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Everything posted by candywls

  1. Yesterday I got a call from the surgeons office and they gave me a surgery date!! August 22nd is the date! I am nervous, excited, anxious and all over the place. I reached my goal weight of 320 two weeks ago and gained 10 lbs since then. (food funeral) Now I have to drop 10 + lbs in three weeks. I started the Protein shake diet today and hoping to drop the weight fast... I have help for the first 4 days after surgery. I have asked around and many people have given me different answers for after care. Some people say they needed full time help for 2-3 weeks and some said they were doing normal activities around the house and driving after only a few days...Its confusing so im just going to play it by ear and keep my family on stand by. I am so anxious for this new life...How long did it take you before people around you started to see results?
  2. I am having surgery August 22nd I'll join your support group if you made one.
  3. For the past month and some change I have been following a strict pre op diet consisting of 1 meal a day and two Protein shakes. I lost 28 lbs in 40 days and worked really hard. Dealt with everyday headaches and still am. The program requires that once I reach 5 lbs within goal weight I get weighed at a Kaiser facility and speak to a psychologist, get my chart reviewed by the surgeon and get scheduled. The scheduling person told me a week ago I I hurry and lose the last few pounds I can be scheduled for August well one week later today I speak to her and told her i reached my weight goal and she tells me the doctor is on vacation and he's all booked for August and I need to wait till september to have surgery This is so discouraging because im afraid of gaining weight. I've been waiting for so long and im just frustrated at this point. It seems like this process is never ending and with my luck I have a feeling something else might stall the process. Anyone else experience difficulties during the wait time of getting surgery date? or weight gain?
  4. candywls


    @@Tyani thanky you yes, you did! you are very right about that. I guess in the moment I felt a level of dissapointment because I want this so bad and i've been working so hard and I feel like they're dangling it over my head at this point lol but I am gonna try my best to keep the weight off and even lose more....good luck on your journey too #SeptemberBuddies
  5. I am on my third week of my pre op diet and I've lost 25 lbs I am 2 pounds away from my goal weight and I cheated and over ate tonight. I am supposed to go to the DR tomorrow morning to get a check up and I know I effed up if I have any weight gain the moment I was done eating I regretted it. I was regretting it WHILE I was eating it but did it anyway. Tomorrow morning I'm definitely going to skip Breakfast and resume my pre op diet but I definitely feel discouraged rightnow because I cheated and I feel like if I can't change my habits now the surgery will be useless. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. candywls

    Cheated on pre op diet :(

    Thank you!! I jumped right back into it today. I hope it's out of my system. I weighed myself and didn't gain anything but I'm afraid it might reflect on the scale tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. candywls

    Cheated on pre op diet :(

    Thank you for your feedback you sound a lot like me too. I had a similar situation starting out. I began this process last year and dropped out for 6mos and decided to get back into it a month ago. Luckily I haven't gained any weight since last year I've lost and stayed there. I am doing this to get a surgery date it's so hard but I'm sticking with it this time because it's so close. I'd be a dummy not to take advantage of this opportunity. I also have the same fears as you. I wonder if this is the best idea being that I'm 24. I go to the Bariatric clinic and everyone around me is well over 35+ and I feel like everyone looks at me like really?! U have good health u need to do it on your own. Anyway I don't know if I'll have this good insurance the opportunity is here and I decided to stick with it. Good luck with your journey. You can do it Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. candywls

    Cheated on pre op diet :(

    I am new to this and I am not sure how to reply to the replies lol thank you for all of that feedback. I checked the scale this morning and didn't gain anything actually lost 1lb but I'm afraid tomorrow that might change and what I ate will reflect on the scale Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. candywls

    Cheated on pre op diet :(

    Thank you. I need to do the same. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I wouldn't skip breakfast. Drink plenty of fluids and admit your slip up. You've done extremely well so far! Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. candywls

    Cheated on pre op diet :(

    Thank you! I have been trying really hard Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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