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Here I Go!

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Here I Go!

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  • Birthday 05/01/1968

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    Family, horses, photography
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  1. Happy 45th Birthday Here I Go!!

  2. Happy 44th Birthday Here I Go!!

  3. :thumbup: Hi Everyone! Has anyone had a problem eating chocolate or peanut butter since banded? I'm wondering if it is what's giving me terrible heart burn and/or gas? I know I shouldn't even be eating it, but at Easter I just couldn't resist!!! OOPS! I never noticed heartburn or problems with gas before?
  4. Here I Go!

    Chocolate Anyone?!

    :thumbup: Hi Everyone! Has anyone had a problem eating chocolate or peanut butter since banded? I'm wondering if it is what's giving me terrible heart burn and/or gas? I know I shouldn't even be eating it, but at Easter I just couldn't resist!!! OOPS! I never noticed heartburn or problems with gas before?
  5. :cursing: I am 4 weeks post op and I started on solids last week - slowly. I have had this pain between my ribs sometimes when I eat. It usually only lasts 10 seconds or so. Does it mean that something is getting stuck there? If I take a drink it seems to help. I also get "throat pain" (I call it) in the back of my throat sometimes after I eat. Is it gas pains? I have never had gas before surgery, but I seem to have a lot now. I feel like I want to burp all the time after I eat. Has anyone else had this problem? My chest and back feels tight a lot of the time, what can I do???!!!
  6. WoW! I made it through surgery and so far 5 days post surgery! I was so nervous! I have had a rough go these last few days! I got the flu and was down with that for 3 days, fever, chills, no energy, gas pain TERRIBLE and last but not least nausea and throwing up! Talk about HELL! I am finally among the living today and feeling like I am going to make it - YEH!!!!:thumbdown: I am excited for my new journey and I love reading all of your posts. I had surgery in Blackfoot, ID by Dr. Avila and was very impressed with him and the staff. I came home the same day. The gas pain in my chest is finally gone (I have to say that is probably the worst part!) and of course the flu! My stomach is sore, like I have done a lot of crunches, but other than that I am feeling great today! 218/198/135

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