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Posts posted by Shirleyd90

  1. I too thought the balloon was the answer for me...NO!

    lost about 30 lbs and put it right back on. I had to address my eating addiction first. I have been doing Keto for almost a year and have lost a solid 40 lbs. eating addiction is real!! Good luck, the balloon isn’t the answer and a big waste of money.

  2. Had the balloon in 2016. I paid 7,000. It was terrible. Vomitted for 3 days straight. After that I had severe stomach cramping for months. My stomach soon got used to the ballon so I ate as much as I wanted. After the balloon is removed you end up with a large space in your stomach and guess what that is filled up with? Yep food!!!

    It is a terrible waste of money. It doesn’t get to the root of the problem which is why I over eat.

    I lost only 18 lbs. I have been doing the Keto diet for 5 months now. It is hard but is helping me get over the emotional eating problems. I have lost 25 lbs doing Keto.

    I honestly think this was a good idea in the beginning but now think they should take this procedure off the market. Good luck to any one deciding to get the balloon. It is an expensive waste of money!

  3. I unfortunately had the balloon in 2016. I lost a total of 20 pounds mostly in the beginning. After I had it removed I immediately gained back the 20 pounds. After it is removed you have a big void in your stomach which was immediately replaced with over eating. To this day I am a bit embarrassed that I spent so much money on a procedure that did not work. I am now on the Keto diet and have lost nearly as much as I did with the balloon. Best of luck to you.

  4. Please think it through. It was complete waist of money! If you don’t get to heart of why you over eat in he first place you will gain the weight back.

    I vomitted for three days after the balloon was placed. I only lost about 25 lbs in six months. It was embarrassing after all the hype and telling everyone about the procedure only to fail once again. Please please think it through!!

  5. Yes I remember you and haven't replied to anything on this page since my balloon was put in last July 30. My experience with the balloon was unlike others. I was not really successful only losing about 20 to 25 pounds. Those pounds that I lost were lost in the first month and a half when I was horribly sick with stomach cramping and nausea. The last three months with a balloon it did absolutely nothing for me I didn't even notice it was there. I was very disappointed and embarrassed after spending $7000 on a procedure that did not work for me. And since getting the balloon out in January I have gained quite a bit of it back, I really am not getting on the scale. I would not recommend this procedure to anyone that did not first address the battle that goes on in our minds trying to lose weight, it is not a quick fix. I wish you all the best and I will keep my eye on the forum to see how you do, best of luck the second time around.

  6. Hello there, here is my testimony. I had the balloon placed July 26, 2016. I am now half way into the six month period with the balloon. The first 3 days was aweful! Almost constant vomiting until I finally started using the patch for nausea. The first 8 weeks or so I had a lot of cramping. Had to watch and learn what my body needed. Some days I had to lay down and massage my belly due to cramps. I never regretted the procedure.

    I am now half through and actually don't feel the balloon much any more. I have learned to put on my fit bit every day and have a goal of 10,000 steps a day. If I accomplish these steps each day I lose weight, period. With the help from the balloon and daily steps, which can be tough some days, I hope to lose the weight I had hoped. I have lost 23 lbs so far and life is good. Nothing and I do mean nothing, feels better then being able to put pants on and have them so loose! :) would I do it again? Yes!! I have three months to go :)

    And thanks again to @waywardtraveler. You have helped me more then you know!

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  7. #waywardtraveler

    I am so glad you checked it to let us know how your removal went! You have truly been an inspiration for me right from the start when you suggested the patch for nausea. I have looked forward to all of your comments. The balloon seems like it was the right choice for you.

    Here's where I am as of this morning. The doctor I found to do the procedure is a bone-head. His office has called me a total of one time in almost three months. The after patient care has been terrible! I called him Friday because I have had diarrhea for three weeks now. It is not an all day problem but I have very runny loose stools every single morning. I have been taking Imodium daily. I called his cell phone and he told me now to worry about it! Really?

    It will be three months on October 26. I am still stuck on 20 lbs but......I am learning what to eat, how to eat, and how much to eat. I know I will lose more in the last three months. It has been an interesting experience so far. If it wasn't for the diarrhea I would be very happy at this point.

    Please check in from time to time and let us know how your are doing, I always look forward to your post!

    Best of luck to you on your continued and very successful weight loss journey!!


  8. Ok so I've had my Orbera Gastric Balloon since July 26. I have lost 15 pounds most being in the beginning when I was so sick. I am seriously getting really discouraged. I am 55-years old so I'm thinking I am fighting menopause and trying to lose weight at the same time. I have tried a combination of things to get this going. I have tried eating a big healthy Breakfast around 10 or 11 and have also tried no breakfast and a larger lunch and very little dinner. I also constantly struggle with cramping! If I eat something that doesn't agree with me I am in big trouble with cramps. The only thing that helps is laying down and massaging my stomach, it helps. I also get bloated quite a bit. I drink a lot of Water every single day, no pop or anything carbonated due to cramps.

    So if any of you have any suggestions as to what I may being doing wrong please help. I seriously fight for every pound! I really need to get on track with some kind of eating plan so I can start losing weight! I only have 4 months left and my results are so much lower then I expected. What am I doing wrong!!!!

    Thanks balloon friends!

  9. I am one month in. I get no support from my doc. After the first two days I called him requesting the patch, I had to remind him of who I was and which procedure I had!! Whaaat??? The weight is coming off very slowly, sometimes I feel discouraged but I do have a ton of family and friends support. They remind me it isn't about the number instead it's about health. I am 55, still play volleyball and am very active. I started at 226 and after a month I am st 216. The only problem I have now is cramping. Best of luck to you!

  10. I never had any problems with burping. I vommited for 4 days then had problems with cramping and yes hunger pains. I'm now three weeks in and am feeling really good. Went horseback riding on Mackinac Island last weekend, I thought it would be risky but it wasn't bad. I think everyone will have their own journey you just need to figure out what works and doesn't work for you. Good luck

  11. It's very possible I'm not eating enough. I haven't lost any weight since the first week so my mind is telling me to stop eating. Yesterday and today I have eaten More so we shall see what happens. Hunger feels different with the balloon, I get sick to my stomach. How about you!

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