People who are vertically challenged, such as myself, don't usually start seeing a difference until 20-30 pounds lost, lol. XD

    This diet has actually been pretty easy. I don't know if it's because I've dieted before, and that I knew what to expect; or if maybe I just got lucky. I really expected to feel miserable since I've seen so many people struggle with it. The only thing I can complain about is the amount of times I've peed. Last night, between 12 am - 5 am, I counted 19 times that I got up to pee. It's driving me crazy. @_@

    You go girl!! I'm just ending my pre-op diet. I'm a shorty too! I noticed I am breathing better since I've lost 15lbs since I started with the POD. My doctor allowed me to have one small meal a day with two shakes so I didn't feel to bad. AND yes, the whole peeing every 30 mins is annoying! But as everyone else has said on here it's all means to an end. I'm really happy for you and I hope all goes well. Keep us posted!

  5. I am going to have my surgery tomorrow and I was required to come off certain medications two weeks, and one week ago. My HRT was two weeks ago and I am not sleeping well, I am mopey, and my anxiety is through the roof. I can't say the pre-op diet helped any! ( OOOHH why can't I have some fricken chocolate!!! ) Hubby says I look depressed and dazed most of the time. I'm hoping I can go back on my HRT pdq after surgery. Have any of you ladies been on/off HRT? How did it go after surgery? Anyone have to go back on HRT?

  6. I am on 8/8 and super nervous as well. I'm nervous for the short term and excited for the long term. I'm ready to just get it over with at this point. Please let us know how it goes!!

    I was so nervous last night I couldn't even 'eat' my last 'meal'.. I actually had to take a anti-nausea pill. They have actually moved may surgery up 2 hours for tomorrow. I got super excited and then seriously nervous again. I pray yours goes well!!

  7. Congratulations! Nerves are normal, so just keep thinking about all of the reasons you decided to have surgery. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!! The first days can get rough, but luckily it all improves rather quickly for most. The best bit of advice I ever got was to keep sipping fluids and walk walk walk! It will help your soreness to go away so much faster when you walk. I didn't even have pain on the ride home from the hospital, so it works! Also it helps keep your blood moving so you have less risk for blood clots. Stay positive and be patient with yourself. Best wishes, and keep posting to let us know how you are doing.

    Thank you! From your tickers it looks like you are doing great. I hope to have that kind of success. :)

  8. My is tomorrow, I like you TxSilverA, had the 1 week pre-op diet, same foods. I am very excited to get this going. Bit of nervous energy. Have to be at OSU at 10:15, surgery at 12:30. Yeah it finally time to start this chapter. Good luck to you all.

    Sent from my SM-S765C using the BariatricPal App

    Good Luck to you Lorirene! I keep reminding myself of the same thing.. new chapter.. hopefully more active, spontaneous and enjoyable.

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