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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by modernwife

  1. Hello Everyone ~ I am a 45 year old woman who had her lap band put in about 6 years ago. I've lost a total of 58 pounds. Oh by the way, my band has a capacity of 9.75 cc's. Before Monday, May 18, I had 3cc in my lap band. On Monday my regular's doctor colleague gave me flurry/under the xray thingy and told me he needed to remove the liquid in my band because my esophasgus was dilated. I was so upset that I couldn't even speak. I called my regular doctor and he is calling me next week after he review my file. Long story made longer...After going home and thinking about it. My doctor's colleague never told me what I should eat or when I can get filled again. Has anyone gone through an issue of a dilated esophagus? Any insight would help - Greatly appreciated, ~zagagirl~
  2. Hello everyone, I am a 44 year old woman who had lapband surgery in 2002. Initially, I went in weighing 290 pounds - I lost 80 pounds... Starting in 2004-to today, I gained most of my weight back. Also have had 3 lapband fills. I am so disgusted with myself. I now weigh 265 pounds. I'm so embarassed to see my doctor again. Is anyone experiencing what i have experiencing now?
  3. modernwife

    Dilated Esophagus - My Band was unfilled!!!

    Thank you for your response... The symtoms are that my Esophagus is dilated.. like stretched out.
  4. modernwife

    Liquid Vitamins...???

    Good evening everyone.... *smiles* ... going for my 3rd fill... and I know I'm going to need to take liquid Vitamins... any reccomendations? ZagaGirl
  5. Hello Beautiful People! Tomorrow Dr.Rantis will be tightening up my band... I am happy...nervous...anxious...and scared!!!...most importantly... I want thank you ladies for helping me get this point...thank you...thank you so much *hugs*. My goal is... Find out how much is inside of me Request 25% more of a fill And began my weight loss again! I want more energy! I can't live with this weight anymore. I will make sure to give you an update on my progress. ZagaGirl
  6. modernwife

    unsuccessful lapband results

    Hey MsTrina - Congrats on the fill today *hugs* - You are such a good person - God Bless You Woman. I will follow up w/you after my fill on june 17 *hugs*
  7. I can't believe I waited so long to get my 3rd fill appointment.... I'm so happy I'm doing it .. but scared I won't be able to eat.... Tell me how many CC's do you have? ZagaGirl
  8. Wow that's great... congratulations.... I can't wait to begin losing wait again. Hope you have a great evening!
  9. Initially I lost 60 and gained 45 back :rolleyes2: but this is going to change~
  10. I want to lose 100 pounds! In the last couple of months I have been kicking myself to get help... but now I feel better that I'm going on Tuesday June 17 to get my band tightnen. As soon as I know how much they originally put in me, I will post it. How are you doing? ZagaGirl
  11. modernwife

    Types of Lap Bands

    I'm out to search the types of Lap Bands out there and find out what type I have...Note I was Banded in 12/02. Lost initially...gained... about 20 pounds less since I had my banding.
  12. modernwife

    Types of Lap Bands

    I'm out to search the types of Lap Bands out there and find out what type I have...Note I was Banded in 12/02. Lost initially...gained... about 20 pounds less since I had my banding.
  13. modernwife

    unsuccessful lapband results

    MsTrina... Thank you for clearing up Telecia post regarding the evaportation. I really appreciate you posting and advising us on the evaporation.... We will have continue our conversations... When you have a moment, let me know how you are doing... *hugs* .... Have a great day... I will be back online tonight. ZagaGirl :biggrin:
  14. modernwife

    unsuccessful lapband results

    Hello everyone.... I just never knew there were different types of bands... I am going to do some research on it. Also, I don't know very much about the evaporation in the band... but will also do research on that and post it the link to the information I find. On that note, I weighed at weight watchers from last week I gained 2 pounds. I know why... because I know I'm going to have the bad tightnen on Tuesday June 17 and I want to eat what I like -- I know this is wrong... but I just have to take one day at a time..... Lets do it together! ZagaGirl *hugs*:teeth_smile:
  15. modernwife

    unsuccessful lapband results

    Hello and thank you for teaching me about the evaporation in the band. I had drifted off this site. Good news... I have an appointment to tightnen up my band on June 17, 2008. We will keep in touch. Thanks again. zagagirl

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
