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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About JJCool

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  1. JJCool

    Anyone in the UK?

    I used Bassetts chewables for the first few weeks, it was fine. Jo x
  2. JJCool


    @@Doots75 that was me! And you're very welcome. Jo x
  3. JJCool

    Week 2 post op menu?

    Hiya @@Doots75 I uploaded copies of my post-op plan here http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/372970-sleeve-soon/page-2 Hope that helps. Jo x
  4. I can't speak for anyone else, but I had one of those cast Iron stomachs before surgery and have had no issues or illnesses since the surgery. I haven't tried bread or rice or anything really solid like raw carrots, but I have tried a good selection of different foods including some Pasta and potato and no problems so far. Jo x
  5. JJCool

    Food journal

    I use an app called My Net Diary. It also connects with fitbit's, apple watches etc. Jo x Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. JJCool


    I put mild curry powder in my scrambled eggs. It helps them taste less eggy. Jo x Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. JJCool


    Yep that happened to me too. I asked my nurse about it and she said that some of the nerves in your belly get cut during surgery and the itchiness is them starting to heal. And it wasn't itchy for too long so hopefully you too won't have to suffer much longer. Jo x Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  8. I asked my surgeon what would happen the the bit of stomach that they removed. She looked really shocked (I guess no one asked that before) but then laughed and asked if I wanted to keep it I didn't, of course, was just curious. Anyway, mine went off to pathology for students to play with. Quite interesting! Anyway, I know that's not what you are after. How about asking your surgeon about how many surgeries they have done of someone your age/weight etc, or whether they anticipate any issues. Or (and I mean to ask mine this at our next meeting) you could ask about the size of the boogie (sp?) they will use and what capacity stomach that will leave you with? Just some suggestions. Jo x Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. JJCool

    Sewing your own clothes

    Ooh, this looks fab, thank you!
  10. JJCool

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    Cape Crooner The NHS is not the UK government, and your experience of having been in a NHS facility once does not give you the experience of it that you would need to have a considered opinion. You have taken this thread out of context for your own political agenda and that is not cool. Jo
  11. JJCool

    Sewing your own clothes

    Hi everyone, thanks for all your input! I wasn't really thinking of altering favourite or expensive items, actually the opposite, I was more thinking of things like taking t-shirts and making them into - I don't know, maybe smaller t-shirts lol. That sort of thing. But I'm starting to think this will be more effort than its worth so I appreciate all the feedback before I figured it out the hard way and ended up with not much more than scraps on my hands Maybe I'll learn to make some clothes from scratch, eek that thought scares me. I don't know why! Anyway, thanks again for you all for answering Jo x
  12. JJCool

    Sewing your own clothes

    About a year ago I bought a sewing machine, something I had NO experience with before then. I bought it on a whim really, but since have enjoyed teaching myself how to make simple things like bags, cushion covers etc. ANYWAY, I had this grand idea that as my clothes get too big I would make them into smaller clothes that I could still wear. I have no experience at all with sewing clothes though haha, and wanted to see if anyone else does this? I'd love to be able to share ideas with others. Jo x
  13. JJCool

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    And I told you that I have both a counsellor and a GP, AND a PALs advisor who agree with me. You are not trying to help. You are trying to silence me here. You are definitely wasting your time there. I AM going to a different hospital where possible and if you are as obsessed as you appear to be, you will have read that. I have also said that I am starting the process of using PALs to address failings and IF I have permanent injury due to any of the treatment I received, I will address it. Hi Gina, I hadn't seen until this post that you are seeking treatment in a different hospital and I am very glad to hear that. Although the NHS is one organisation you still have many choices about how to proceed and I think you will do well to take advantage of that. Hopefully also using the PALS ('Patient Advice and Liaison Service' for those unfamiliar with the NHS) will point you to a suitable outlet for your issues with the service you have received. I can see from your previous posts that you are determined to use your voice as a whistleblower, and I think that would be most effective directed inwards towards those within the NHS who can make a difference rather than outwards into the void. On another note, I just wanted to make a quick point about your suggestion that some people could have effectively lost their unwanted weight without surgery - keep in mind that people do lose weight all the time, the main issue for most is keeping it off and that is where the sleeve as a restrictive tool is most effective. Jo
  14. I wore one for a few weeks after surgery. It wasn't about the gas pain which, in my case, was gone after the first couple days, but for the pain where my pouch was stitched to the muscle lining my skin. When I lay down that stitch lined up and there was no pain but when I stood or sat the stitch pulled intensely on the muscle and caused pain. The binder really helped to hold the skin tight and not have so much pain. After a few weeks that stitch dissolved just as it was supposed to and the pain left, I haven't needed the binder since. Jo x Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Hiya, I started about 15lb higher than you and I'm 37, so close-ish. I'm exactly 2 months post op and have lost 50lb. Good luck on your journey! Jo x Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
