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Posts posted by RedCheeks

  1. I just filled out the online form at https://insurenutrition.com

    I hope cigna covers it. I requested caramel since I can vanilla or chocolate at the store. Does anyone know how it taste compare to powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury? I don't like chocolate but the Unjury chocolate tastes great!

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

    i find the caramel very sweet and butterscotchy tasting. For me, this is one I made pudding with, instead of drinking straight generally, as it is my least favorite of the four I have.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    I found it in Walmart the other day and tried it. I love it. I think it taste so good.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  2. I just filled out the online form at https://insurenutrition.com

    I hope cigna covers it. I requested caramel since I can vanilla or chocolate at the store. Does anyone know how it taste compare to powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury? I don't like chocolate but the Unjury chocolate tastes great!

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  3. Has anyone tried getting Premier shakes free from insurenutrician.com? I was happy to find that my insurance covers them so I now get them free.

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

    I'm so glad you mentioned this. I'm going to look into this before in stay buying all my shakes and Protein. Fingers crossed. What insurance carrier do you have?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

    I have Cigna. Good luck to you!!!

    Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App

    Thats excellent, so do I

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  4. Just checking in on everyone. Had my surgery on 12/19/2016. Started out 266, after 3 day clear liquid I lost down to 255 on the day of surgery I was 260. It has been 72 hours later, and I am down 10lbs already. I'm not hurting in any of my incision sites, my pain is my soar throats from the intubation. But I have been gargling with salt and it's just now feeling better. Nervous about getting on the scale to see where I am. I have decided to only weigh in once a week.

    QUESTION: is anyone having trouble getting all of this Fluid in each day? I am supposed to start drinking at 8AM AND FINISH BY 8PM, but I get so full and can't consume everything The said to drink on the meal sheet. Any advice???

    attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1482388678.964117.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Intubation? They stuck a tube fown your throat? I'm sorry i didn't know they had to do that? Is that normal?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

    Yeah, completely normal. If you're under general anesthesia, you'll be intubated.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Thanks, i didn't realize that. That's scary. But i guess is necessary

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  5. Quick question.. any one of you all had to do a 90 day weight loss program as a requirement from the insurance? If so, what was it like? & how soon after were you able to schedule your surgery date?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I had to do 90 days, i saw a nutritionist once a month. Each appointment she taught me something new. I weighed in and then we discussed the changes i needed to make in my diet in phases. Each appointment was more information. I gained weight the 1st month like 6 lbs. Then I lost the same 6 lbs by the end of the 90 days. She was great.

    But according to my surgeons office there's no magic number. The reason for the surgery is because we already have difficulties losing weight to begin with. I think I was harder on myself than she was. But it was a big eye opener. I loved my NUT. I cried on my last visit. Every thing was all of a sudden real.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  6. Just checking in on everyone. Had my surgery on 12/19/2016. Started out 266, after 3 day clear liquid I lost down to 255 on the day of surgery I was 260. It has been 72 hours later, and I am down 10lbs already. I'm not hurting in any of my incision sites, my pain is my soar throats from the intubation. But I have been gargling with salt and it's just now feeling better. Nervous about getting on the scale to see where I am. I have decided to only weigh in once a week.

    QUESTION: is anyone having trouble getting all of this Fluid in each day? I am supposed to start drinking at 8AM AND FINISH BY 8PM, but I get so full and can't consume everything The said to drink on the meal sheet. Any advice???

    attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1482388678.964117.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Intubation? They stuck a tube fown your throat? I'm sorry i didn't know they had to do that? Is that normal?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  7. So I finally got the insurance approval. Finished everything they told me. I have my surgery schedule for Jan 19th, God willing. 22 days to go.

    Omg, this is really happening?! I'm so grateful that this is really happening for me. I can't believe it.

    So I have to be on an all liquid diet prior to the surgery for 2 whole weeks. So after new years, I'm gonna try to cut back as much solid food as possible to hopefully help the transition to all liquids only. I hope I don't mess up.

    I'm so sick of hearing about how people fail. And put all the weight back on.

    I know I've done bad these last few weeks. Nov 22 was the 3 yr anniversary of my Step Moms death, I was a little down. And last week was the 1 year anniversary of my uncles death. But worst of all, my sister inlaw was in a coma since the beginning of Dec and we found out she was brain dead & she passed away last Tuesday on the 20th of December. Her funeral was last night. As if saying good by to a sister wasn't tough enough. My uncle on my father's side died on Christmas morning.

    Not that it is an excuse, but I haven't been eating well. And I'm mad at myself, but I'm going to get it back together.

    Is anyone else having surgery in January?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  8. I'm more than six years out. I still have a huge amount of restriction. I eat a few ounces of Protein, my veggies, and some carbs at a meal. I still can't drink when I eat. I still forget to eat because I don't feel hungry.

    If I ate utter crap, I could gain. We all could. But last year I lost fourteen pounds. Five years out, I lost more weight, effortlessly.

    My sleeve works. Because it's the same size it was roughly a year out. So my ability to work it is what it comes down to, and I've done it all, including having a child post op.

    The stats also say a lot of us will only lose 50% of our excess weight, but we prove that wrong all the time.

    Sent from my XT1254 using the BariatricPal App

    I noticed you said you had a child post op... how long did you wait? I want 2 have 1 more child, but at 270 i want this surgery. My fear is gaining all the weight back again. And then it would all be for nothing.

    What was pregnancy like?

    How much did you gain during pregnancy?

    How much did the baby weight?

    Did you go full term?

    Did you lose all the pregnancy weight, how?

    Was it harder?

    How much have you lost since day one 6 years ago.?

    What's your current weight?

    I'm sorry for a million questions. I'm choosing the sleeve as opposed to RNY because i want to have a baby in 2 to 3 years.

    Can you message me? I'd love to pick your brain?

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  9. My name is Mel, I am 31 years old & I have just finished all my requirements prior to submitting my Prior Authorization request to Insurance.

    Before I do, I have to tell my patient advocate if I want the Rouxen-Y or the Sleeve. I am a little unsure.

    I am 270 lbs, 5'3", I am at my highest. I am lucky to have an insurance plan that covers WLS at 90%.

    I recently entered into a relationship with a great man and her is very supportive of my choice to do this. However, recently the topic of children came up.

    Now, I had my tubes tied 7 years ago and I have 2 boys ages 7 & 11. He, however, does not have any children. And he wants to have 1, just 1.

    Now I have read online how you should wait between 12-18 months post surgery before you try to have a baby. And I am currently researching TR & IVF options. I am doing all the research now so I know what I am getting into.

    I am wondering, has anyone else ever gone through this situation? If so, I am wondering, if I am planning to have a baby later is it best for me to....

    1. Rouxen-Y or the Sleeve?

    2. Whats the weight gain like? will I regret it?

    3. Will I be able to nourish an unborn baby adequately?

    4. Will getting pregnant cause damage to my existing WLS?

    5.... is there anything else I should consider?

    Any feed back is greatly appreciated. I really want to be able to make a good choice before I decide which surgery to go with.

  10. Thanks for all your support everyone. I know I'm not getting enough Protein. I'm trying to change that. I need to work harder these next 2 weeks before I see my NUT again.

    My family says they support me. But clearly not enough to change their own eating or stop bringing donuts into the house.

    It's really frustrating. Every one says don't you have will power? Just don't eat it.

    I wish it were that easy. If it were, I wouldn't be here in this position to begin with. I quit smoking cold turkey a few months ago. I think that made the eating worse. But it was easier, because I avoid being around people who smoke. And I don't buy the cigarettes any more. I still am temped when I go to the gas station to buy a pack when I go inside. But I rarely walk inside, I usually pay at the pump.

    But hunger is a worse feeling. And no on buys a pack of cigarettes and puts them on the kitchen counter. They do buy Krispy Kreme donuts and do that.

    But I'm gonna try harder. I really need this to work. I had a dream last night that all my stomach skin was stretched down to my knees and it scared me. I need a change, before it gets any worse.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  11. So I've had to do this 90 day diet before I can request prior authorization, and my nutritionist pretty much put me on what she says "Phase 1" to what eating is going to be like.

    No sugar

    no starches

    no soda

    Trying to put my fork down after every bite and waiting before I eat

    Chewing longer.

    Smaller Bites

    Don't drink while I eat. Wait an hour.

    Among some of the stuff in working on.

    I've even tried the unjury Protein shake the nutritionist gave me, and I'm still hungry.

    BTW the strawberry sorbet was really, blah. I have a vanilla one to try out still, we'll see. I've looked into Isopure Zero Carb Protein shakes, too, not too sure. I just wish, drinking the shake would make me feel full. But it doesn't, I'm still hungry. And I just feel worried.

    I know this is all what lies ahead. But eating sucks right now. I feel like food is no longer enjoyable. I'm hungry all the time. I crave sugar more. I feel so guilty for wanting to eat junk. I want to succeed. But I feel like I'm going to fail.

    Why is it so hard to eat less and make healthier choices?! Why do I find it so hard to be in the same house as Donuts!?

    I feel so pathetic. Is it bad that I want dumping syndrome. So that I am less likely to eat that garbage. So I'll regret it and pay for it if I ever decide to eat what I'm not supposed to.

    I know that my thinking is all messed up right now. But I see it as......

    Have you ever had too much of that one liquor that just made you puke your guts out and traumatized you from ever drinking it again? (Bacardi Limón, NEVER AGAIN )

    Well if only sugar could do that to me. Make me sick enough to hate it. That would be fantastic!

    Is there anyone who can relate?

    I haven't told anyone but my mom and 3 friends about surgery, but they aren't really supportive, after hearing surgery horror stories. I feel alone in this.

    I'm so scared that I'll get the sleeve and still want to eat like this. And that I'll just gain it all back. That I'm gonna fail.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  12. So I've had to do this 90 day diet before I can request prior authorization, and my nutritionist pretty much put me on what she says "Phase 1" to what eating is going to be like.

    No sugar

    no starches

    no soda

    Trying to put my fork down after every bite and waiting before I eat

    Chewing longer.

    Smaller Bites

    Don't drink while I eat. Wait an hour.

    Among some of the stuff in working on.

    I've even tried the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein shake the nutritionist gave me, and I'm still hungry.

    BTW the strawberry sorbet was really, blah. I have a vanilla one to try out still, well see. I've looked into Isopure Zero Carb Protein shakes, too, not too sure. I just wish, drinking the shake would make me feel full. But it doesn't, I'm still hungry. And I just feel worried.

    I know this is all what lies ahead. But eating sucks right now. I feel like food is no longer enjoyable. I'm hungry all the time. I crave sugar more. I feel so guilty for wanting to eat junk. I want to succeed. But I feel like I'm going to fail.

    Why is it so hard to eat less and make healthier choices?! Why do I find it so hard to be in the same house as Donuts!?

    I feel so pathetic. Is it bad that I want dumping syndrome. So that I am less likely to eat that garbage. So I'll regret it and pay for it if I ever decide to eat what I'm not supposed to.

    I know that my thinking is all messed up right now. But I see it as......

    Have you ever had too much of that one liquor that just made you puke your guts out and traumatized you from ever drinking it again? (Bacardi Limón, NEVER AGAIN )

    Well if only sugar could do that to me. Make me sick enough to hate it. That would be fantastic!

    Is there anyone who can relate?

    I haven't told anyone but my mom and 3 friends about surgery, but they aren't really supportive, after hearing surgery horror stories. I feel alone in this.

    I'm so scared that I'll get the sleeve and still want to eat like this. And that I'll just gain it all back. That I'm gonna fail.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  13. I only told a handful of friends and family members pre surgery. Post surgery if someone asked who I knew had it, or I knew might be interested I would tell them. If it was just some random person saying "how did you do it?!" I would say "diet and exercise" which is true.

    I'm 2.5 years out now. I took a new position at work 9 months after my surgery and suddenly I was always around new people who never knew the old me. Now I may make references to losing weight but I never go into a lot details how how or how much. I'm not trying to hid it per say, that's just not my life anymore and I don't want to bring it up constantly. There are plenty of old pictures on Facebook so I figure people can go look for themselves if they really want to.

    I agree with your approach. If I had a c-section, breast implants, a mastectomy, Tummy Tuck, gallbladder removal or a transplant surgery I would not just volunteer that information. Why would WLS be any different. My personal health information is private and not public knowledge.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  14. Keep in mind, most insurance companies stipulate Medically supervised in order to approve the surgery. As a previous poster mentioned, most Nutritionist associated with Bariatric programs, are considered medically supervised. But choosing a dietitian, may not do the trick for insurance. Just double check before you spend the money.

    Well I was going to go with the nutritionist the program offers. I will call them tomorrow.

    Like KristenLe said, I just feel like they will prepare me for what I will be eating post surgery. I don't feel like this doctor did anything at all.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

  15. My initial psych test had about 400 questions. I thought the questions about "hearing voices, being spied on, and people are stealing my thoughts!" were hilarious. It made the test go by quickly. The actual psychologist just spoke with me casually about family, relationships, basic stuff like that.

    "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "

    I get why they ask those questions though. I have an aunt who is Schizophrenic & Bipolar, she hears voices and and says she's being watched and that the mafia is trying to kill her. She's one of the people who would mark yes on the test.

    Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App

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