Sounds like you have a good plan SCHEWY. Most of the guys here in Houston have had more problems with their body armor being too big than with the incisions. One deputy had a problem with the hard plates rubbing against his port for a while, but he padded the incision and once it healed completely up he has had no problems. The biggest problem that most of us face now is getting new body armor that fits. We have heard that there is someone who can cut the panels down to size, but I think I will buy my own new armor before trusting that cutting does not affect the overall protection.
I went back to work in a week. I have been having problems with my port incision closing up (it leaks) but they have given me a heavy round of antibiotics and promise that it will be alright in a week or so. In the meantime I keep it covered with thick gauze pads to prevent it from leaking on my gear.
I have lost 26 pounds so far and feel great. More energy, less meds for the diabetes and high blood pressure. The uniform has become very loose and I am able to get in and out of the car so much quicker. The surgery itself was no big deal, and except for the liquid diet for the first week, I could have gone back to work after a day or so. You just need to keep the wounds clean and they will heal up pretty fast. Follow your diet and get everyone to help and support you. You will be astonished by the people who will give their support and want to know all about the procedure. It was the best move I could have ever made to improve my life.