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Posts posted by cassandramarie93

  1. I totally feel this honestly I don't think there is anything you can do but dig your heels in and be stubborn. I saw on here once "No food will taste as good as skinny feels." It got me through a couple family event my mom insisted I be apart of (a baby shower) there was a ton of food and I swear every where I turned in that damn place there were baked goods and nachos staring me down. At one point I sat down and BAM an entire platter of nutterbutters in onsies and literal faces staring at me post op thanksgiving my family literally just sits another platter of Cookies in front of me knowing that's not an option. At the end of the day it's good to make yourself suffer through some of these events. You know the restrictions aren't always going to be there and it's good to show yourself you can handle yourself in these situations and still be alright. You gotta keep living and being apart of your family after you get it done but your going to have to change alot to be a success in the long run. Don't let this ruin a holiday that I believe is more about family then anything, do your best to enjoy them even if your out of your element. You got this! And congratulations on your upcoming surgery day!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Hey I just wanted to tell you that you're going to be alright. It's never easy to lose someone you've given your heart to- the best thing you can do (in my humble opinion) is just feel it, miss him, feel the pain, embrace it. Emotional eating is just throwing a blanket over something and hoping it disappears the more you deny it the more the pain will swallow you whole. There is no food that can fill the hole in your heart. Only you can do that, you have all the power in the world. Never doubt that. Self love is more empowering and beautiful then any love another soul can give to you. I'm sorry your hurting, truly. Don't lose sight of what you're doing for you it's hard to see now but sometimes our greatest hardships are blessings in disguise. This is your time to shine and the only one you need on your side 110% is YOU. I believe in you.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. First and foremost congratulations on your decision to make your life better you are gorgeous! You are going to rock it no doubt.

    I am going to join crossfit in the upcoming weeks. I'm so intimidated to go in there and be the "fat girl" I don't want to be looked down on in there because I'll be so out of my element as is. Can you tell me what it's like? What to expect?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. I had the exact same copay through BCBS. I saved as much of my money as I could before my surgery day. I was sleeved November 7th and I'm just shy of thirty pounds lost. I have a new zest for living and a deeper sense of purpose. I'm able to exercise 60 minutes a day and know I'm well on my way to the best version of myself. I too was very very overwhelmed with my copay but if you want something enough chase it. It's worth it. Breathe and remind yourself why you want this so bad.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. I have the same issue with dry mouth as well I was sleeved on November 7th. I get all my fluids in and wake up multiple times in a night to sip on Water because my tongue sticks to the top of my mouth like velcro when I go to sleep. I'm going to have to pick up some biotene. I've read in several places that this is a common side effect of this surgery.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Man I feel this on a spiritual level I'm a 42 DDD. I feel like all my weight lives in my boobs and my tummy. I have a deep seeded emotional attachment to these things. I already have it in my head I'm getting a boob job once I hit my goal. I asked my nurse (who is also a gastric sleeve patient) and she told me the odds are I'm gonna lose the boobs. I don't want rocks in socks fluttering around in the wind. As notes above there are things you can do to try and perk them up as far as fitness goes but I think the best thing you can do is just accept the tit for tat (hahaha got myself with that pun) mentality in doing this. It'll be worth it.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. @@OKCPirate I quit smoking August first! I actually just picked up vaping about two to three weeks ago. My best friend smokes cigarettes and I am very surprised at how horrible I find the smell now when we are together. I was a very heavy smoker for 7 years until I quit. I never imagined I could be off put by the smell of my oldest crutch. That is one of my things I've vowed to never return to. Added bonus I'm a beast on the treadmill now because my lungs aren't fighting me relentlessly. One of the best things I've done for myself.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Mine did a drug panel and a nicotine test. I live in CO and am a medical marijuana patient for Migraine headaches. Honestly I would err on the side of safety. I quit for 2 months through my pre-op shenanigans. I wanted this more then I cared about suffering for a couple of days off and on. Heavy smokers can take up to 2 weeks to clear on a blood panel. Light smokers can take as little as 3-4 days. I have read elsewhere that some facilities do urine screens and marijuana takes up to 30 days to clear naturally as it's stored in fat cells. No regrets I was happy to stop for the time being so I wouldn't be spending the days leading up in panic because I didn't just nip it in the bud (hehe )

    Edit; my class coordinator mentioned I needed to be off of nicotine and thc for a month before my date

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I had my sleeve done at rose medical center with Dr. Snyder November 7th. I believe the programs you have to go through have much to do with your individual insurance requirements. My entire process took like 4 months and was very straight forward and simple. I'm too excited to see there are others from CO. I wish you both a speedy process and a smooth recovery.

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