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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Frenchie1977

  1. Frenchie1977

    November sleevers?

    Ok I will start a Facebook group today for us nov 16 sleevers and let you all know how to join
  2. Frenchie1977

    Nicotine test

    Most doctors check by urine and it can be detected for up to 20 days in urine
  3. Frenchie1977

    November sleevers?

    It looks like mine will be the first or second week in November and I was thinking I could start a Facebook group just for us November sleevers.
  4. Frenchie1977

    Uber-Noob to gastric sleeve

    I would definitely recommend talking to a Bariatric surgeon, however he will likely recommend gastric bypass because of the Gerd issue. Sleeve would not be recommended. And as for the hiatal hernia he will likely repair that during your surgery, but I'm not sure about the esophagus issues so a consultation is definitely needed.
  5. I just went to my nutrition classes and was disappointed to find out that my doctor requires us to use the Bariatric advantage protein drinks for the pre-op diet, I can't use premiere protein. I'm disappointed because I like the premiere protein better and find it easier than mixing a drink. I don't see how he would be able to tell if I just went ahead and used the premiere instead just because I don't want to use what they sell. Any thoughts?
  6. Frenchie1977

    Pre-op required type of Protein

    I asked if I could use premiere since they gave us a sample of it, and they said no not for pre-op, it has to be BAriatric Advantage but that I can use premiere post op. Weird I think
  7. Frenchie1977

    Drinking coffee?

    I just had my nutrition classes and they said we could not have regular coffee until the two month mark, then reintroduce it slowly.
  8. I take topimax for migraines, I have never heard of it for depression though
  9. Frenchie1977

    Steady weight

    Yes you can regain your weight if you don't continue to follow your diet. You have to stay on your high protein, low carb diet, continue exercise and continue drinking all your water, for life.
  10. Frenchie1977

    Questions about pre-op tests

    I just finished all my appointments. I had to have a sleep study but only because I had symptoms of sleep apnea, I did not have to have an endoscopy or an upper G.I.
  11. Frenchie1977

    Protein ISSUES

    Ok surprised you can taste that as I can't, but have you tried the pre- made Premiere protein shakes, I find them more tolerable than the other ones. I know that protein shakes suck, but they are a necessary evil, some people have to just bite the bullet and choke them down, I can tolerate them ok. But if that's what you have to do then you have to do it. Sorry that sucks but it's the truth. Not getting in your protein can cause a whole host of problems. It will slow or possibly stall your weight loss, it can increase your hair loss, it can cause a loss in muscle mass and let's not forget your heart is made of muscle, your heart needs adequate protein to function properly. That's only a few things that a lack of protein can cause there is a very long list. So the facts are until you are able to eat enough to get enough protein from your food which probably won't be for a while ( some people have to supplement with shakes for a while after going on regular food) you have to find a way to choke down some protein, whether it's thru unflavored protein added to things or thru the pre- made shakes as I suggested. I have heard of people adding crystal light to their unflavored protein to make it taste better, you may want to try that, and the Unjury chicken soup flavor has worked for people having trouble with protein flavored as well, I would recommend getting a sampler pack from Unjury first and seeing which ones you can tolerate. But remember you can get creative with your protein. Add your unflavored protein to your favorite foods. I add it to sugar free pudding and yogurt and never even notice it's there.
  12. After doing the required things for your depression ( therapy, changing your Meds as you mentioned in a previous pos) it's time to work on your diet lifestyle changes. Your sleeve is just a tool, and your honeymoon phase is over, now you have to work hard to lose weight and maintain the loss. First, do you still feel a restriction from your sleeve? If not you mAy want to consider the 5 or 10 day pouch reset diet, you can do a search for it online and come up with allot of references to it, but it basically starts you out on liquids again for a few days and then you progress thru food stages again for 5 or 10 days. And it's like a reset for your sleeve. Don't get too excited it won't make you lose like you did right after surgery, it just a way of resetting your diet again and feeling the restriction of your sleeve again. Next start tracking everything you eat somehow, I use my fitness pal because it's a free app and I always have it on my phone, once you make yourself do it for about a week it becomes second nature to track all your foods and myfitnesspal has a pretty good library of foods to search that gives you all the nutritional information of what your eating. And it will set your calories for you as far as what you should be eating in order to lose weight each week. Next make sure you get back to eating all your protein first everyday, shoot for 80-100 grams of protein a day, if you do this you don't have allot of room for much else except some veggies and your restriction keeps you from overeating too much. But sticking to your protein is essential for your health Nd your weight loss Next avoid carbs, no pasta, potatoes, chips, rice, crackers, candy, cookies, ice cream, white flours, etc ( you know what the bad foods are by now) Next get back to drinking all your water at least 64 oz water a day, this is also essential to weight loss, if you don't like water flavor it with mio drops or drink crystal light or decaf tea or power axe sugars free or Gatorade zero just make sure your getting at least 64 oz of sugar free calorie free caffeine free liquid daily Last I know you mentioned in a previous post that you have to pay for an appt with your nutritionist but if you struggle with these guidelines it may be worth the money to get a plan together to get back on track. The weight will not come off as quickly as did after surgery, it will be a little harder to take off this time, but if you work hard, if you do all these things and are committed to it, it will come off and you will be successful.i know you can do this, you have already come through so much, so reach down inside and find the strength to buckle down and follow these guidelines to change your lifestyle for life. These are not temporary changes, they are the things you will have to do to maintain your weight loss permanately, for some of us it is that way, we have to really work at it. But you can do it, make the changes and commit to making them your permanent lifestyle. Best of luck!
  13. Frenchie1977

    No drinking with meals?

    Yes it makes your food get watered down and slide through your pouch or stomach to quickly which not only leads to you getting hungrier quicker but to you possibly not getting all the nutrients from your food as possible, it's really important to follow this rule.
  14. Frenchie1977

    Protein ISSUES

    Have you tried the Genepro unflavored protein? It is virtually flavorless, can go in hot or cold things and packs allot of protein, I find that it doesn't taste bad like the other unflavored proteins.
  15. Frenchie1977

    Preparation and Recovery

    The first part of your question depends on your surgeon and his pre-op requirements, if he requires a pre-op diet then obviously you would not be able to do it that quick, usually the pre-op diet is required to make the surgery safer for you. Second that would most likely not be enough time off work. I would look to plan ahead a little more, this is a major surgery. Not just a minor procedure.
  16. I went into this thinking I was gonna have to do three months medically supervised weight loss, then last week I found out that I have no supervised weight loss required and just a few appointments to take care of. Those appointments are scheduled for this week. My patient advocate says I can have surgery next month as my insurance normally approves in a week. At first I was really excited that I didn't have to wait months for surgery as I have been doing nothing for the last month but reading about it and participating on these boards. But now that October is drawing close and I have so little left to do I feel like it's all happening really fast and I'm getting nervous. Maybe all the people that have to wait months have a good thing, I don't know maybe it's just my nerves getting the best of me. Or maybe I should give myself a few extra weeks to schedule surgery, I just don't know
  17. Frenchie1977

    Cooking book

    I have two on my list to buy, they were recommended to me so I guess they are second hand recommendations, they are Recipes for life after weight loss surgery by Margaret Furtado and The Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies I hope that one or both fits your needs
  18. I am not sure what if any decision you have made about this yet but I am going to have to blatantly disagree with most of the posters here. First of all you being obese yourself gives you a unique perspective that gives you the ok light to talk about weight with your daughter, but second and this is the most important, I really wish someone had told me when I was 24 what I was doing to myself. I had PCOS and didn't know it, I didn't know how my weight would affect my fertility, I struggled for years desperately wanting to have children and never could. Last year I finally gave in and had a hysterectomy. And now this year finally at 39 I am having WLS. But imagine what my life would have been like if my father (who also had WLS) would have sat me down and said you should really consider this. I may have lost the weight then, I may have had children, I may not have regretted all those years of pain and miscarriages and infertility. Talk to your daughter, you may change her life.
  19. I was just going to suggest Cleveland Clinic, they are the best and they teach everyone else how to do these procedures, may require the traveling but it is well worth it, my father had his bypass there and he swears by them
  20. So my mom keeps acting like she knows everything about me having the sleeve because 8 years ago my dad had gastric bypass and she went through that with him. I keep trying to explain to her that they are not the same things. Her biggest negative comments are that I will still crave junk food and that I will be super depressed because I can't have said junk food, and she really cannot get it out of her head that I am not as likely to have dumping syndrome as my father was with his surgery. I live with my parents so my mom just won't give it a rest the closer and closer I get to surgery. I finally told her that I don't want to talk to her at all about the surgery anymore because she is just upsetting me. Am I being over sensitive here? Should I let her continue or was I right to put my foot down?
  21. Frenchie1977

    Am I being too sensitive?

    @@KristenLe thanks for the response, I think it will be ok, we eat different foods already and shop separately from each other mostly already, so if she starts to grind on my nerves about what I'm eating I can just tell her to leave me alone lol, it's not like I eat her cooking.
  22. Frenchie1977

    Am I being too sensitive?

    Yes she technically is obese although not nearly as bad as my father and I she is considered obese by BMI standards
  23. Frenchie1977

    Am I being too sensitive?

    Yes, although my father has done well with keeping the weight off, I have learned from him why it is so important to get all your protein in and take all your vitamins. He has never been good at these things and he struggles now with a constant lack of energy, always feeling weak, and just generally always wanting to sleep. But aside from that, there is not a whole lot for my mom to throw at me the way she has been trying to, she does it with my brother too, he had the lap band and she constantly tries to compare that to what my father did when they are not even remotely similar. Maybe it's just me and letting my mother get under my skin too much lol
  24. Frenchie1977

    Am I being too sensitive?

    She doesn't really offer solutions lol she just offers all the negatives and keeps saying she just wants me to be prepared and she worries about how bad I'm going to feel
  25. I don't mind sharing my story in any way asked of me, I should be having my surgery around the end of next month or early November at the latest. I am not a big Twitter fan but I would be willing to do you tube videos or whatever really.

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